20:: B-R-O-K-E-N

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~Tim pov~
"Last night was...surprising." I said after the long silence between all of us beside Damian and Mari a, who were sleeping.
"I knew there would be a few bad memories because Damian was in the league of assassins, and Marina supposedly got killed by the joker...but Marina was going to kill herself. It must be way, way worse than we thought." Dick said in a worried tone.
We were all quiet again.

Then all of our attention snapped to Damian, who was just walking into the room.
There was something different about him. And that wasn't a good thing.
That confidence in each step he took, the cocky look he used to have on his face that just screamed that he thought he was better then everyone, and the look of pride in his eyes, were all gone. And I could tell everyone else noticed too.
We all stared with our mouths slightly agape at the unrecognizable teen in front of us.

The Damian Wayne was broken.

He sat down in his usual seat and stared at his plate with a tired expression on his face.
He didn't touch the food on his plate, he didn't look at any of us, and he didn't say a word.

" Damian..." Bruce said trailing off, not really knowing how to react to the situation.
"What happened last night?" Jason hesitantly finished for him.
Damian closed his eyes tightly, and something happened that shocked us all even more...a tear slid down his cheek.
"I'd rather wait for Marina to wake up so that I don't have to explain it twice. Besides... there's parts that only Marina can tell you. I-i wasn't there." He said with regret. His voice once held confidence and sincerity with every word he said. Now every word seemed like there was no point, like they didn't matter.
"Marina was going to kill herself." I said stating the obvious.
Damian looked at the wall in front of him. "And I don't blame her; if what happened to her happened to me I probably would too." He said, every word empty.
"You were saying-screaming things while you were sleeping." Dick said

Damian didn't say anything.

After a while Bruce said "You should eat."
Damian shook his head. "Not hungry."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I miss the old Damian.
The Damian that would make rude remarks about the things we do.
The Damian that would be especially  mean to me.
The Damian that wasn't this broken shell of a person. So sad and traumatized.

Then Marina walked in, and she was much worse than Damian.
Her eyes were red and puffy from crying all night, and there were dark purple circles under them. They were empty. Like she wasn't even there. Like her body had no soal.

Damian imediatly stood up and went to Marina, putting aside all his troubles so he could fully be there for her. Marina started crying and Damian engulfed her in a hug.
"It's ok, Mar. You're ok."
After a few seconds Damian pulled away from her and looked her in the eyes while holding onto her shoulders. "We're gonna need to tell every one about...what happened, Ok? Can you do that?" She nodded and sucked in a breath.
They sat down and looked at us.
"When we were younger..." Marina started.

•Time Skip•
•Third Person pov•
Bruce, Jason, Dick, and Tim all looked at the the youngest people in the room.
After learning what they had endured, they had no words.
Abuse, torture, death, resurection, and finally their minds whipped of all memorys of each other. They were ripped away from each other in such a cruel way, at such a young age.

"I had to watch as my best friend, had all memorys of me wracked from her mind. I had to watch as I became a complete stranger to her." Damian said sadly "When I woke up a week later, Mother told me that I got hurt during training. And I believed her because all my memorys of the previous years had been replaced. I just thought I had been training the whole time-"
"And my memorys were replaced to make me believe my father was how a father should be. They made me think I had been staying with him in Metropolise for the past few years, and that we just moved to Central. After about a month he told me he was a 'retired' assassin, and that he wanted to teach me a few self defence techneaks." Marina scoffed "No wonder I was such a 'naturel', I'd been trained by assassins for the past 3 years."

Everyone was quiet as the older vigilantes stared in amazement that they had gone through all that at such a young age, and in the span of three years.

Marina then stood up angrily and started walking out of the room. The others confusedly followed her.
They found her by the front door putting her shoes on.

"Where are you going?" Asked Damian
"Out." She replied
" Where?"
"To the grave yard." She stated simply and reached for the door handle.
" Why?"
Marina turned around and looked at her secret lover and newly refound best friend  with glossy eyes and a glare that could give the batglare a run for its money. "Because I cried over him! I cried for days! When I really should have been DANCING ON THAT ASSHOLES GRAVE!!!"
The tears in her eyes rolled down her cheeks. "He got me killed."
Without a word, Damian quickly put on his shoes and turned to Marina "Then I'm coming too."

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