11:: The Morning After

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~Marina pov~
I woke up and looked around, I smiled slightly at what I saw.
Clothes were all over the room, the lamp shade beside my bed was crooked, and there was a condom wrapper on my bedside table. And best of all, my head was on a sleeping Damian's chest. I looked up at him and smiled at his adorable sleeping face.
"Dami." I whispered, he didn't wake up.
"Dami." I said a little louder. He still didn't wake up.
"Fine. You big baby." I grumbled. I then started repeatedly poking his face.
His face scrunched up and he pushed my hand away, he then looked down at me and smiled "good morning." He said pulling me closer to him.
"God your morning voice is hot." I said cuddling into his chest.
"You're hot" he kissed the top of my head "what time is it?"
I looked at my alarm clock. "7:28" I read out loud.
My eyes quickly shot open "uh oh!" Damian And I both said.
You see, if everyone in the manor isn't up by 7:30, Alfred wakes us up. Normally that wouldn't be a problem...but considering the circumstances, it is.
We quickly cleaned up my room and got dressed, well I got dressed but Damian had to sneak out of my room and into his to get dressed.
I opened my door and walked out into the hallway, Alfred isn't here yet. Probably went to Damian's room first. I walked down the hallways and into the dining room.
"Good morning." I said to everyone, that includes Damian as well since he probably came down a couple seconds before me.
"Good morning." They all replied
I sat down at my usual spot beside Damian, and began to eat my breakfast.
"So, Marina, Damian, how did you sleep?" Asked Bruce. Damian, who was drinking water at the time, chocked on his water, and my eyes widened.
"Good." "Why?" We both said.
Before Bruce could say anything, Jason cut him off "you two are acting funny. Why?"
Damian and I looked at each other cautiously "see! There it is again! You two haven't looked at each other for a whole week, and now suddenly things just change?" Jason exclaimed.
"That is none of your concern Todd." Damian glared at Jason, Jason glared back, and suddenly it was the greatest battle in the world! Who would look away first? Will Damian? Or will Jason? Who knows!?
"Boys that's enough." Bruce said. They stopped glaring at each other and looked to Bruce. "Jason, if Marina and Damian are getting along, you don't need to be asking them questions all the time as if there's some sort of conspiracy behind it. Just let them be."
We were all quiet for a while. Just looking at our plates, gave me a lot of time to think. What does this make Damian and I? Are we together? Are we just...friends with benefits?
What if - my thoughts were cut off by Bruce.
"Would you be ok with that Marina?" Bruce asked
I looked at him slightly confused "ok with what?"
"Would you be ok with going to an interview with all of us? It would be on live tv, but it is a normal thing that we do, going to interviews, and we are celebrities so we do it quite often. You don't have to if you don't want to, but like it or not being part of this family means that you are a celebrity as well, and you would have to do it eventually." He finished and I took a second to process what he had said. Me, a celebrity!? WOW!
"Sure. I'd be happy to go." I answered with a slight smile. "When is it?"
Bruce smiled back at me "Tonight." I was just about to go back to eating my breakfast when, "oh. And Marina, I'm sure you've noticed that we all act differently around the public, we act like careless playboys and spoiled rich girls, we do this so that the pres doesn't question our injury and assumes we just got into a fight with another civilian. You don't have to do this, but for the sake of our secret identities, I ask that you consider it."
"I'll do it." I replied

~Later that night~

We were just about to go onto the stage of the talk show, it was a live audience, and to say I was nervous would be the understatement of the year!
Damian saw that I was nervous and pulled me away from the rest of the family "hey," he said rubbing my arms "you don't need to be nervous; I'll be right there with you." He smiled down at me, I returned the smile.
"Thanks Dami."
"And now! Pleas welcome the Wayne's!" I heard the talk show host announce.
My eyes widened and I looked at Damian, he gave me a reassuring smile and pulled me towards the stage.
I walked on and was met with the faces of hundreds of people. I gulped and took my seat on the big purple couch beside Damian.
I put on a fake smile and started to act the way Bruce told me too, a stuck up rich girl.
"Welcome to 'Celeb Talk'! It's an honour to have you back on the show" the preppy host said, I think her name is Brena. She was wearing a bright yellow dress with matching heels, and her long Brown hair was done up in a bun that sat atop her head.
"The honours all ours" Bruce said, putting on his playbook act and flashing her a smile.
Brena continued, "I see that you've added someone to the family." She smiled at me "mind telling us about yourself?"
"Not at all! My name is Marina, my favorite colour is turquoise, and I moved to Gotham about a month ago." I smiled and played my role.
"And where did you move from?" She continued to question.
"Central City. I moved here with my dad."
"Ah, your dad. And what happened to your dad? Surely something must have happened for Mr. Wayne here to adopt you." She smile as if she hadn't just asked me how my father died.
I kept up the act, "he was in a car accident."
I knew what was coming next, it's my most hated question. Ever since I was little I've hated this question, the one question I avoid and it always seems to come up in conversation. This is one of the mane reasons why I was so nervous before coming onto this stage. I knew she'd ask.
"And your mother?" There it is.
I tried to keep up the act I was supposed to be playing, I was supposed to act like nothings wrong, like the world's all sugarplum and pixie dust, I tried so hard, and I succeeded, but I could tell by the look on the others faces they knew that question cut me deep. Deeper than they think.
"My.....mother....." flashes of memories from that night flashed through my head. I could feel tears pooling in my eyes but blinked them away and answered the clueless lady's question. "My mother died when I was too young to remember." Lies. I said in my head. I remember everything.

~ Time skip ~

After the endless amount of pointless questions Brena asked all of us, we finally left. We walked through what seemed like billions of reporters asking me, the newest Wayne, questions, and finally got to the limo Alfred was waiting for us in.
The drive home was quiet, well for me at least; I drowned out all other noise with my thoughts. I just started out the window.
The only thing that really registered in my head, was Damian's concerned eyes burning into me.

Two more days until the anniversary of that night. I thought to myself.

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