18:: Doors

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I opened the door and it was like a brick wall hit me. The emotions from my memories were overwhelming. Excitement, happiness, joy, love.....

Heartbreak, pain, hatred, sadness, death.
It was too much all at once.

3rd person pov
The group of vigilantes stood around their younger partners with worried expressions on their faces.
"I hope every things ok." Tim said. Not that he'd ever admit it, but he was worried for his younger siblings.
The only agnolagment he got in return was a low grunt from his adaptive father.
All of a sudden MartianManhunters eyes stopped glowing and he looked to the worried group.
"I couldn't be there when they got their memories back; the emotion that comes with regaining memories are too strong and would surely bring me close to death. They will be in a temporary coma that will last about a day while the memories come back to them. I suggest you watch them."
Bruce nodded "Thank you, j'onn."
(I know I spelled that wrong. I have no idea how to spell his name😕)
MM smiled "You are welcome. Now I must leave." And with that he zetaed back to the watchtower.
All of a sudden there was a scream so loud it could have broke glass.
The bats in the cave started flying around in panick.
Bruce, Dick, Jason, and Tim all turned to look at the two sleeping vigilantes who were both quietly mumbling things that made no sense to them.
Then Damian  yelled "No, Mother!!! Don't touch her! I'll do it! I'm sorry! I'll do anything!" Then Marina screamed and Damian yelled even louder "NO!!!!!!"

Dick pov
We all started to get worried by what we were hearing. What could be going on?
"We should move them to-" Bruce was cut off by Marina crying.
"Daddy, please don't. I'll do better."

Marina and Damian 2nd person pov
( Damian is in italics and Marina is normal)

'Damian? What are you doing?' A younger version  of Marina giggled chasing a younger version of Damian.

'Im gonna show you something!'younger Damian giggled back running through the Forrest by nanda parbet (I know I deffinatly spelt that wrong!)
Little Marina ran after little Damian, following him to a cliff that over looked the entire forrest. 'Wow' she said as she looked at the view, the sun setting behind the trees.
'I know' he replied not looking at the view...but at her.

A 6 year old version of Damian stood beside his mother and grandfather with his chin up and his hands behind his back. He watched as his grandfathers head assasin walked in with a young girl Damians age.
'Ra's, this is my daughter. I ask your permission for her to stay here with me. Her mother died yesterday in a fire.'
'Damian, take the girl to the room beside yours.' His grandfather said
Damian nodded and walked away with the girl who looked like she'd been crying for days.
'My name is Damian.' He stated proudly in a high pitch voice
The girl sniffled and said 'Marina'
With a slight French accent.

Marina giggled as Damian dumped a bucket of white pain onto a group of assassins who were all wearing black.
'Damian! Marina!' His grandfather yelled angrily.
Damian and Marina quickly got out of their hidding place and stood at attention in front of Ra's.

An 9 year old Marina sat with her forehead on her knees as she sobbed in a dimly lit hallway.
' Marina?' She heard and looked up at her best friend who was down the hallway with a worried expression. Little Damian walked up to her and sat down. 'Is it your father again?'
'H-he kept punching me even when I was down after he beat me at sparring. He said that I'm weak and will never become a true assassin.' She sobbed into his shoulder as he hugged her.
'You know that's not true, right?'
She didn't replie.
'At least it wasn't as bad as last time. You don't have any broken bones right? Any cuts or stabs?'
She shook her head 'No. Not this time.'

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