1:: New Kid

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Marina's pov

"Ugh..." I groaned as my alarm went off. Without looking at the black alarm clock that lived on my bedside table, I mashed random buttons until the beeping that I despised stopped.

Why was my alarm going off? I thought, but then it hit me- SCHOOL!

I quickly jumped out of bed and began my morning routine.

Damian's pov
Light flouded my room and I slowly opened my eyes, only to regret it the second I realized what was happening.
"Turn off the light!" I groaned as I stuffed my face back into my pillow.

"No can do lil d; it's school time! The time of the year where the teens go to school while the adults play," Came the annoying voice of Grayson.

"No," I grumbled.

"Come on little bird, it's your first day of the 11th grade!"


"Fine, I didn't wanna have to do this but I guess I have to," Grayson smirked as he walked to the foot of my bed and grabbed my ankles. In one quick movement I was on the floor. "Now get ready lil d! You don't want to be late!" He said as he closed my door and left me on the cold hard wood floor.

This is gonna be a long year.


Once I was ready and ate breakfast, I walked out the front doors of the manor and walked to the limo.

Marina pov
Once I was ready I walked out the front doors of my house and hopped into my dad's car.

"Ready for your first day?" My dad asked with a big smile plastered on his face.

I gave him a nervous smile in return and said, "ready as I'll ever be."

And with that we drove off to my new school, Gotham Academy.

Third person pov
Both Marina and Damian arrived at Gotham Academy at the same time.

Once they stepped out of their vehicles they both had similar thoughts in their heads.
Marina: here we go.
Damian: here we go again.

Marina pov
I walked out of the office after getting my class schedule and looked down at the paper.

1 period: homeroom
Teacher: Mrs. Cooper (rm. 203)
2 period: Science
Teacher: Mr. Allen (rm. 200)
3 period: history
Teacher: Mrs. Birch (rm. 105)
4 period: lunch
5 period: French
Teacher: Mrs. Tulipe (rm. 223)
6 period: gym
Teacher: Mr. Jameson
7 period: English
Teacher: Mrs. Smith (rm. 145)

The first period bell rang and the halls cleared as everyone rushed to homeroom. Leaving me alone in the halls to find my own way around this labyrinth of a school.


It was third period and I had finally found classroom 105. I quickly walked in and walked over to the teacher.

The teacher smiled at me, "Hello, I'm Mrs. Birch. You must be our new student, Marina Jackson."

"Yes I am. It's nice to meet you!" I returned the smile.

"You too," She looked around the room for a place for me to sit, as everyone had already taken their seats, "You can take a seat beside Mr. Wayne over there. Mr. Wayne please raise your hand!" She called over the noisy classroom.

In the back right corner of the room, beside a window, sat a raven haired boy with bright green eyes and an emotionless expression on his face. He raised his hand and I walked over to the table and sat down in the empty chair beside him.

"Hi. I'm Marina Jackson," I introduced myself.

"Damian Wayne," He replied, barely turning his head in my direction.

That's when it hit me, did he say Wayne!?

Damian pov
"Mr. Wayne please raise your hand!" The poor excuse of a teacher called out.

I looked to the front of the room and saw a girl I had never seen before. Must be new.

She had long blond hair, plump pink lips, and the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen. Around the edges of her irises was a dark blue, closer to the middle a bright green, and right in the center around her pupils were thin shards of brown shooting out from the center. They were absolutely mesmerizing.

Wait! What am I thinking!? She's just some stupid girl!

I raise my hand and the girl walked over to me and sat down.
She introduced herself, "Hi. I'm Marina Jackson." A beautiful name for a beautiful girl- ah! Stop it!

I turned my head slightly, and replied, "Damian Wayne." Then I looked up to the the front of the classroom, trying not to think about the girl sitting beside me.

Third person pov
The next few days went on like this. The two would say hi to each other, but that was it. They didn't converse unless it was completely necessary. But that would soon change as the first friday of the school year arrived.

Damian pov
I sat at my table in third period, and just like every other day, Marina came in, said hi to me, sat down, and that was it. Or so I thought.

Once everyone was seated the teacher stood up and said, "Class, today I am assigning you your first project of the school year," A series of groans where heard from around the classroom, "I know, I know, you all hate school work. But the assignment will be in partners. And this time you will be able to choose your partner." Uh oh.

As soon as she said this every girl in the class, who was single, looked at me. Well, every girl except for Marina.

The second Bethany Cade, the most popular girl in school, stood up out of her seat and started strolling towards me, the rest of the girls in the room turned away knowing that Bethany Cade always gets what she wants...Most of the time.

She strut over to me, swaying her hips seductively, and sat down in my lap. She put an arm around my shoulder and bit her bottom lip while looking me up and down, "So Dami... you wanna be my partner?" She asked in a seductive tone of voice. I was about to say 'no', but she cut me off and whispered in my ear, "if we get a good grade, ill give you a reward." I didn't even want to know what that "reward" was, even though I already had a pretty good idea.

I looked around the room trying to find someone who doesn't just want to be my partner so they can sleep with me.
My eyes landed on Marina, who was frowning probably because no one wanted to be her partner.

"I already have a partner," I said, pushing Bethany off of me.

She stood up and gave me a look of both disbelief and disappointment, "you do? Who?"


Marina looked at me with with wide eyes, as did Bethany.

"Her!?" "Me!?" They exclaimed at the same time.

I gave Marina pleading eyes. Then a look of realisation appeared on her face

"Oh...I mean, yeah me," Marina quickly said.

Bethany scoffed, "Whatever," And walked away.

"So...we're partners?"

I looked at Marina and nodded, "I guess so."

The teacher then stood back up and started to explain what the project is about.


After class I wrote my phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Marina, "Here."

She looked at the paper, then to me confusedly.

"It's for the project," I explained, "Text me what times are good for you to work on the project and we'll go from there."

She nodded, and I stood up, "see you later, Jackson." I walked away but not before hearing her say, "later, Wayne."

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