9:: First Night.

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~Marina pov~
>9:45 pm<
I can't believe I had sex with Damian. I mean out of all the people in Gotham!? Ugh! I hate this. I'm not saying I regret it, and I'm not saying that if he offered to do it again I would say no, but everything is going to be awkward now.
I passed my room over and over again, thinking about the pros and cons of living with Damian. Then there was a knock at the door.
"Come in!" I called to the person at the door as I sat down on my bed.
Bruce walked in, crossed the door, and walked over to the foot of my bed. "Marina."
"Yes Bruce?"
"Since you are Sparrow, and are extremely skilled, I would like to invite you to be part of the batfamily."
This made me curious. Why would he want me, of all people, to be part of the batfamily? "I don't mean to be rude or anything. But why?" I asked
Bruce took a breath "Marina, since you are living here, and are now part of this family, I want you to be part of everything that comes with being in this family. And, as I have said, you are extremely skilled and would be a good addition to the batfamily."
I looked at him for a moment. Seems legit. "Sure."
He smiled a genuine smile and added "we will be leaving for patrol at 11. Before we leave I would like to ask you some questions though."
"Fine with me. Lead the way." I said standing up.
He took me down to the batcave and into an interrogation room. The rest of the family stood around the table, as I sat in the chair across from Bruce, who apart from me was the only other person sitting.
"Marina, we will each ask you one question." Said Bruce.

Bruce: Q: who trained you?
A: my dad.
Dick: Q: who was your dad?
A: a retired assassin.
Jason: Q: have you ever killed someone?
A: yes. But it was an accident.
Tim: Q: who did you kill?
A: I don't like talking about it.
Steph: Q: does anyone else know that you are Sparrow?
A: no.
Cass: Q: what skills do you have?
A: I am skilled in multiple different martial arts, I can back things easily, and I have been taught archery since I was five.

The next to ask a question was Damian. He didn't say anything, but I knew what he wanted to ask. Was it your first time?
"No. Was it yours?" I asked. Now everyone, besides Damian and i, was confused. Damian didn't ask anything so how could I answer him.
"No, it wasn't." He answered my question.
"Ok," Jason spoke up "either you two tell us what your talking about, or you stop doing things like this, 'cause it's kinda annoying."
"Jason." Bruce said sternly "If they want to have secrets, they can. Anyway, it's patrol time, suit up!" Bruce ordered, he then looked to me "Marina, I have asked Alfred to retrieve your uniform from your room." I smiled as a 'thank you' and was about to walk out of the small room when Bruce said something that will change my life forever. "Welcome to the batfamily."

Yep, I know it's short but I wanted to get all the 'welcome to the family' stuff out of the way so the characters can have a little more fun:)

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