Pete- Guardian Angel (part five)

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He didn't know how you did it but you had somehow clawed your way into his mind and programmed him to never be able to say no to you.
That's how he ended up unpacking boxes in the new apartment you had bought together.
"Thank you again, Petey. I wouldn't have been able to afford rent here on my own." Pete chuckled and shook his head.
"It's fine. If anything I should be thanking you." You looked at him with confusion etched on to your features. "Because you've taken me in, not knowing who I was." You smiled up at him before wrapping your arms around his torso. You didn't say anything but Pete could tell that you had thought about how he saved your life, and it made him feel sick.
He felt like he was living a lie. He felt dishonest and gross and he hated all of it. What would happen if you found out? Would you understand? Or would you runaway screaming from the madman who thought he was an angel?
-one month later-
Elisa sat sipping her coffee on your couch, legs crossed and face stern as ever. It was frustrating to watch you and Pete be clearly infatuated with each other but be complete oblivious at the same time. She just wanted to slam your heads together so the small smiles and awkward touches would stop.
Her eyes lifted to Pete walking out of his bedroom and in to the living room, surprised to see Elisa so early in the morning, and in his home. "Hi." He said quietly.
"Hello." She responded, monotone. It made Pete feel uneasy and he wasn't sure why she was being like this.
"Are you okay?" He asked with concern. Elisa let out a small smirk and shook her head.
"Yes, thank you. Are you?" Pete nodded and went to go to the kitchen, but Elisa's voice pulled him back. "Pete, when are you going to tell (Y/N) you like her?" Pete froze and he choked on his words.
"I don't like her." He quickly answered. Elisa laughed and sat up.
"It's time to grow some balls Pete. You live together for Christ sake." She got up and walked to your room, leaving Pete alone and on edge.

You opened your door for Elisa and smiled at your best friend. "Hey. Sorry I was just getting ready." You motioned to your wardrobe and she nodded.
Once you were ready, you and Elisa walked out. You said a quick goodbye to Pete, kissing his cheek and mentioning how you and your friends were all meeting for coffee. You'd be back in a few hours.
This information went straight over Pete's head as his thoughts stuck on what Elisa had said earlier.

A few hours later, true to your word, you walked through the door looking glum. Pete immediately asked what was wrong and offered to make you some tea or hot chocolate. You had told him it was nothing and that you better get dinner on the go.
After you had both eaten in uncomfortable silence, Pete decided that washing up would ease his mind. You were drying up next to him with the saddest face he had ever seen on you.
He paused and then put the plate he was washing down.
"Okay. Tell me what's wrong." You looked up at him and tried to say nothing but he cut you off. "It's clearly not nothing. You've barely spoken to me since you came home. You always like talking to me and telling me about your day. Please. At least tell me how I can make you feel better." He pleaded, desperation in his eyes.
"Do you like me?" You asked suddenly but still with that lingering sadness.
Pete had frozen again. His face filled with dread and you could see it. "What?" He asked dryly.
"It's not a hard question to answer Pete." You seemed ashamed to be asking this.
He couldn't lie to you. Hiding the truth was one thing, but this? Lying to you whilst looking you in the eye? He couldn't.
His face still held that dread, but a melancholy tone was soon added. "Of course I do." He croaked, frightened of your response.
Your face had an unidentifiable look and it wasn't until you breathed a sigh of relief that Pete held his breath. "Thank god. Elisa really scared me today." You chuckled.
Pete looked at you in bewilderment. "She kept telling me I needed to 'cuff' you before you realised how good looking you were." Pete let out a small laugh and shook his head.
"I thought it'd surely be the other way around." You furrowed your eyebrows. "You're more gorgeous than the heavens." Pete has sensed his slip up, but you had only smiled and looked away.
When your eyes met again no more words were exchanged. It was a few seconds of looking at each other before your lips finally met.
Pete held your face as if it was glass. His thumbs stroking your cheeks, causing a giddy laugh to bubble in your chest and break a smile on to your face. Pete parted and joined in, resting his forehead against his.
All those men he had been jealous of, wishing he was them. They seemed like nothing now and Pete rejoiced at the fact that it was finally his turn.

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