14:: Fire and Memories

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~Third person pov~

One late night in paris, a six year old girl sat at her mom's desk playing with matches. This is, as everyone knows, a disaster waiting to happen. It was eleven at night and the blond haired girl had awoken from a nightmare, usually she would wake her mom from her sleep and she would tell her a story and light a candle, but her mom was recovering from the flu and the girl had decided not to wake her.
The girl had gone into her mom's office, opened the top drawer of her desk, and attempted to light a candle. She tried and she tried, but she just couldn't figure out how to light the match. Once she finally got it, after many broken matches, she yelled a quiet "oui!" (Yes!) in success.

"Marina? C'est toi?" (Marina? Is that you?) She heard her mom call from the top of the old, creeky stair case.
"Oui, maman! C'est moi!" (Yes, mommy! It's me!) She called back. She threw the match into the small trash can in the office and ran to her mother.
Being six, Marina didn't realize that she had thrown a lit match into a garbage can full of paper. And she wouldn't until it was too late.

Letter that night, after her mom had put her back in bed, and gone to sleep herself, the girl woke up to find her room filled with thick grey smoke. She immediately remembered what the fireman that came to her school said to do if there was ever a fire, and ran out of her house.
Once she was safe outside of her house she realized that she was the one who started the fire, so when her mother came running out of the house, she hid in the bushes on her front lawn out of fear of getting in trouble by her mom.
When her mom called her name, she didn't answer and stayed in the bushes. When she called again, she still stayed in the bushes.

But when her mom ran back into the house,
She realized what she had done.

And it would haunt her forever.

*end of flashback*

"When she ran back into the house, I finally got out of the bushes. I ran over to the door and yelled for her, I said 'I'm right here mommy! I'm out here!'," Marina cried as the rest of the family looked at her, shocked "she turned around and looked at me, and the relief was evident in her eyes.
But then we heard a loud creak." She looked at the people around her, the people looking at her with sadness in their eyes. "You know...at that interview we went to, when I told that lady I was too young to remember what happened to my mom, that was a lie. I remember everything, I remember how hard it was to breath as I was running through the house trying t-to get out, I remember how hot the flames that consumed m-my house were...and I remember my mom telling me n-not to look," Marina was cut off by her own sob "just before one of the support beams of my old house fell on top of her." They were silent for a few seconds before Marina added," but I mostly remember her screams, a-and the smell of my mom... b-burning alive...b-because of me."

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