Preference- the first is always the hardest

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I know I said in the last book I'd post in a month and it's been longer than that, but I've got super important exams coming up so I've been busy. Also I won't be updating much due to studying. I'm sorry but I love you guys!
Pete cradled his sixteen year old daughter in his arms and sighed as she sobbed. "Lennox, honey, you've got to tell me what's wrong." He worried.
"Kai dumped me!" She whales. He grimaced and rubbed her back.
"Why?" He tested.
She let go of her dad and wiped her eyes. "He said that he didn't love me anymore and that he's dating Stacey now because she's prettier." Pete's jaw tightened and a fire struck in his eyes, but when his girl started to cry again, it all faded.
"Well he's completely wrong. You are the most beautiful girl a man could ask for, inside and out." Lennox looked at her dad and shook her head.
"You're just being biased." Pete shrugged.
"Maybe, but hey, he's an idiot and clearly not man enough if he did that to you. Don't worry baby, you'll find someone better than that scum bag." He pulled his daughter in to his side.
"But I though he was the one." Pete wanted to chuckle at his daughters naiveness, but obviously he couldn't. "It hurts so much, dad." Your heart sank as you listened from outside the room. Your poor baby, heartbroken.
"The first one is always the hardest." He mumbled. "You haven't experienced heart break before, so it hits you like a truck." You smiled at Pete's words. "It will get easier over time, sweetheart. And me and your mum with always be here to pick up the pieces." He always knew what to say.
You opened the door and smiled at you husband and daughter. "How does pizza and ice cream sound?" Lennox nodded and wiped her tears before hugging you.


"Why did I let you talk me into this?" You shrieked as the artist shredded your skin. You gripped Andy's hand as your wrist stung.
"Because you it's worth it." Andy smiled and kissed your hand that clung onto his. "You're doing great." He encouraged.
"But it hurts." You whined, causing him and the tattoo artist to laugh. "Feels like my skin is getting ripped off." You added, pouting afterwards.
"The first one is always the hardest, but you get used to the pain afterwards." You looked over at him.
"I only agreed to one tattoo." You warned, glaring at him.
He grinned and softly kissed you. "I know, and this one is going to look great." You fought a smile and bit your lip.
After the guy was finished you gingerly looked at your wrist and saw the desired picture, smiling like a fool. "Told you so." Andy muttered in your ear, earning a playful hit on the chest.

Your breathing was very heavy as the crowd chattered away. You clung to your guitar as you hyperventilated.
Patrick's hand on your waist made you jump. "Hey. What's up?" Your best friend/secret love of your life asked you. He asked you if you wanted to be the supporting band to Fall out boy for the Take this to your grave tour, and since you had undying feelings for him, of course you agreed despite your fear for preforming.
"I can't do it." You whispered, looking over to him. He recognised your stage fright.
"Of course you can! You know why?" You shook your head. "Because your (Y/N) fucking (Y/L/N) and you're great. They're gonna love you, okay?" You nodded and calmed your breathing. "Okay, now get out there and kill it!" His smile beamed and you couldn't tell him no. With another deep breath and a look of determination, You journeyed onto the stage.
After you finished the last song, you ran off stage as the crowd cheered. The first person you saw was Patrick, cheering you on and grinning from ear to ear.
It was like everything moved in slow motion as you travelled towards him, taking off your guitar and looking directly at him the whole time. As you walked towards him he began to speak.
"See? You were amazing! The first performance is always the hardest. The next one will be way-" you grabbed the back off his head and smashed his lips against yours. You didn't know if it was the adrenaline from the show or the way he looked but you kissed him.
After a few seconds of him not responding, you pulled back and looked at him worriedly, finally realising what you had just done.
He blinked a few times then his face softened and a small smile broke out on to it. "What was that for?" He grinned stupidly.
You shrugged and smiled sheepishly, looking at him through your lashes. "Felt like it." You mumbled. He sniggered and grabbed your waist, pulling you in for another one.


You clung to your fiancé, sniffling as he buried his face into your hair. "I'll be back in four months." He reminded you.
"I know," you breathed as you pulled your face back to look at him. "But I've never spent this much time away from you." You whined. "I'm going to miss you so much." Your lip quivered and Joe felt his heart warm at how much you cared for him.
"I'll miss you too baby. But think of this, as soon as I get back, we can get married!" He quietly said excitedly. You smiled through the small tears. "I love you." He kissed your head.
"I love you too." You whimpered.
He smiled at you then picked his bag up, not saying goodbye since he knew you'd burst into tears.
As he walked away from you, you shouted for him. Joe turned around and was bombarded with a huge, passionate kiss that he melted in to. You pulled away, your noses still touching. "Remember to stay hydrated, and don't stay out too late each night." You worried. He agreed. "Oh, and don't eat too much junk food." You added. "Eat all your veg." Joe rolled his eyes.
"Yes, mom. You gonna let me go now?" You nodded and he kissed you one last time. "I'll see you soon, sweetheart." He winked and then walked away.
Meagan's hand found your shoulder and tried to comfort you. "The first time Is always the hardest. Soon saying goodbye won't hurt as much." You nodded and sighed.
"Let's just go home and watch FOB videos whilst getting drunk." Meagan laughed but agreed, leading you to the parking lot.

Fall out boy imagines and preferences- round three Where stories live. Discover now