7:: ORPHANS. In All Caps.

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Don't hate me, but imma skip a week.

~Marina pov~
One week.
It's been one week since I got the phone call. One week since my dad died. One week since the child services people came and took me to this hell hole. And one week of crying myself to sleep in a lonely room.
It's lunch, day seven. The lunch lady put the disgusting food, if you can even call it that, on my plate and glared at me. I scoffed and turned towards the cafeteria filled with ORPHANS. In all caps. I'm one of them, an orphan, and I hate it! I feel alone all the time! Well I am. My dad was my only family. And now he's...gone. forever. I thought to myself as I sat down in one of the many chairs, placed around the many tables, in the big, noisy room.
"Marina Jackson!" I heard one of the workers here yell from the doorway. I stood up and walked towards them. She was and old lady, with thick glasses and whiskers. She wore a pale blue eye shadow and bright red lipstick.
"Yes ma'am?"
She looked at me, eyeing me carefully. She then smiled "we have a man here who would like to adopt you." That made me smile.
"Who?" I asked.
"I'm afraid I can't tell you dear, not until he signs the adoption papers." This made made me frown slightly, what if he's a complete creep!? Don't I have a say in this!?
"O-ok" I stuttered nervously.
I then followed her down the long grey hallway, through a door, down another hallway, and into a medium sized white room. I looked back at her "walk up to the red lign and look into the mirror." She told me.
I did as told. I walked to the red ling painted onto the floor, and looked into the mirror, that was obviously a one way window, on the wall in front of me. I wonder who's on the other side of the mirror.
After three minutes, I counted, the lady came back. "Come along miss Jackson." She smiled "your getting adopted."

~time skip~
The lady told me to go to my room and pack my things. I didn't have much, the only thing I really brought with me to the orphanage was a picture of my parents, some clothes, a charm bracelet my dad had given to me for my thirteenth birthday, and my Sparrow uniform. I had still been going on patrol, although I haven't seen robin in a while. Maybe he was just using me for sex? Of course, the thought quickly left my mind as I remembered that Gotham is a big city and I won't see him all the time.
Once I got to my room I put my few belongings into my backpack, and walked back out.
I walked down to the exit and saw the lady standing there.
She smiled "Come with me, and ill show you to your new family." A smile, so small you would need a microscope to see, graced my lips.
I followed her down, yet again, another hallway. She stopped in front of a door. "Right through this door." She then walked back down the hallway, leaving me to open the door.
Alright Marina. Don't mess this up, you don't want them to change their mind do you? I looked at the metal door knob and hesitantly reached for it. Here goes nothing.
I turned it. The door glided open and I looked inside. My eyes widened.

Keep going.

Your almost there.

Just about...

There stood Bruce, Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. "Ummm...?"
"Marina!" Dick yelled excitedly.
The rest smiled. "Marina, I have adopted you. Is this ok?" Bruce asked
I smiled at him "y-yeah. Of course it's ok, thank you."
"No. Thank you for allowing me to adopt you. It is a pleasure to welcome you into the family. Now boys," he looked to me "and girls, let's go home." And with that we all walked out of the orphanage. The place I hope ill never see again.

~Damian pov~
When father told us he was going to adopt Marina, I was excited to say the least.
"That's a great idea Bruce!" Drake exclaimed
"Yes, father, I think that is a wonderful idea! But what are we going to tell her? You know... about our nightly activities?"
This caught everyone's attention "yeah Bruce, what are we going to tell her?" Asked Todd
Father looked at us "the thruth."
This is going to be interesting.

~third person pov~
He didn't know the half of it.

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