15:: School

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Ok. Let's just get this out of the way.  It's always Marinas pov, unless I say otherwise.

And the torture begins again.
School. Aka the never ending torture of Marina Jackson.

The last joker attack had caused some damage to Gotham Academy so theres been no school for a while. Torture postponed.
But, Bruce just told Damian, Tim, Steph and I that he got an email from the school saying that school will be starting again tomorrow.

"Ugh" I groaned as I slid down my seat on the couch "school is gonna suck!"
Tim and Damian, who were sitting with me on the couch, gave each other a look.
" What?"
"Well..." Tim started
"Things will be different when we get back to school. For you anyway" Damian finished for Tim
"How so?" I questioned
"You'll see." Tim stood up and walked away
I looked to Damian, he just shrugged and followed after Tim.
"Guys!" I whined as I ran after them  "tell me!!!!"

~The next day~
Damian, Tim, Stephanie and I stepped out of the limo and I was met with an unfamiliar sight.
The entire school was there. And I'm not even exadurating.
Every one was there, taking pictures, asking for autographs, you name it.
"Umm...guys, what's going on?"i asked  the boys.
"Well, now that you're a Wayne you gotta get used to being treated like a celebrity. This will happen pretty much everyday" Tim answered as we walked towards the school.
"Just smile and we'll  get through this" Damian  mumbled, giving the crowd of people a small smile.

I could barely get to any of my classes there were so many people. By the time I had gotten to third period, I had already been asked to be best friends with several different groups of people, and been hit on by more than ten different guys. All of which I turned down.

I sat in my seat beside Damian  and sighed.
"So how's your day been?" Damian smirked
I rolled my eyes "oh shut up."
"Hey," he put his hand on my thigh  and rubbed it reassuringly "It'll  be ok."
I gave him a small smile " Thanks, Dami."
We would've kissed if it weren't  for all the people in the room who would've posted pictures of it all over the internet.

~Time skip~

"If I keep going to that place, I swear it'll  kill me!" Stephanie said as we walked through  the door.

"Tell me about it..." Damian grumbled as we all sat on the couch.

We just sat there for a bit, enjoying the silence. Well until Dick had to ruin it.

"Hey little siblings!" He said running into the living room and jumping on all of our laps. As he lay there he asked "How was school?~"
We all groaned at the word school and pushed him off of us and onto the floor.

Yeah I know it's short, but I realized that they weren't  going to school and that's kinda weird so I had to make up an explanation.🙃

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