22:: Not Again Part:1

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The movie finished and Damian and I just sat there. The sun was setting, causing an orange light to flood the room.
"Remember when we were little and you took me to that cliff, the one that overlooked the entire forrest?" I asked looking at Damian.
He smiled, a genuine smile that few have seen. "How could I not."
I looked at his eyes as silence over took us, it was a calming one.
I became slightly fascinated with the way the setting sun reflected off of his emerald eyes.
The Orange light making an artificial glow appear on his flawless skin.
My fingers traced over his sharp jawline, over his perfect cheekbones, and finally lightly went over his pink, surprisingly soft lips.
Oh how I wanted to kiss them. How I wanted to press mine against his and run my hands through his fluffy hair. But I couldn't, and I didn't know why.
I pulled away from him and stood up.
"We should get ready for patrol." I started to walk towards the door.
"What's wrong?"Damian asked
I looked at him sadly, not knowing how to answer his question "I-I don't know." I was actually starting to get wouried. "But something is deffinatly wrong. I feel...empty. L-like I'm not actually here..."
Damian gave me a wouried look "To be honest...I feel the same way."

There was a knock at the door, then it opened and everyone stood there.

Damian and I didn't agnolage them though, we were too wouried about each other.
"What's wrong?" Jason asked

My eyes fell to the floor, and I walked over to the door. "Nothing. Let's get ready for patrol."

Tonight patrol was extremely boring. Literally nothing has happened tonight.
No robbery, no muggings, no anything. But something was telling me that it was just the calm before the storm. Something big was coming.

"Everyone, regroup." Batman said through the coms.
Nightwing, who was my partner tonight, and I started to grapple to the regroup point.

Once we arrived everyone looked over to Batman for further instructions.
"What's wrong, Batman?" Redrobin asked
"There's been no crimes tonight." He said
"So?" Redhood asked
"This is Gotham." I said stepping forward "Somethings wrong."
"Yes, but what?" Batman asked rhetorically "Someone must have taken them all out before we could."

"That would be me." Said a voice that I haven't heard in 5 years. One that I never wanted to hear again.
There was a tiny pinch in my neck, and everything fadded to black.

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