5:: Interrogation.

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«Jason pov»


Dick walked up to my half asleep body that was walking into the stupidly huge room, with a huge cup of coffee. I quickly took it from him and chugged it. Once I was done I said a quick 'thank you' and sat at the table.
Not long after the demon spawn walked into the room.
"Good morning Damian," Bruce greeted him
"Mourning father," He replied.  While he sat down at the table Dick, Tim, and I watched his every move, seeing if he would give some sort of signal as to what he was doing last night.
"So, demon spawn, are you gonna tell us anything about last night?" I asked him.
He starred at me for a moment "nope."
"Oh come on! Please, little d?" Dick made a pouty face.
"No." He seemed set on his answer, luckily we have a plan. Since everyone in the house wants to know about last night, it didn't take much to convince Alfred. The second the word no left his lips a rag was stuck over his mouth. He immediately passed out.
"Operation steal Dami's thoughts is a go!" Dick shouted.
I rolled my eyes.

~The watchtower~
«Damian pov»
I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted with the justice league. I looked down and saw that I was tied to a chair, "No," Jason smirked, "I know what your thinking! Don't you dare!"
"'don't you dare' what?" Asked Wonder Woman
"They are gonna get Martian Manhunter to look into my mind and see what I was doing last night because I won't tell them." I said quickly before any of my brothers could cover my mouth.
"Batman! Why would you do such a thing?" She asked father.
"He won't tell us." Father stated.
WW (wonder woman) and I rolled our eyes.
"Well he's a teenager. And he needs to have his privacy. You can't just invade his mind because he won't tell you something!"
Everyone was silent.
"Father if it makes you feel any better...I'll let Martian Manhunter look at the memory so he can tell you that it wasn't dangerous. At least not in the way your thinking." I mumbled the last part so no one, except maybe superman, could hear.
"Fine. But I do expect you to tell me one day." I slightly chuckled at that.
"Ok, but that'd be a pretty weird conversation." That got everybody curious about what happened.
"Shall I begin?" MM (Martian Manhunter, because I'm too lazy to write it all the time.) asked while walking up to me.
"Yes. Please," Father said.
MM walked up to me and put his hands close to my head. I watched as his eyes started to glow, and then I fell asleep.

I woke up in a large dark room filled with doors, I looked to my left and saw MM standing there, "If I'm gonna see the memory you have to show me which door it is."
"Ok," I then started walking to the door that I assumed would take him to the memory.
I pointed at the door, "that one."
He walked up to the door and peeked inside, he immediately shut the door,
"It really isn't any of his business."
I nodded.
"who it she?"
"A new vigilante in Gotham who goes by the name Sparrow." I answered him. I could tell he still had more questions, but he kept them to himself.

We then woke up outside of my mind.
Father and the three imbeciles were looking at MM expectantly.
"Well?" Todd asked, as if he would tell him of all people.
MM looked at me then back to the rest of the heroes and vigilantes that currently occupied the large room,
"It really isn't anyones business, well except for Damian and-mfrs" I quickly jumped on him and covered his mouth.
When I got off of him I glared my hardest at him, to be honest... He looked kinda traumatized. Ok. Maybe I shouldn't have done that, "Just tell them that it wasn't dangerous."
"Ok. It wasn't dangerous." He said.
I could tell that everyone was still curious. But it really isn't any of their business. I mean do I interrogate them and invade their minds every time they don't tell me something? No.
So why do it to me?.......
The next morning I walked down stairs to find the house empty.
I checked all over. But then I found them. In front of the bat computer. Looking at security footage. Of that night.
Luckily I deleted all security footage that showed anything happened. Thank god!
"Could you all just stop!?" I yelled at them.
They turned around and raised their eyebrows as if they don't know what their doing.
"Stop what?" Grayson asked
"You know what! I am sick of you all poking around in my life! It's my life, and I need privacy too! I mean do I question you about everything you do? No! So you need to stop doing it to me!" Drake looked like he wanted to ask me something. And I know what that something was, "The reason why I deleted the security footage of that night, and in that specific spot was because I knew you would do something like this. You always do. And I'm sick of it."
They all looked like they were deep in thought, "Damian, we didn't know you were this upset. We're sorry and we will stop. We just wish you would tell us," Father said in an apologetic tone
"Yeah, well we all have secrets that not even the world's greatest detective knows about."
I then turned around and walked away, done with the conversation.
For the next few hours I read. I was bored out of my mind!
I closed my book and checked the time.
11:45 am
Just then I heard someone knock on the door.
That's strange. I didn't think we had any guests coming over.
I stood up and walked out of my room. I walked down the ridiculously long hallway, and looked over the railing of the balcony that overlooked the entrance of the manor.
"Who is it Pennyworth?" I asked as I saw him talking to the person on the other side of the door.
"Master Damian, mistress Marina has arrived to complete the school project you two have been working on." Alfred replied formally.
Crap! I completely forgot about that!

~Marina pov~
I really don't want to do this anymore, I hate school projects and this one is taking too long to do.
"Please come in, Miss Marina." Alfred said, it surprised me that he called me Miss. No one's ever called me that before.
I walked through the door and looked up to Damian, who was still on the balcony.
"Hi, Damian," I greeted
"Jackson." He nodded. "We'll be working on the project in the living room today let me just get my book bag," He then disappeared into the hallways of the mansion.
I turned to Alfred "Alfred?"
"Yes, Miss? How can I be of assistance?" He asked
"Would you mind showing me where the living room is? I don't really know my way around here."
"Of course." He then started to walk away and I followed.
We soon arrived, and let me just say it was not what I was expecting.
On one wall there was massive windows with beautiful,blood red, floor length drapes. In the center of the room sat a very big circular black velvet couch, and in front of it was a large glass coffee table. Mounted on the wall was a huge flat screen tv, on the table underneath it was a tv remote that must have had a million buttons.
I thanked Alfred and walked over to the couch and sat down. I placed my textbook on the table and opened it to the right page.
Soon enough Damian walked in with his book bag. He sat down beside me and we started working on the last part of the project.
I didn't know it then, but that night my life would be changed forever.

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