25:: What We Are

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After the traumatic events that took place over the last few months, we were all pretty shooken up.
Luckily things were starting to get back to...well as normal as it can get for a family full of superheroes.
There were still things that were...a little different though.

Mainly the sexual frustration between Damian and I. We were constantly looking at each other, constantly horny, and constantly getting interrupted every time we even got close to each other.
And it was making us reckless.
Damian was getting more violent, I was taking more risks, and neither of us were following orders.

"WHAT WAS THAT!?" Bruce yelled once we arrived back from patrol.
Damian and I glared at the floor as he continued " YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED! WHY DIDN'T YOU FOLLOW MY ORDERS!?"
"Watch your mou-" I cut Bruce off and yelled at him along with Damian.
"It isn't our fault Penguin's insane! If he almost killed us than that was HIS FAULT!"
Bruce glared at the two of us.
"You are both grounded for two weeks, and no more patrol until you learn to follow my orders again. You need to get your heads in the game before you get yourself, or someone else, killed." Bruce batglared with anger lacing his voice.
"That's not fair!" Damian and I said at the same time.
"It is perfectly fair." Bruce said and walked away.
I walked away to change into my civilian clothes with Damian doing the same.

While I was getting changed I had some time to think.
What are Damian and I?
Are we together?
Are we just friends with benefits?
God I sure hope not.
The truth is I want us to be more than friends with benefits. I want us to be something beyond what happens behind closed doors.
I love him and he loves me....that should be reason enough for us to be together. Right?

I walked into my room and closed the door.
I quickly turned around abruptly only to see Damian sitting on my bed.
I let out a breath and said "Damian, you scared me."
He laughed a little "sorry."
I looked at him a little confused "What are you doing here?"

He rubbed the back of his head nervously and said "I just...cant stop thinking about you. You're driving me crazy you know that?"
"I know the feeling." I walked up him and we shared a passionate kiss.
But before the kiss could become anything else, I pulled away.
I looked up at the slightly taller boy and asked with slight hesitation "Damian, what are we?"
He furrowed his eye brows "What do you mean?"

I sat on the side of my bed and Damian sat next to me.

I took a deep breath and looked into his deep forrest green eyes. "Are you my boyfriend?" He didn't answer but continued to stare back at me "Am I your girlfriend?"

He continued to stare into my eyes as if searching for something, until he answered "What do you want us to be?"
I was hoping for a different answer "I don't know. But...but I do know that I want us to be something."

We were again taken over by silence.

Silence seemed to take us over quite often, not that I minded.

"Marina? Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked with small smile.
I returned the smile with a smirk "I would love to." And then I kissed him.

This kiss was different though. This kiss wasn't rushed, and sloppy, and laced with lust...this kiss was slow, and gentle, and filled right to the brim with love. This was the first of many to come.

My hands cupped his face as his hands found their way around my waist, and we broke the kiss.

I smiled a genuine smile, which he returned with his own, and whispered "I think I can get used to this."

●The next morning●

I happily strolled into the sunlit kitchen and sat down at my usual seat.

"What's got you so happy?"Jason asked
"Is it a boy!?" Stephanie asked excitedly
And extremely faint blush spread onto my cheeks as Damian walked in.
I hadn't seen him since last night. It may have only been a few hours, but it felt like an eternity!

I sighed dreamily at the memory of the kiss. Luckily nobody noticed.

Damian sat down beside me and our hands slowly intertwined underneath the table.

"I bet it's a boy." Steph added, nodding her head as the others continued eating their breakfast.

I could deffininatly get used to this.

Wow. Ok so I honestly thought I had already posted this chapter, but apparently I didn't. As you've probably noticed.
So anyways, sorry! I really am!

Oh and by the way, a bunch of drama's gonna happen within the next few chapters.😊

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