30:: The Flick of a Switch (and second book announcement)

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My heart was beating a mile a minute and I'm pretty sure everyone could hear it.

Every step I took brought me closer and closer to one of the most life changing things I will ever experience.

I walked down the hallways of the Hall of Justice, towards the doorway that led to outside, where we would be revealing our identities.
The batfamily stood together in a group just a few feet in front of me, everyone exchanging worried glances.

I walked up to them and stood beside Robin, weaving my fingers with his.

He squeezed my hand reassuringly and whispered in my ear, "Come with me."

I was a little confused, but I still followed as he led me back through the hallways.

He took me into a storage room and closed the door.

"Robin, I don't think We should do this here..." I hesitantly said.

He chuckled, "That's not why I took you here."

Only then did I notice what he was doing. Robin unfolded a ladder that came down from the ceiling and started to climb up it. He opened a small door and daylight flooded into the previously dark room.

"You coming up?" He asked.

I nodded and started ascending the ladder.

Once I exited the door, I stood on top of the roof of the Hall of Justice.

I walked over to the edge, where Robin stood.

On the ground stood thousands of people, all of them talking excitedly and extanging their theories of who we might be. None of them knowing the fear that was being held inside of the walls of the building I stood on.

We stood in a comfortable silence, looking down at the civilians who had no idea we were up here.

All the noise, inside and outside of the big concrete building, was faint and muffled. Just a distant whisper because of how high up we were.

Robin sighed, "We'll be ok. It seems like the end of the world now, but in the future this day won't mater as much. All the anxiety and fear will just be a memory."

I nodded my head, "We'll be ok," I agreed.

He turned to face me, his eyes holding the all fear that he hid so well, "Nomater what happens today, or tomorrow, or even in a year, I'll always love you, Sparrow."

"I love you too, Robin."

Even though we didn't say it, our eyes exchanged a mutual message, I'm scared too, but I'll be right up there with you.

- Time skip -

We once again stood with the rest of our family, although Batman was having a meeting with the justice league before the big event.

In an attempt to distract us, Nightwing had started telling story's about when Redhood, Red Robin and Robin had first arrived at the manor.

"-And then he turned to me and said 'and you thought I'd listen!?'" Nightwing finished the end of yet another story and we all started laughing, momentarily forgetting about the reason we were.

"In my defence," Redhood defended himself while still laughing a little, "... I have no defence, it was just really funny!"

We all started laughing again, holding our stomachs and rolling around on the floor.

Considering the situation...we probably look like we'd all gone insane.

Then the Justice League walked back into the room and stood in front of everyone at the front of the room.

We all stood up, forgetting our laughing fit and our reason for it, Worry consuming us once again.

"ahem," Batman cleared his throat, successfully gaining the attention of the few groups of heroes that weren't previously paying attention, "First off, I would like to thank all of you for choosing to be here today, even though none of us here agree with the new law."

Everyone continued looking at the bat themed vigilante quietly.

Batman was nervous, just as nervous as anyone else in the room... but it was different because he is "The Batman", he doesn't have emotions as far as anyone but us and the justice league know. This was all new to them. This was a bit unnerving for them...after all, this event has made Batman nervous and that's, as far as they know, extremely hard to do.

Batman's nervousnes caused his usually amazing, inspirational speech to run short, "The un-masking will commence in ten minutes. Please stand in the order we have instructed you to stand in while you wait."

We all lined up and waited like statues as the seconds flew past us like miniature jets, quick and deafening. Each second making our stomachs turn and our hearts beat faster. By this rate I was sure someone would have a heart attack soon. Luckily no one did.

And then the ten minutes were gone as quickly as they came.

We walked single file out the doors and onto a long stretch of stage in front of the Hall of Justice, thousands of lights flashing as everyone tried to capture this terrifying moment, which to them seemed like a grand celebration of some sort.

Superman made a speech that none of us listened to. Instead of listening I noticed the way sweat dripped down his forehead, and the way he held his hands in nervous fists as he spoke to the public, each word just barely making it out of his mouth with how nervous he was.

And then it was time.

I took a deep, shaky breath, almost as if I was afraid it would be my last.

The mayor of Gotham stepped up to the podium and I looked to my right, where Damian stood. I quickly grabbed his hand as the mayor spoke the words that would haunt me for the rest of my life, the words that would be engraved into my brain until I took my final breath.


And like the flick of a switch, the masks that conceal us from the world come off, and the world was submerged in chaos.

The End.

Wow. It seems so unreal that this is ending.


If you liked this book and you want to read what happens after this dramatic chapter, the second book is called "Project Sparrow".

The first chapter has already been published so you can go read it right now if you want.

Or if you've had enough of my crappy writing and you are just fine with it ending here, you dont have to. Your choice.

Either way, I just wanted to say thank you again for all the support and for reading my story. It really means a lot to me.

But seriously, go read "Project Sparrow".


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