6:: The Phone Call

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~Marina pov~
~10 pm~

Damian and I started watching a movie after we finished the project. It was a movie we both had seen, which meant we didn't really watch it, we kinda just talked.
"Do you wanna play truth or dare?" I asked randomly.
He raised an eyebrow skeptically, but agreed anyway "ok..."
"Ok" I skilled "truth or dare?"
"Dare." I smirked
"I dare you to ask Dick if you can use his phone, if he says yes call the first person on his contact list, when they answer say "ummm..." then hang up, if he says no" I smirked evily "hug him."
Damian rolled his eyes "fine."
We then started walking up the stairs towards the only door in the manor that had the name Dick on it.
We knocked on the door, I faint 'come in' was heard before we entered.
Dick looked at us and raised an eyebrow "can I help you?" He asked putting down the book he was reading. Damian walked over to the chair Dick was sitting at and asked the question "can I use your phone?"
Dick looked at him questioningly, he then pulled his phone out of his pocket and handed it to him "ok?" He said, not really sure what to say.
Damian messed around with the phone for a few seconds before he put it to his ear. After a moment he said "ummm..." he hung up handed to phone back to a very confused dick (just to let you know I purposely didn't capitalize the 'd' because I think it sounds funny this way!:)) ,he then walked out of the room.
We walked to his bedroom and continued to play truth or dare for a while.
Then my phone rang.
I didn't think much of it when I saw it was an unknown number so I answered the phone.
If I knew then what I know now...I wouldn't have answered the phone. If I didn't...then it would have delayed the tragic news that would change my life.
I answered the phone call, stood up and walked to the other side of the room so I could speak to whoever was on the phone.
"Hello. Is this Marina Jackson?" The person asked. The person was a man who sounded like he was around forty.
"Yes. May I ask who I am speaking to?"
"My name it Harvey Dale. I work at the Gotham city hospital," Oh no, "I have called to inform you that your father has been in a terrible car accident, and has passed........" the rest of the words were a blur. I didn't notice when my phone slipped from my hands and onto the floor, when Damian asked me if everything was ok, I didn't even notice when I was sobbing on the floor of Damian's bedroom. The only thing I did notice was the words of the man on the phone that ran through my head on repeat.

Car accident...passed.

When I awoke the next morning I was confused. This isn't my bed. Why am I here? What happen- memories of last night flashed through my head.
Damian comforting me. Dick running into the room asking if I was ok. Damian saying that he didn't know what happened... The phone call.
I sat up. I wanted to cry. I wanted to cry for a billion years. But at the same time I didn't want to.
I looked down and saw that I was wearing an over size white t-shirt. Damian. Where is he anyway? Where am i?
I didn't recognize the room, but I assumed I was still in the manor as I have no memory of leaving. I carefully stepped out of the comfy bed and walked to the door that I assumed would lead to the hallway. One I opened the door I peaked my head outside. Empty. There was no one in the hallway and it was eerily quiet. Hmm. I thought to my self. I started walking down the hallway, in the direction that I assumed would take me to the others. I just walked and walked.....
And walked. Seriously!? Who needs this much space!?

~Damian pov~
I walked into the dinning room to be met with the curious faces of my...family.
"What are you all starring at!?"
"I thought it was quite obvious," Grayson mumbled, just loud enough so I could hear.
I rolled my eyes and sat at my regular seat.
Everyone was quiet for a while, until father broke the silence, "Damian," I looked at him, "Do you know why Marina was so upset last night?"
I thought about it, "No. The only thing she said to me was 'im all alone now'."
Everyone went silent. We didn't even notice when Marina arrived at the doorway.
*knock knock knock*
We all turned towards the doorway.
"I-I'm sorry I stayed here last night. Umm... do you know where my clothes are?" She asked.
"You can stay here whenever you like," Father smiled at her, "Your clothes are in the top droor of the dresser, in the room you woke up in."
"Thank you. I'll go get dressed then I'll call..." she looked as if she remembered something, "I'll... then I'll walk home" she turned away and was about to walk away, but then father asked the question that was going through all our heads, "oh, and Marina?" She turned back around, "what made you so upset last night?"
She played with the bottom of the white shirt she was wearing, "oh...that...t-the hospital called me...a-and they told me my dad was in a...Car accident," she almost whispered but we all heard it, "And he didn't...He didn't make it."
We all looked at her apologetically "I'm sorry to hear that. Should we call your mom to come pick you up?"
She looked like she was about to cry, "There would be no use in doing that; my mom died when I was six." She then walked away to get dressed.
We were all sad, Marina is an orphan.
We then looked to father who had a funny look on his face.
"Uh oh." Said Grayson "I know that face. Bruce are you sure you can handle 7 kids? I mean I thought Damian was the last one."
That made me confused. What is father planning?

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