24:: Silence is the Loudest Thing in the Room

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~Marina pov~
I don't know how long I've been here. It could be hours. It could be days. It could be weeks. Hell, months, years even, could have passed and I would have never know.

Because there were no windows. Just darkness.

The darkness wasn't just normal darkness, oh no, this darkness was unlike any I've ever seen. You see, usually your eyes adjust to the darkness... but this time they don't.

They've left me to blindly navigate my way through the, as I've found, surprisingly large room. With. Nothing.
No chairs. No tables. No bed. Just smooth walls, floors, a bucket for my... buisnes, and a door.

A door that never opens.

Thalia wasn't lieing when she said I would never see anyone ever again.
There's been no one. In fact, I've nearly starved to death several times, but then food magically appears and I'm back to square 1.

And the thing is...every time I go back to square 1...I go a little more insane.

Maybe not joker insane, but I've had my fair share of hallucinations while I've been stuck in the darkness.

There's been times when I think I hear something, something whispering in the darkness, maybe a door opening, sometimes I think I hear Damian.
And then there's times when I think I see something moving around in here other than me, sometimes I think I see a light floating around, once I even thought the others had come to rescue me, but then they faded and I was left with my own thoughts.
The terrible thoughts that I've grown sick of.

The thoughts that I've grown to hate.

\Damian pov\
I've been here for about a month now.

Stuck in this cold motionless room.
I have no idea where they took Marina, but I hope it's somewhere better than this. I hope she's doing better than me.

They bring me food every couple of days. I've grown thin from malnutrition.
I haven't seen myself lately, but I'm sure I have dark circles under my eyes.

I haven't slept in days. I can't with how cold it is. They keep the room freezing, but not freezing enough so that I freeze to death, just warm enough so that I don't.
The thin clothes I have on don't help either.

And it's so, so quiet. There's no noise what so ever. The guards that bring me food don't say anything, they just bring me food and leave.
I keep asking them about Marina, but they don't say anything. Not that I expect them too, they are my captors after all.

But the silence...the silence is deafening.

The silence is the loudest thing in the room.

<Two days later>
<Third person pov>

Batman sat in his chair in front of the batcomputer. He'd been searching for a lead on his two youngest children for 1 month. And he'd come up with nothing.

The league of assassins had left no trace of their existence besides the four people they left unconscious on that rooftop. They erased all security footage, all memorys of anyone who might have seen them, everything right down to the last footprint.

And it was killing him.

Batman had become more violent and reckless due to his slight insanity that Damian and Marinas disapearence had caused him.
He spent many sleepless nights in the cave, at his computer looking for anything that might lead to his kids.
It was all that mattered to him at the moment.

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