4:: Up on the Rooftop

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»The next night«
»third person pov«
Sparrow and Robin continued to think about each other throughout the day, so it was a relief when the sun started to set.
Damian began to suit up in the batcave, after he was done he walked out of the changing room to get his utility belt.
As he wrapped it around his waist, his brothers eyed him suspiciously.
"So..." Jason slowly walked around him "you doing anything tonight?"
Damian raised an eyebrow at him, "no...why?" He asked cautiously
"Just wondering," Replied Dick, who joined Jason with his stroll around Damian.
"So..." Jason said again. Damian, getting fed up with his brothers questions, took a drink of his water that was placed on the table in front of him. "You doing anyone tonight?"
Damian spat his water out and, much to his dismay, turned red. Of course Jason was only joking when he asked this, but no one else knew this.
Dick smacked the back of Jason's head, "what the actual fuck is the matter with you!?"
"What?" Jason honestly didn't think his joke would make anyone upset.
Dick grabbed Damian, who was used to it by now, and hugged him while petting his head protectively "You're asking our sweet little innocent Dami bird if he's doing anyone tonight!"
Damian then burst into laughter, he laughed so hard he fell onto the floor. Jason smirked knowing why he was laughing. After a while of Damian laughing he calmed down and stood up "wait. You don't actually think I'm a virgin. Do you?"
A feeling of worry filled Dick's chest as he answered Damian, "yes. Why?"
Damian smirked and started to walk away. Just as he was about to leave the batcave on his motorcycle he looked back towards Dick,
"It's funny that you think that."

After Damian was gone Dick's jaw dropped. He turned and looked a at Jason with wide eyes. "Did you know about this?"
Jason raised an eyebrow at him "everyone knows-"
"Well not me!" Dick threw his hands in the air and walked over to his motorcycle.
Jason shrugged and followed after Dick.


Sparrow sat on top of the old library with her legs swinging over the edge. She heard a soft thump behind her and instantly knew who it was.
"Hello Robin~" she greeted in a sing song voice.
"Sparrow," Robin replied, sitting down beside her. The two sat in silence for a few moments.
"I was beginning to think you weren't coming."
"You thought wrong," Robin turned to her and they started at the white lenses of each others domino masks.
Robin leaned in and kissed Sparrow, who immediately kissed back.

Robin and Sparrow had sex on the rooftop of the old library that night. But neither of them knew each others identities as they left their masks on.
Boy were they in for a surprise.

I know it's short but I honestly couldn't think of anything else.

JK! I know, I'm a bitch!

{Damian's pov}
I crept through my window very quietly, hoping that no one would be awake to drill me with questions about where I was.
Who am I kidding!? They're the batfamily, of course they're awake!
The second my foot hit the cold hard wood floor, the once dark room filled with light and I was met with my three brothers standing around father, who is sitting in a chair all villain like.
"Where were you?" Farther questions in a sturn voice, I wince at his tone but immediately regain my composure.
"That is none of your- wait. Wouldn't you know? I mean I would've guessed that you would've tracked me."
"I did not," This surprised me "I trust you to make responsible decisions, and I also respect your privacy. You do not have to tell me where you were or what you were doing, but I hope you will."
Ok. Definitely not telling the truth. "I was just out for a 'walk' on the rooftops of Gotham. Nothing really."
I could tell he didn't believe me, I mean there is a reason why he is called the world's greatest detective, but he just nodded and left the room. Now for the extra hard part.
"Where were you really?" Asked Todd, raising an eyebrow.
I crossed my arms and looked at the floor. Think of an excuse! Think of an excuse!... nothing! God I hate you right now brain.
"I honestly can't think of an excuse good enough to convince you that I wasn't doing something you wouldn't approve of, so...can you just get out?"
The three of them looked slightly taken back by the fact that the Damian Wayne did not have an excuse, but they did end up leaving.
Once they were gone I walked into the bathroom that is connected to my bedroom, striped out of my sweaty uniform and hopped into the shower.

[Marina's pov]
I climbed through my window silently, and hopped onto the floor of my bedroom with a slight thump that made me wince. I waited and listened for anything that would indicate that my father was still awake. Nothing.
I sighed and walked over to my mirror, I looked at myself and smirked,
"God it's fun to be Sparrow."

Bet you didn't see that coming!

Unless you did.😐

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