17:: Missing Pieces

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As soon as we got back to the batcave everyone was quiet.
"Marina, why didn't you tell us about this?" Bruce asked
I looked down at the floor trying to remember anything about me...well, dieing. But I couldn't remember anything remotely close to that!
"Because I don't remember it happening." I looked up at all of them, starting to panick. "W-why don't I remember!? Why can't I remember!? What else don't I remember!? Why-"
Damian then grabbed me by my shoulders and said "Marina, breath." I then realized that I was hyperventilating and was paceing. I couldn't stop my frantic and short breaths.
"I.....can...t" I started to panick even more as my eyes darted around the cave.
The started to get even more worried.
"Marina!" I looked into Damian's deep blue eyes and slowly the thoughts that troubled me moments before, were gone. "Everything will be fine. We will find out what happened, and figure out why you can't remember." Damian spoke reasuringly "okay?"
"Okay." I breathed. Then realized that there were other people in the room and stepped away.
The others gave us weird looks but they were gone when Bruce spoke "I'll can Martian Manhunter, maybe he can try and get your memorys back."
I nodded my head.

○Time skip○

" Marina, before i start I must tell you that I may see some things you might not want me to see." MM explained. His eyes quickly darted over to Damian then back to me.
I was confused at first, but then I understood. "Wait...y-you know about that!?" My fave was bright red as I looked over at Damian "what!? Why!?"
Damian nervously rubbed the back of his neck, a habit he had picked up from Dick, and said "That a long story... But it was him or them." He gestered toward the others who were standing there confused as ever.
"Ok, Ok." I said turning back the MM "I understand that you will see things I might not want you to see."
MM nodded "Then we can begin. Batman we will need a bed of some sorts."
Dick quickly got a bed from the med bay.
"Marina, lay down please" MM instructed. I did as I was told and lay down on the bed. Martian Manhunter then positioned his hands on rather side of my head and said " close your eyes."

Then I was in a dark room surrounded by multiple different colored doors. MM stood next to me with a surprised look on his face.
"what is it?" I asked
"Oh my gosh." he whispered under his breath.

All of a sudden we were back in to cave with everyone around us in a circle. And I still couldn't remember anything.
"Tell me what's wrong." I said "tell me what's wrong!"
MM looked at me then the rest of the family, then his eyes came to rest on Damian. "Damian is missing memorys too."
Every one was taken back by This "that's not posible." Damian shook his head in disbelief. "What memorys could I possibly be missing?"
"Im not sure yet, but it would probably be best if I gave them back to you at the same time I give Marina's back to her."
"Why's that?" Asked Tim
"Because somehow they are connected."

Once again we were in a large dark room surrounded by doors.

"Now what?" Damian asked
"Now we look for a locked door." MM said as he started walking down a hallway and we followed not really having any other options.
We walked for what felt like hours until we reached a bright red door.
There was many locks and chains all over it.
"This is the memory that will give you all your memories back. You, Marina, are the only one who can open it." MM explained "I must go now. Open the door once I am gone."
I nodded and Martian Manhunter was gone.
I looked a Damian and then faced the door. "Well...here goes nothing." I touched the doorknob and all the locks disappeared. I took a deep breath and opened the door.

God how I wish I hadn't.

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