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Damian pov
5:45pm, The clock in the gym read. Why must I be so bored!?


My phone made a 'ding' noise, informing me that someone has texted me.


M: Hey
D: Hello, Jackson.
M: So...I was thinking we could work on the project on Saturday around 12?
D: 12 is a reasonable time for me. I suggest we work on the project here at the manor it is much more efficient.
M: Sure but ill need a ride.
D: I will send for someone to drive you here.
M: kk. See you Saturday;3


Today Marina is supposed to be coming over to work on the project.

I don't know why but I had this weird feeling in my stomach...almost as if I was nervous- no! I am Damian Wayne! I don't get nervous!

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. Everyone was there eating breakfast.

As I sat down father said, "Good morning Damian."

"Good morning father," I replied.

Drake then said, "morning, demon spawn."

"-tt- morning dumbass." Todd chukled at this.

"Damian don't talk to your brother like that," Father commented, not looking up from his news paper.

I crossed my arms "-tt-"

Everything was quiet for a few second, then Todd ruined it.

"So demon spawn, who's Marina?" Todd smirked.

A wave of rage rushed through me, "You went through my phone!?"

He shrugged, "what? I was bored. Now answer my question."

"She's my partner for a school project. Which reminds me, father. She will be coming over today."

Finally, father looked up from his paper, "Damian."

"Yes father?"

"Did your teacher assign you two to be partners?" He raised an eyebrow.

"No. But she's better than the alternative," Now everyone at the table was listening.

"And what's the alternative?" Drake asked.

"All the other girls in the class wanted to be my partner. And the only reason why is because they all want to have sex with me," I crossed my arms and glared at the plate in front of me. Everyone other guy would probably kill to be in my shoes, but after a while it gets annoying.

Third person pov
"We all know what your going through. Except the only people who really agreed to having sex with all the girls in their school was Bruce and Jason," Dick joked.

"It wasn't all of them," Bruce mumbled.

Jason glared at Dick, "we weren't the only ones. If I remember correctly I recall you saying that you had your fair share of 'fun' with the lady's."

"Fine, maybe I did. But Damian doesn't need to know that."

"I don't think I need to know any of this," Damian said, walking out of the room


Marina pov
It's 11:59 and I'm standing outside of Wayne Manor. Alfred, Damian's butler, picked me up and drove me here. I have to admit that i am nervous. I have no idea why though.
Alfred opened the door and I was greeted by a big black dog running up to me.
"Hello," I said bending over slightly and petting the beast "what's your name?"
"Titus, come." I look up and see Damian standing at the bottom of the very grand stair case that lives in the front foyer of the manor.
"Hello, Damian." I greeted him
"Jackson."he nodded his head "this way. We will be working in-" he was cut off by a voice yelling from God knows where.
"Jason no!" The voice yelled
"Come on dickhead! It'll be fun!" This time it was a different voice, this one was deeper.
"You said that last time! And you know where we ended up? In a jail cell!" This voice was younger than the first two. Maybe 17, 18?
Then all of a sudden three men ran into the foyer. The first one had black hair and light blue eyes,the ocean would be jealous of the color. The second guy was taller than the other two, he had a white streak in the front of his dark hair. And the third guy was obviously the youngest, I think I've seen him in school before.
When the second guy caught the third guy he tackled him to the floor and they started having a full on first fight. While this was happening the first guy just stood above them with his arms crossed saying "oh real mature guys!"
I looked to Damian who was now beside me, he just rolled his eyes. "Hey imbeciles! We have a guest!" He yelled over the cursing and the yelling coming from the three men before me.
They all turned to me and froze. I sent them a little wave. The two that were on the floor stood up immediately, while the one that was already standing up stood up straighter.
"Hello I'm Dick Grayson."guy number one said, then he smiled and I felt like melting
"Hey, I'm Jason Todd. Damian's most awesome older brother" guy number two sent me a smirk, I blushed slightly.
"Tim Drake. Nice to meet you. You are?"
"Oh, um I'm Marina Jackson. Damian's history partner" I smiled at them.
"We'll be upstairs." Damian glared at them and grabbed my wrist. He started leading me towards the stairs he came from when I first got here.
I looked back at the three standing by the door "...bye. I guess."
"Bye!" Dick called excitedly

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