Zelda x Child!Reader - Stay the Night

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Okay, I'll admit this isn't one of my best ones, but the others that will be coming out soon are much better in my opinion (I'm probably going to publish another one because I kinda feel bad about this one). It also wasn't exactly what was requested. I'm really sorry for that second part because the way they wanted it written wasn't how I would characterize these... well characters.

Even so, I hope you all enjoy. This was requested by paultiteuf360.


"I forgot just how much I hate winter..." A young child whispered while gazing into a window. Inside, you could see the empty but warm throne room of the castle. Yes, you were in the castle's courtyard, and yes, you were completely trespassing. Still, you needed to get out of the cold. "Just one open window and I'm in..." Just then, footsteps rounded the corner and entered the courtyard.

The princess was more than surprised to see a child in her garden at night in the middle of winter. Even so, Zelda was exceptional at composing herself in situations like this. She calmly lifted her chin and put on a carefully calculated frown. It wasn't too mean, but it also showed she meant business. "Excuse me. I hope you understand you are trespassing. I must ask you to leave."

"Crap..." You flinched at the sound of the princess's authoritative tone. Busted. Slowly, the adolescent turned to face the royal. "My bad?"

Zelda's scowl nearly broke into a smile when she saw how adorable you looked. Sure, you snuck onto castle grounds, but you were still a kid; Zelda's weakness. "Something tells me that you being here wasn't an accident."

"Possibly." You responded though Zelda said nothing. The woman was good at interrogations. As Sheik, she'd question people very often, so she knew how effective silence could be. But, you held your own. You never made eye contact, but your arm-crossed stance showed that you weren't intimidated.

"Strange... that usually works..." Zelda muttered to herself.

Finally, you spoke. "Look, if you really need to know, it's cold out, so I was going to break into your home. I'm surprised nobody's tried to do it before."

"Yes, well, most people possess rational thinking."

You laughed. "Yeah? Tell me how rational someone is when they've been disowned and kicked out onto the streets. C'mon, you can take in a couple strays, can't you?" You wondered; completely glossing over what you had just said.

Finally, Zelda allowed herself a solemn grin. "Alright, but only because you're so young." Then, she grabbed your hand and began pulling you along. Her hand was warm against your frozen palms. "Now, come with me before you freeze to death."

She guided you to the front of her palace and walked you right through the front door like it was a normal occurrence. The guards posted just outside didn't even say anything. Zelda pushed the door open for you and you entered first. "Stay quiet, okay?"

"Right, wouldn't wanna wake anyone..." You grumbled sarcastically, though you weren't really paying attention. You were too busy looking at the castle. It was dimly lit by candles along the carefully painted walls, and the floors were covered with soft, blue carpeting. It was much better being on the inside instead of watching from outside a window. It was also so much warmer. "I could get used to this..."

The large doors shut. "Try being a princess for a month. Then tell me how much you'd enjoy this."

Zelda made her way quietly to the kitchen with you close behind. The scent of sweet chocolate and warm dough hit your noses when you entered. "Who is baking so late at night?" You asked.

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