13:: French

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~3rd person pov~
{4am (two hours after patrol ended)}

Everyone in the Manor woke to the sound of an ear piercing scream. They all quickly got out of their beds and ran into the hallway.
The four brothers and their father all looked at each other frantically, as if to ask what was going on. They heard another scream and realized it was coming from the girls wing. They raced down the hallway and turned into the girls hallway. They opened all the bedroom doors and found them empty...except for the last one. Marina's.
The door was wide open and inside was Alfred, Cass, and Stephanie all trying to hold Marina down to her bed. Marina's arms and legs were flying all over as she screamed and cried, yelling things in rapid French.
"What's wrong with her!?" Tim worriedly  yelled over the screaming.
Dick, who has had a lot of experience in this kind of thing before, answered his brothers question, scared for his newly adopted sister. "She's having a night terror."
The whole family knew that night terrors were different than regular nightmares, they are more intense and are memories of past traumatic events. "Wake her up!"
"N'y va pas! Je suis ici!" (Don't go in there! I'm right here!) Marina yelled as the others tried to wake her up.
"Hurry before she hurts herself!" Bruce yelled
"Why isn't she waking up!?"
"Hold her down!"
"Marina! Wake u-" Stephanie was cut off by Marina yelling something that caught their attention.
"Désolé, maman! C'est tout ma faut!"(I'm sorry mom! It's all my fault!) Marina sobbed as her new family all exchanged confused glances.
Marina's arms and legs continued to strain against her family's grips until she let out one last year piercing scream. "NON!!!!" (NO!!!!) Her eyes opened wide as she sobbed and gasped for breath.
Cass and Steph let go of her arms and hugged her as she cried her eyes out.
"No..." she mumbled in between sobs.

~The next morning~
The Wayne's sat quietly at the breakfast table. No one had uttered a word the whole morning. They all sat quietly, thinking about what they had witnessed the night before.
They all wanted answers, but couldn't get any since the only person who could give them was still in her room, quietly crying.

Marina decided it was time for her to go down stairs and face everyone. God they must think I'm the weakest person in the world. She thought as she walked down the stairs.
She walked into the dining room and looked at all the worried faces looking at her, she then looked at her feet as she walked over to her seat and sat down, not wanting them to see her red, puffy, blood shot eyes from crying all night. She just started at her lap as they sat in silence.
After a couple minutes she cleared her throat and looked up at the people sitting at the table with her.
"So...I suppose you want to know about what happened last night?"
They nodded their heads.
"Well, when I was six..."

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