8:: The Truth Comes Out

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~Marina pov~
We drove away from the city in silence. Alfred was driving the limo we were in. I had been in this limo before, but it was still strange. They probably drive around in this all the time so I gotta get used to it.
Once we got to the more forresty part of the out skirts of Gotham city, Wayne manor came into view. Again I had been here before, but I still gotta get used to it.
We all got out of the limo, me with my backpack, and walked up the front steps. Once we entered we were greeted by two girls. The first one was slightly shorter than Tim, and had long blond hair. I think I've seen her at school before. The second one was the same height as the blond one, she wore a plain white shirt and black ripped jeans, and her black hair that was cut into a pixie cut.
The blond one, who had a huge smile on her face came up to me "hi! I'm Stephanie! Its great to have another girl around here, the boys can be pretty annoying."she mumbled the last part.
The next girl walked up to me. "Hi, I'm Cassandra. But you can call me Cass."
"Hi I'm Marina." I smiled at them.
Then Bruce spoke up. "Damian, would you show Marina to her new room please."
"Yes father." Damian replied
We then walked upstairs and towards the hallway Damian's room was located. "This is the boys wing. All the boys in the house rooms are located here." We walked a little farther to another hallway almost identical to the first. "This is the girls wing, where you'll be staying." As we walked down the hallway I noticed the names on the doors Barbara, Cassandra, Stephanie. And the door across from Stephanie's was labeled Marina. A small smile spread onto my lips.
My new room.
As Damian opened the door, I held my breath. I gasped when I saw the room.

 I gasped when I saw the room

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"Wow." I breathed out
"I thought you'd like it. You can, of course, redecorate. But for now it's like this." He said walking in.
"No, it's wonderful! Thanks." He smiled slightly.
"Ill show you around the manor later, for now just get settled in." He said walking out the door.
I looked around the beautiful room. This is amazing.

~Bruce pov~
It's been about 45 minutes since Marina has arrived. We've all decided to let her be so she can get used to her new room. A couple minutes later, I decided it was time to tell Marina about the families 'extra curricular activities'.
I walked out of my study and to the main entrance, I then called for my kids"Dick, Jason, Cassandra, Tim, Stephanie, Damian, Marina!" God I have a lot of kids.

~Marina pov~
I heard Bruce call all of us and immediately got nervous. What if he's returning me? What if I did something wrong? What if I'm in trouble? What if- these thoughts played through my head on a loop as I walked through the hallways, and down the stairs.
Once I arrived at the bottom of the stairs I was met with the smiling faces of everyone.
"Come along Marina." Bruce said as he, and the rest of them, walked away from the front room. I followed them to an...office of sorts. Bruce walked up to a big wooden grandfather clock, that sat between two very large bookshelves, he turned the clock hands and the clock slid open. What the....?
Tim smirked at my reaction. We then walked through the clock and into an elevator. We were all silent as the elevator went down, and they all ignored my curious glances.
Once the elevator stopped, we all got out and walked into a large cave. There was a huge computer with the bat symbol on it, a bunch of motorcycles, and.... The batmobile? Oh, I see where this is going.
"Wait here." Dick said in a monotone. They disappeared for a couple minutes, but then returned wearing their uniforms minus the masks.
"I'm Batman." Bruce said, pulling his cowel over his head.
"I'm nightwing." Dick place his domino mask on his face.
"I'm Redhood." Jason put his red helmet on his head.
"I'm Blackbat." Cass put her mask on.
"I'm Batgirl." Said Stephanie
"I'm Redrobin." (Yum. Sorry I had to) Tim 'introduced' himself.
"And I'm Robin." Uh oh.
My mouth dropped open. "Wow." They all continued to stare at me while I started at Damian. "Umm...I guess this would be a good time to say that I'm Sparrow?"
All their mouths dropped open. "Wow." They said in unison.
"Shit!" Damian, who's eyes were wide, yelled.
"I-I mean we-"
"But-...." Damian was at loss for words.
"Umm, is anyone gonna explain why you guys are acting like this?" Asked Dick, now nightwing.
We both looked at him, and furiously shook our heads "NO!"
"Marina, I need to talk to you alone! Now!" Damian said, well more like demanded.
"Yeah." Seemed to be the only word I could say.
Damian pulled me into, what I can guess is , the medical room.

~third person pov~
As soon as the two youngest teens in the room went into the med bay, everyone pilled up by the door to listen to what they were saying.
Marina and Damian just started at each other for a while.
"Did you know?" Marina asked. Damian shook his head.
"Did you know-"
"No" they continued to stare at each other in silence. "You know, I kinda feel like you knew."
"What makes you say that!?" Damian raised his voice.
"You are the son of the world's greatest detective!" Marina raised her voice slightly higher than Damian's.
"That doesn't mean I know everything!"
"I know! But I still don't believe you-"
"You know, now that I think about it, you could have known!"
"Yeah you!"
"Oh yeah!?"
"Well if your so sure about you not knowing, then I guess you wouldn't mind if I asked Bruce!? I'll just walk right up to him and say 'hey Bruce, do you know if Damian knew who I was before we- mfffmd'" Damian put his hand over Marina's mouth and lost his angry expression.
"Marina, think about what your about to say, and all the people eavesdropping at the door."
Everyone at the door instantly stepped away, knowing that they've been found out.
Three minutes later Damain and Marina walked out of the med bay looking strangely calm.
The adults stared at the teens expectantly, whereas they just started back with expressionless faces.
"So...you gonna tell us what the hell that was all about?" Jason asked
"Nope." "Never." "Not in a million years." And with that the two teens went their separate ways; Damian to go change out of his uniform, and Marina upstairs.

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