3:: Fighting and Loving

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~That night~
~Third person pov~
Batman, Nightwing, Redhood, Redrobin, and Robin flew across the roof tops of Gotham looking for a crime to stop. Suddenly the bat and birds stoped on top of the roof of a random building.
"Nightwing east, Redhood south, Redrobin north, and Robin and I will take the west side of Gotham. Regroup at 5am, no later no sooner." Batman said as he grappled off into the night with Robin in tow.
The three former Robins rolled their eyes as the too grappled of into the night.

~4:30am, west side of Gotham~
~Damian pov~
I stayed alert as father and I patrolled the streets...although I would be lying if I said I wasn't bored. Because I am bored! I am like the dictionary definition of bo-
The almost silent sound of someone landing behind me caught my attention. I shared a glance with Batman and we turned around only to see...Sparrow.
Sparrow is a vigilante who recently started showing up in Gotham. We don't know much about her as she is very good at covering her tracks.
"Hey, batsy. And...birdy," she smirked at the childish name she had given me.
"Sparrow," Batman greeted
"-tt-" was all I said as I crossed my arms and looked away from her. She is an annoyance that will only get in the way of the real vigilantes in Gotham. All she is, is a little girl playing dress up! Though I have to say she is an excellent fighter. She's light on her feet and has excellent strategy. And her body- no! I will not let my self think such things! First Marina, now Sparrow! What is wrong with me!?
Then Sparrow butted into my thoughts and said "What's the matter birdy? You look at war with yourself."
I rolled my eyes "That is not true," I gritted my teeth "and stop. Calling. Me. That."
She got right up in my face and smirked "or what?"
"Or I'll- I'll-"
"You'll- you'll- you'll what? What will you do?"
I lost my patience and lunged at her. Just like that a fight broke out between us as father just stood there and watched. A small amused smirk on his face. This made me even madder. I tried to sweep Sparrows feet out from under her but as she was going down she grabbed me and I fell with her.
It ended with me laying on the roof with her straddling my waist and her hands on either side of my head. We were breathing heavily, and our middles were dangerously close.
"Looks like I win birdy." She announced with a victorious smirk.
I quickly flipped us over and said "No. I win." I smirked down at her.
She then turned a deep shade of red. I was confused at first but then I noticed what position we were in. I turned red as well and quickly stood up, her following after me.
Her once red face turned back into a mischievous smirk as she stood on her tippy toes, I am and inch taller than her, and whispered in my ear " I bet we can go farther then that without ol' batsy here present. Meet me on top of the old library tomorrow night and I'll show you." She pulled away and turned around, just as she was about to grapple to the next building she turned to father and said "later bats!"
Once she was gone father looked at me expecting an explanation, but before he could ask any questions I quickly grappled to the regroup spot and left father standing there.
Once I arrived at the spot the others were already there, minus father.
"Where's bruce, demon?" Asked Jason
Before I could respond, there was a thud behind me. "I'm right here. And Damian I think we need to have a little chat." Father gave me the batglare. I've seen it so many times the effect it has is starting to wear off.
"I really don't think that's such a good idea..." I started backing away towards the edge of the building.
"Oh I think that's a perfect idea." He glared at me. I glared back harder. He did the same.
This went on for a while but I eventually lost. "Fine. But can we at least get back to the cave before you start drilling me with questions?"
My three brothers were confused as to why father wanted to talk to me so badly, but they decided they'd ask him about it later.

~na na na na na na na na batcave!~

As soon as we got into the cave father sat me in a chair.
"So what do you wanna know?" I asked sarcastically, knowing exactly what he wanted to know.
"What did Sparrow say?" He asked calmly
I blushed slightly at her name, but father didn't notice, "nothing."
"You're lying."
"No I'm not."
"Yes you are."
I looked at him for a couple seconds, "why do you want to know anyway?"
"You're my son."
"And that gives you the right to know why?"
He looked like he was thinking for a moment, "I'm concerned for your safety?"
"You just want to know. Don't you?" I smirked
"Well I'm still not gonna tell you."
Father huffed and walked away.
The three idiots I call my brothers were instantly in front of me.
"What was that about?"
"What's going on lil d?"
"What did Sparrow say?"
The last question really got on my nerves, "why does everyone want to know what she said!?"
Tim looked like he was thinking, "well... I only want to know what she said because Bruce really wants to know what she said. And if he actually cares what she said, then it must be good."
"The only reason he cares what she said is because of what happened before she said it," I huffed.
"And what happened before?" Dick's protective big bro mode was now on.
I blushed slightly "that... is an excellent question" I then quickly got up and ran to the elevator.
If they ever found out what she said, I'd never hear the end of it!

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