Pete- Guardian Angel (End)

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His breath shook and he combed his fingers through his hair before continuing. "So, when you left, you asked me if I could prove what I told you." He looked up at you to find an annoyed facial expression. "I've found a way to prove it." He waited for a response but you only rolled your eyes.
You couldn't believe yourself. How could you just walk back here and hope he was more sane. Obviously you were wrong.
"Please. I just need you to trust me." You shook your head and turned around. You couldn't let him see you upset.
"How the fuck could I trust you after all of this." You whimpered whilst turning around. "You tricked me! You made me believe you were a good person and all you are is a crazy, stalking, freak!" You yelled, clearly distressed by the situation.
Pete walked over to you, trying to comfort you, but all you did was push him away. "I know. Okay! I know how it seems but I'm trying to make it right." He paused. "I'm not a good person. I was selfish and it got us and others in to a big mess and now we're both hurt. I'm not trying to make you think I'm a good person. I'm the opposite. I'm a shitty person who's madly in love with the girl I was meant to protect. I love you so much I risked my wings for you. I became mortal for you. Doesn't that seem like something you could take in and use to trust me again? Even just a little?" He pleaded.
You shook your head and looked up to try and stop the tears. "Pete." You whined. He waited for you to continue. He had to stop himself from trying to hug you again when tears finally broke from the barriers in your eyes. "I can't believe this. I thought you wanted to show me you weren't insane. But low and behold..."
Pete sighed and realised this wasn't going to work. He had to give up before it was too late.
"You're right." He shook his head and turned around. "You're right. I'm hurting you even more to try and sort it out." He leant on the table with his head down. "Just go." He couldn't hear your footsteps. "Please, go. And I'll keep my end of the promise and," he took in a sharp breath. "I'll never see you again." His voice shook before he let himself softly fall on the floor, leaning his back on the table, face in hands to mask the tears.
Of course you wouldn't believe him. He sounded like a maniac  and he didn't blame you for being angry. You had every right to be mad and he hated how he was the cause. He hated how much hurt he was causing when he was meant to keep you clear of harms way.
You stared at him the entire time. He told you to leave but you couldn't. Actually you could. The door wasn't too far away. You could run away and never come back. You could forget about him and pretend you didn't date a psycho for a few months.
But you didn't want to. Part of you wanted to believe him. Part of you wanted to comfort him as he cried on the kitchen floor you used to share with him. Part of you wanted to see what he had to show you.
You wanted to believe him, you really did. And that's why you slowly stepped towards him. You stood at his feet and took a few breathes before kneeling down before him.
You placed your hand on his knee, not knowing what else to do.
Pete slowly looked at you and lowered his hands. He stared at you with a mixture of emotions evident. Confusion, hope, dread.
You looked down at your hand on him and took one last deep breath before speaking.
"Okay, Pete. Show me."
You looked up when his hand rested over yours. "You trust me?" You nodded but Pete could tell there was still some caution in your features.
He moved closer to you and placed on hand on your cheek, the other on your neck, stroking your jaw. "I won't hurt you. Please, just go with it." Your heart beat increased but you nodded again.
He slowly inched forward before his lips softly placed on yours. You sighed, having missed the sensation and let yourself relax.
As soon as your lips started to move in rhythm, your vision turned white and an array of memories that weren't yours flashed through your head. Most the time it was you looking at yourself but you felt compassion and love. You realised it was Pete's point of view, you let the visions come more easily. You saw yourself clearly walk past Pete as if he wasn't there, though he would've been in clear sight. You saw the fire. You saw a man but you couldn't see his face. You saw Pete at work in his heavenly office. You saw Patrick and a few other people you didn't know dressed in white. You saw Pete have his wings being taken away. You saw Elisa taking him in, and you cleaning him up. You saw it all from his perspective.
You quickly pulled away from Pete, eyes wide and face full of realisation.
Pete stared at you timidly. He still held on to you, scared you'd still run away. "Are you okay?"
You didn't answer. It all made sense. Everything Pete said correlated with what you saw. Pete was telling the truth.
"How did you-"
"Patrick told me that if you truly love someone, when you kiss them, you can show them the truth if you want them to know it. I wanted you to know the truth." You blinked a few times before looking around.
"Holy shit." You breathed, clinging on to Pete still, but now, mainly for stability.
Pete smiled and chuckled slightly.
"I'm so sorry." You suddenly said, turning towards him. "I didn't believe you. I should've at least tried to but I just left. And I called you all those horrible names." You said quickly, seemingly upset by how you acted.
Pete shook his head and laughed. "It's fine. I'm sorry for lying to you for so long. I shouldn't have told you without a way of proving it. To be honest I would've been worried if you believed me straight away." He stared at you with the same compassion that you felt in the visions.
You laughed in disbelief. "Holy shit, that was all true!" Pete nodded and pulled you closer.
You let him lead you and sat on his lap, leg either side of him and wrapping this behind his back.
You put your hand on his cheek and stroked it a few times. "I'm so sorry."
"Don't." Pete shook his head. "It doesn't matter now. All that matter is you believe me."
You nodded slightly. "I do."
He sat up slightly to be closer to you. "I love you." He said whilst looking at your lips.
"I love you, Pete. Which sounds stupid of me considering the circumstances, but-" Pete stopped you by placing his lips on yours again.
He wrapped his arms tightly around you and pulled you closer as you gave in to his divine kisses.
"What the fuck?" Elisa exclaimed, causing you to pull away slightly and look at her standing next to Patrick. "You're not serious, right? You're not seriously getting back with him." You sat back and began to explain that Pete was telling the truth. That you knew it sounded crazy but it was true and if you could trust him, Elisa should too.
Elisa turned to Patrick with a face of bewilderment. "I suppose your a guardian angel too, right?" She asked sarcastically.
"Yeah." Patrick shrugged like it was nothing, walking past her into the lounge.
"Wait what?" She rushed after him. "Who's are you?" Their voices became more quiet but you still heard him say a quick 'yours' before Elisa began her interrogation on him.
Pete chuckled and stood up, you being pulled towards him again. "Come on. Let's go to our room." You smiled at the sentence and nodded, holding his hand as you walked together.

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