16:: Ask the Clown, He Knows.

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"Marina!" Dick yelled as he barged into my room.
"Go away..." I groaned as I snuggled deeper into the warmth of my bed.
"No." He jumped onto my bed and started jumping up and down. Then he yelled exitedly "it's sunday!!!!!"
"I swear to GOD!" I said sitting up "you are the only person in the history of the universe that has ever been exited that it's sunday! "

•Time skip•

I rubed the sleep out of my eyes as I sat at the breakfast table.
"Dick wake you guys up too?"A series of groans were heard around the room. "I'll take that as a yes."
Alfred then walked in with a pot of coffee and some mugs.
We all quickly grabbed a a coffee mug and took a considerably large sip. That's when I looked up and scanned the room.
"Hey," I said between sips "where's Damian?"
"Don't know. Don't care." Jason said, not even looking up from his coffee.
I sighed "I'll go get him."
I put my cup down and stood up, now being 40% more awake then when I had sat down.
I walked up the stairs and down the maze of hallways. I stopped at Damian's door and knocked lightly. When I got no answer I opened the door a peeked my head in.
The room was still dark meaning Damian was still asleep. Lucky.
I quietly walked over to his bed and crawled under his covers. I put my head on his chest and closed my eyes.
Breathing a sigh of satisfaction I said "Dami, it's time to wake up."
His eyes fluttered open and he looked down at me. "Hey." He said giving me a quick kiss "What are you doing here?"
"I thought you'd prefer me waking you up rather than Dick" I answered, my eyes still closed.
Damian chuckled "deffinatly."
I looked up at him and gave him a small kiss. I pulled away and he kissed me again. We continued to kiss as I moved so I was now straddling his waist. His hands rested on my hips and he gently massaged them. I gave a hum of satisfaction and pulled away.
"Damian," I whined " we gotta go down stairs."
He smirked "I know." He then flipped us over so he was on top, i squeeled in surprise. "in a sec."
He started kissing my neck as he ran his hands up and down my thighs "Damian~" I moaned quietly. He then went back to my mouth, and as his tongue explored my mouth I hadn't noticed his hand find its way into my pyjama shorts.


He inserted a finger into my wet core and slowly pumped it.
"Ugh~ Dami~" I moaned quietly, disconnecting my lips from his.
"Have I ever told you," he said looking into my eyes with a lust filled expression. "That I love the look you have on your face as you cum." I moaned at his words and he fingered me faster and harder.
"Come on, baby girl. Cum for me." He growled into my ear.
He inserted another finger and my walls tightened.
"Ohhhh!~ Damian!~" I moaned as I came.
He smirked "theres the look." He licked his fingers clean and a shiver ran through my spine as I watched.


"K, let's not keep them waiting." He stood up and walked to his door, leaving me completely dumbfounded and breathing heavily.
got down stairs and sat down Tim said "what took you guys so long?"
I blushed as Damian hid a smirk behind his cup of coffee that he had just poored himself. "Damian over here," I elbowed him lightly "wouldn't wake up."
Damian pretended to be mad at me and scoffed "yeah right, you probably just took so long coming up the stairs"
I was the only one who caught his emphasis on the word coming.
My eyes widened slightly but I caught myself and got back into character "Oh please," I rolled my eyes "you wanna talk slow? I'd be surprised if you could keep up with a snail!"
"Oh is that right!?" He stood up
"Yes it most certainly is!" I fought back, standing up as well.
"Sit down." Bruce said. We sat down.
"Now stop fighting; I have something to tell you about tonight's patrol." We all looked at him "Joker has escaped again so I need you all to be extra careful tonight. Understand?"
"Yes" We all answered.

~Later durring patrol~

I had been paired with Tim tonight for patrol. Not that I'm complaining, but I'd rather someone else. Tim was too...Tim.

We silently flew from building to building, the only trace we were ever there being our faint silhouettes against the moonlight.
Every now and then we'd stop a mugging or a robbery, we would some times talk to the others through our coms but other then that we were silent. Shadows in the night and nothing more.

It was nearing eleven when we had all decided to take a break. Still keeping watch over our sections of Gotham, we sat atop the highest viewing point. Just taking a breather to regain our energy.
We wouldn't normally do this, but after the never ending nagging from the hero of Blüdhaven (don't kill me if I spelt that wrong), Bruce had agreed.

"So, you guys have any plans for tomorrow?" Nightwing asked from the other side of Gotham.
'No's were heard from all of us.
" Why? What did you have in mind?"
"Well I was hopeing we could-"
Dick was cut off by Bruce "We've spotted Joker near the docs" by we he meant him and Robin.
"On our way" I said grappling to the next building.

We got to the docs rather quickly since we were patrolling near them.
Once there we were quickly followed by Nightwing and Redhood swinging onto the rooftop behind us.
"standered joker drill." Batman instructed and we all quickly got in position to drop into the warehouse.
"Go." And we dropped.
Dick, Jason, Tim, and I quickly got to work on taking out the goons and one at a time they hit the floor.
We all turned to look at Bruce and Damian fighting the Joker.
They had him cornered and they stood in fighting stances.
"your fun's over, Joker." Damian said.
"Alright, alright." Joker said holding his hands up "The bat and his bird got me again! Just know that I'll be back" his smile turned from mocking back into a sadistic smirk.
His eyes looked passed Damian and Bruce to me. His head turned to the side slightly and he had a confused look on his face. "Didn't I kill you already?"
My eyes widened in shock and I took a step back. "W-what?"
Dick, Jason and Tim all looked at me with wide eyes. Joker now had a big smile on his face "Oh I've definitely killed you before! What was it...7 years ago?"
"I-i don't..." I stuttered.
Joker let out a an insane laugh and tried to escape, Robin and Batman quickly took him out, and i stared at the unconciouse clown...

questioning everything.

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