19:: Not There Anymore

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Trigger warning! Suicide attempt!
Skip to '***' if you are not able to read that part
Dick pov
Damian sat up in his bed gasping for air. "WHERE'S MARINA!?" He asked frantically looking around the room.
"She's in her room. Why? What's wrong?" I asked
Damian quickly got out of his bed and ran out his bedroom door leaving us to chase after him.

Damian pov
The only thing I had on my mind when I woke up was Marina. How sad she must be to find out what her father did to her. How angry she probably is at the joker and mother. And what she might do because of this.
I ran into her room just in time because as soon as I ran in, she ran to one of the hidden batarangs in her room and held it to her wrist.
I tackled her and the batarang skidded across the floor.
I held her to my chest as we sat on the floor and she sobbed.


"Shhh," I tried to calm her down "it's ok. It's ok. We're not there anymore. He can't hurt you." A tear slipped from my eye at the memory of the pain of losing her.
The others watched us in utter shock at the scene unfolding before them.
Marina turned so she was sitting on my lap and held my face as a small, sad smile spread accross her soft pink lips. "You found me."
"I told you I would." More tears fell from my eyes and we cried in each other's embrace after being apart for so many years.

{The Next Morning}
I awake to a slight shuffle beside me.
My eyes look beside me to where Marina lay fast asleep. I convinced father that we needed to stay together last night.
Last night.
I tightly closed my eyes as I remember the horrible experiences of my childhood.
Maybe if I lay here forever...it will all go away.
Unable to get the image of Marinas lifeless body out of my head, I decide that being alone with my own thoughts probably isn't the best idea.
I very carefully get out of Marinas bed and carefully walk over to her bedroom door. I silently close it behind me and lean against the door, my eyes tightly closed as I try to fight back tears. I slowly slide down the door and wrap my arms around around my legs while I quietly sobbed with my head on my knees.
"How could they do that to us?" I whisper "They took away the only childhood I had...they made me an emotionless monster. "
I could have been normal, or as normal as the son of Batman and the daughter of the leader of the league of assassins could be. I could have been happy. I could have not been a mindless soldier that followed every order without question. I could have been human.
And that's nothing compared to what they did to Marina. They abused her, tortured her, killed her. They broke her, then they took it all away. Good memorys included. And now she has it all back, every cut, every punch, every painful scream. And that just makes it even worse.

They, mother, grandfather, Marinas father, took us away from each other. Every. Single. Memory.

Every single laugh.

Every single joke.

Every single prank that we got  lectured for.

I chuckle at the thought of the two of us dumping paint on the unsuspecting assassins.

I decide that I should stop crying, and stand up. I take a deep breath then start the journey to the kitchen, where I know I'll have to explain everything to the others. Something I'm not looking forward to.

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