28:: These Final Moments

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-Marina pov-
A few hours after Bruce left, we heard him call us into the batcave.

"Is something wrong, Bruce?" Asked Tim

"Yeah, what's up, old man?" Jason added

The usual unemotional look, and general vibe, that came from Batman was gone. Replaced with...fear?

"Suit up," Bruce said with an ever so slight waver in his deep voice "we're going to the watch tower; important meeting with heroes across the country."

We quickly got suited up and zetaed to the watch tower.

We were all surprised to see so many superheroes in one room. All of them appeared to have no idea why they were there, and Batman was talking to superman wouriedly in a corner.

"What's going on?" I asked Damian in just loud enough for him to hear over the confused adults and teens.

"I have no idea. But I have a feeling it's not going to be good." He frowned.

I only then realized that Jason had walked off, to go talk to Roy probably, Dick had gone off with Barbra to talk to Zatana, and Cass, Steph, and Tim were probably talking to the YJ team.

Everyone quieted down as Batman stepped onto a small stage that had been set up with a microphone and a podium. "Hello, fellow heroes of America. I am not going to sugar coat what I am about to say because it honestly won't make the news the least bit better." The Batman, was obviously nervous...and it didn't go unnoticed as people started to whisper quietly amongst each other. Batman waited for them to quiet down again before he continued. "Superman and I have recently attended a meeting with the UN, and they have informed me of a new law that will be set into motion." My heart thudded in my chest as the next words to come out of his mouth were said "All heroes across the world will be required to reveal their secret identities, or give up their superhero identities forever."

The room erupted into chaos as shouts of protest were thrown throughout the room.

My jaw was dropped and I looked over to Damian who had a similar expression. "Oh my God." I mumbled as a million things ran through my head.

"Everyone please calm down while I explain your options!" Batman got everyone under controll again. He cleared his throat and continued "The new law states that any hero working without both their identities revealed will be placed in Belrev (I know I didn't spell that right) prison for being a threat to society and disobeying the laws of the UN.
The new law has been made as a safety precaution in case any one of us ever goes rogue. We did try to convince them to change their decision, but they didn't listen to our protests. If you do chose to reveal your civilian identity, you will have a certain amount of time till the occasion, which will be broadcasted live all over the world in front of the hall of justice. During this time you will be able to get family members to safe areas provided by the government."

"How long do we have?" Someone asked

"One week."

Again, chaos spread through the room.

-Time skip-

The entire justice and young justice league as well as many other heroes agreed to reveal their identities, but quite a few decided that they would rather give up the hero-gig. And then there were a few who just left, who didn't want to do either...who would soon be arrested within the next few weeks.

The batfamily, the family with no fears, were terrified. We were petrified. We were scared out of our minds.

We were so scared because, unlike most heroes, we were already constantly in the spotlight, constantly on the front page, constantly being watched. And us revealing our identities will just make the spotlight even brighter, the front pages will become billboards, and we will have nowhere to hide.

We sat quietly in the dining room, none of us feeling like talking. The quiet was nice, it was probably one of the last times we would have a completely silent evening.

Bruce took a deep breath, drawing all of our attention to the eldest in the room. "We should do something... while we can-"

"Father why are they making us do this?" Damian asked "Why would they think this was a good idea?"

"...I don't know. People can be idiotic at times." Bruce mumbled the last part.

"They said that this was a safety precaution? It seems like this would danger more lives. Did they even think about that?" Jason scoffed

"We're never going to be able to appear in public again." Stephanie said

"Joker will probably come and trash the manor the second he finds out who we are." Tim added and we all realized that all villains will have a severe upper hand now, "We'll need a better security system."

We were all quiet again, I've realized that this family has a lot of quiet moments...a lot of time to think.

"This is bad..." Dick said with a frown "I can't believe this is happening- I knew it was only a matter of time before this happened."

It was true. For decades heroes have been awaiting the dreadful day the government decides we need to reveal our identities, it was only a matter of time before it happened. Maybe a slight push over the ledge. Or maybe it was an idea they'd had for a while.
They may think that this is for the good of the world, that it could save lives...but they really didn't stop and think about the lives that they were destroying. The fear that they were shoving into every single hero and vigilante. The pain that this new law was causing us.

"What do you want to do this week?" Bruce asked, trying to distract us even if it was just for a second.

In that moment no one answered. We hadn't really ever thought about it, what we would do of we had a week left.

But either way, we lived our last week to the fullest. And I don't think anyone would disagree when I say that we lived the last days of our 'freedom' in the best possible way that we could.

They may be able to take away all of our secrets and reveal every lie we've ever told...but they'll never be able to take away these final moments.

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