26:: Our 'Normal' Will End Sooner Than We Think

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○Damian's pov○

Marina laughed as I chased her through the massive backyard. Her eyes sparkling in the summer sunlight, and the slight breeze blowing her long golden hair hair.

God she is so beautiful.

She laughed when she suddenly sprayed me with the hose I hadn't noticed she grabbed.
Right in my face.

I brushed some hair out of my eyes, and spat out some water "Oh you are so dead." I smirked and threw her over my shoulder.

She let put a little squeak when I lightly smacked her butt, which was right beside my head.

She laughed a little and then asked "Where are you taking me?"

"Getting impatient are we?" I said walking towards the pool.

"No. I'm just-" I cut her off my throwing her into the pool.

When she came back up to the surface she yelled "DAMIAN WAYNE!"

"MARINA JACKSON!" I yelled back jokingly as a smile spread onto her face.

I cannon balled into the pool, splashing Marina in the process, and swam underneath her without her know.

I then grabbed her feet and pulled her underwater.

The look of surprise on her face was quickly changed into a smile as I pressed my lips against hers.
She kissed back and wrapped her arms around my shoulders.

We came back up to the surface, still kissing and I deepened the kiss.

"Getting a little frisky are we?" I heard Drake ask.

We pulled apart so fast the flash would be jealous, and stared at my older brothers in shock.

"Oh we are so screwed." I mumbled

▪Time skip▪
《Marina pov》

"How long?" Bruce asked with Dick, Jason, and Tim smirking behind him.

"Its compicated." Damian and I said at the same time. I sent him a side glance and he looked to the floor.

Dick looked at us with a raised eyebrow "How complicated can it get; you're 16?"

"You'd be surprised." I mumbled

"You have to be more specific if you're asking us how long we've been together." Damian said drawing all attention to him.

"How?" Tim asked

I took a deep breath and explained "Do you mean officially, or unofficially?"

"Well how long have you two been together unofficially?" Jason asked

"Do you mean as us or as Sparrow and Robin?" Damian asked

"Woah! What have you been doing as Sparrow and Robin!?" Dick exclaimed

Damian and I blushed a little "I don't think you want to know."

Bruce then said "I am pretty sure I do." The others nodded.

"Well we don't want you to know." Damian said and then changed the subject "Ok, rough estimate of how long we've been together... how long has marina been liveing here?"

"Around 3 months." Tim said

"So like...4?" Damian looked at me for confirmation. I nodded.

"And we've been together officially for 3 days." I added

Their jaws fell open.

"Wait, now you have to tell us what you two were doing unofficially for 4 months!" Jason exclaimed

Damian and I chuckled nervously "We don't have to tell you anything."
And we ran out the door, the other boys hot on our trail, down the many winding hallways of Wayne manor.

But we were used to it, because this was our normal.

Sadly, our normal will end sooner than we think.

A lifetime too soon if you ask me.

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