10:: Amazing

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>>Sunday morning<<
{3 am}
~Marina pov~
I've been living at the manor for a couple of days now, and things couldn't get anymore awkward. Damian and I don't talk to each other, let alone look at each other for more than a few seconds. And his brothers seem pretty suspicious of us after what happened in the med bay.
I sit up in my bed breathing heavily. I had a night terror about...that night. It's getting close to the anniversary of...that night, so I got to get my night terrors under control or else they'll all find out my secret.

I look to the alarm clock on my bed side table.

3:13, well I'm not going back to sleep.

I get up and change into my workout clothes which consists of black leggings and a dark purple sports bra. I quietly walk downstairs and into the training room.

~Damian pov~
I wake up with my heart racing. Nightmare.
Like everyone in the Wayne family, I have nightmares. Nightmares about the time that I died, when I was being trained by mother and grandfather, and even new nightmares that have nothing to do with anything. I look at the alarm clock beside my bed.
I swing my feet over to the side of my bed and do what I normally do when I have a nightmare, get my workout clothes on. After getting changed, I quietly walk down the hallway towards the training room.
When I enter the room I am surprised by what I see.
She's perfect in every way. And her eyes...her eyes. They're more beautiful then all the diamonds in the world, they're a magnificent turquoise blue with a hint of hazel. Her body. Her body looks like God spent decades perfecting it. And don't get me started on her voice, aka angels singing.
When I entered the room I saw her training on the punching bag. Every punch perfectly placed, her stance was perfect, just everything and anything she does is perfect.
I cleared my throat to get her attention.
She turned around, and I was in aww at how beautiful she is. "Oh. Sorry Damian, did I wake you?"
"No, you didn't." I said
We just looked at each other for a while "well...I'll be going now." She said as she walked passed me towards the door, then she suddenly turned around. "And uh, Damian?"
"I don't regret that night. Just so you know." She said
"I don't either...just so you know." We continued to stare at each other.
"And...if I'm being completely honest...I wouldn't mind doing it again." She bit her bottom lip between her teeth and looked me up and down.
I smirked "neither would I."
She quickly ran up to me, rapped her legs around my waist, and kissed me.

~Marina pov~
The kiss soon became heated as he pushed me up against the gym wall. His lips moved to my neck as he bit and sucked, looking for my sweet spot.
"Damian..." I moaned when he found it. He continued to suck on that spot, which, I'm sure, left a bruise.
He then pulled away and looked at me "your room?"
"My room." I nodded
We quickly, and quietly, ran up the stairs and into my room. He closed the door and we continued our heated make out session.

(Smut warning! If your not comfortable with reading smut, skip ahead till you see '***')

He pushed me back against the wall and, once again, attacked my neck. I pulled at the hem of his black t-shirt and he quickly took it off. I ran my hands up and down his chest, feeling every muscle and curve. I used my index fingers to trace his deep v-ling, making him shiver with pleasure. I looked up at him, as he is two inches taller than me, and smirked, knowing the effect I had on him. He looked back at me and connected our lips.
"Jump." He mumble against my lips. I did as told, and wrapped my legs around his waist. He then started grinding his hips against mine. I could tell he knew that I was already wet, I could feel that he was already getting hard. I moaned loudly, but then covered my mouth out of fear that I would wake someone up.
"Don't worry," Damian whispered in my ear "the walls are sound proof." He nipped at my earlobe and I gasped. He then pulled away from the wall, my legs still around his waist, and layed me on my bed. He climbed on top of me, and continued kissing me.
I could feel his hand move down my side and pull at my leggings. He pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes, as if asking for permission. I nodded, allowing him to remove my pants. Once they were gone, he looked down onto my almost naked form, then back up to my eyes.
"You know," he said breathily "you look beautiful like this." I blushed and kissed him again.
I then flipped us over, so my legs were on either side of his waist. I looked down at him "I think your a little over dressed." I smirked. I pulled his sweat pants down and saw that he was now completely hard. My womanhood felt like a waterfall, I was soaking wet.
Still straddling his waist, I looked at his eyes and put my hand behind my back as I undid the clip that held my sports bra on. It slid down my arms. The room was only lit by the moonlight, but I could see that his eyes widened when he saw my chest.
He looked back up at me and his eyes were full of lust. He quickly flipped us back, and started sucking on my breasts. I moaned as he licked and bit at my pink buds, he started kissing down my stomach, but then stopped at my panties. He quickly pulled them off and threw them somewhere in my room.
"Damian!" I practically yelled when his index finger entered me, while his thumb massaged my clit. He moved his finger slowly at first, but then he added another finger and he started pumping them in and out hooking his fingers into my g-spot. As he did this his thumb rubbed my clit in circles, I felt a knot form in my stomach and I knew what that meant.
"Damian, I'm gonna cum!" I moaned. He removed his fingers and I whimpered at the loss of his touch. I gasped when I felt his mouth on my womanhood, his tongue replace his fingers and I soon released with a loud moan.
He crawled back up to me and kissed me, I could taste myself on his lips.
He then opened the drawer on my bed side table and took out a condom. I didn't know that was in there. He took off his underwear and opened the wrapper.
Before he put it on I stopped him "let me."
He smirked at me "whatever you say."
He handed me the condom and I slid it on to him. His breath hitched when I rubbed his tip slightly. He positioned himself in front of my entrance and started teasing me by putting his tip in, but then taking it out.
"Dami, s-stop t-teasing me." I stuttered.
"I'm sorry, what was that?" He smirked down at me. God he looks hot when he's like this.
"Damian." I whined.
"Your gonna have to repeat that Marina, I can't hear you when you talk so quiet." He continued teasing me. I moaned when he went a little deeper
"Damian, I want you to fuck me already."
That's all it took for him to slam into me.
"Ohhhh!" I moaned as he continued to thrust into me. He moaned lowly as he thrust into me at an incredible speed.
After a couple more thrusts I felt the same knot from earlier in my stomach.
"D-D-Damian... I'm.....I'm gonna....c-c-c-" my sentence was cut off by a loud moan that escaped my mouth.
Damian still knew what I was gonna say "me too." He moaned out.
We soon came together, and Damian collapsed beside me. He removed the condom, and discarded it in the trash.


"That was amazing." I said breathing heavily.
"Yeah..." he replied, pulling me close so that my head was on his chest.
We soon fell asleep in each other's arms.

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