Preference- Forbidden relationship (found out)

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"You need to stop sneaking in to my room." You breathed as Pete started to kiss your neck.
"Where else am I meant to do this?" He mumbled against it, then carrying on his work. You giggled and would've enjoyed it, however your mother started to bang on the door.
"Shit!" You whispered and pushed Pete off of you. "They weren't meant to be home for another two hours." You ran your fingers through your hair as Pete looked between the door and you. He thought fast and ran into the closet.
You composed yourself and went to your door to be met with an angry face. "Yes?" You raised an eyebrow.
"Who were you talking to?" She shrieked. You looked at her in confusion and shrugged.
"I don't know what you're on about." She scoffed and pushed your door open, looking frantically around the room. She went to go towards your wardrobe so you raised your voice. "Fine! You got me!" She turned around with a smug look and gestured you to continue. "I was on the phone." She raised an eyebrow and crossed her arms.
"To who?" She pushed. You took a deep breath. It was better than her finding Pete in your closet.
"My boyfriend. I have a boyfriend." You breathed out, eyes flicking between your mother and the closet.
She paused before exploded. "What?!" You closes your eyes as she ranted on, talking about how you weren't ready and how school had to come first.
"I'm not a child!" You screamed, interrupting her. She stared back at you, surprised. "I'm 18! I know what I'm doing and you don't have control over me anymore. It's my life and I'm going to live it how I want!" She went to open her mouth, probably to argue back. "No! Nothing you can say will stop me! I love my boyfriend and I'm not leaving him because you disapprove of me being happy!" Her mouth closed, and after a few moments, she left the room.
You closed the door behind her and locked it. You took a few deep breaths before Pete came out and looked at you. "Are you okay?" You shook your head and looked at him. "That was really hot." You cracked a smile before hitting his arm. He chuckled and brought you into his chest.
"I just shouted at my mom, probably ruined my home life for the rest of my life and,"
"Confessed your love for me." Pete interrupted. You realised what you had done and groaned.
He laughed again and squeezed you. "Don't worry. I love you too." He kissed your head and then rested his cheek where he had just kissed.

You knocked frantically on Andy's door, praying he was in. When his door opened you stared at him, not knowing what to do.
"Hey, you okay?" He smiled, looking you up and down. You nodded, pulling the papers in your hand up.
Andy read them and his face lit up. You currently held papers that confirmed your divorce. He looked between you and them for a few seconds before embracing you. "Oh god! I love you so much." He breathed out happily.
"I love you too." You clung on to him as if this whole thing would end if you let go. As if you'd be back at home, still married and miserable.

—a few weeks later—
You cuddled in to Andy on your sofa as some film played on the telly. "We should probably stop being lazy." He mumbled, playing with your hair.
"Nah." You grumbled, closing your eyes. You loved days like this. Just you and the man you loved, happily being together without worry of someone ruining it.
You groaned when your phone rang. You slowly picked it up and put it to your ear, no clue on who it could be. It was probably your best friend. They said they was going to call. "(Their name), I'm busy spending the day with my boyfriend, tell me what you need so I can go back to cuddling." You tiredly explained, Andy giggling from under you.
"Um, it's's Hank." Your eyes widened at the voice of your now ex husband. "I just wanted to tell you you left some of your stuff here." You thanked him quickly, hoping to hang up soon. "Great job on waiting the appropriate time to move on, you bitch." And with that he hung up, leaving you looking like a fish. Andy asked why your mouth was open in offence and you told him what happened.
"Well, at least he knows now." You shook your head, lying back down.


You loved meeting Sarah up for lunch, but you hated lying to her about you and Patrick. It seemed the longer this whole dating in secret thing went on, the harder it became to keep it a secret.
It was the casual catch up with Sarah, and mostly her raving about how proud she is of Brendon for his new album. It was expected but what you weren't expecting was her to announce Brendon's and Patrick's arrival.
You whipped around to see you boyfriend walking through the door of the cafe, smiling at you sheepishly.
You clenched your eyes shoot before taking a deep breath. Standing up, you planted a smile on your face and greeted Patrick. "Trick! I haven't seen you in months! How are you?" Patrick planted a friendly kiss on your cheek and sat down next to you.
The afternoon flew by, and pretending to hardly know Patrick was actually quite easy.

-a week later-

You groaned as you threw down the article on to the coffee table. You could hear Patrick chuckle on the other end of the phone. "This is ridiculous. They'll make a story out of anything these days!" You growled as you looked at the article again, claiming that you and Patrick were dating because someone took a picture of that friendly cheek kiss you shared last week.
"But, princess, we are dating." He grinned. You knew we was grinning. You could hear it.
"I'm glad you find this funny. You're the one who wanted to keep this a secret, and know it's making me stressed." You hissed, slumping down in to your seat.
"I'll fix it." Was all he said before hanging up.
A few hours had passed and a notification popped up on your phone to say that Patrick had posted something.
You clicked on it and you were immediately faced with a picture of your and Patrick kissing. Not just platonically on the cheek, but actually kissing.

'Yes, Y/N is my girlfriend, but we didn't tell many people because we wanted our privacy. I'm sorry to have to lie to our family, friends and fans, but in our opinion, it was the best decision. I love you Princess!'

You laughed as you read the comment, and the comments following, mainly from Pete complaining about Peterick.
You laughed even more when you were flooded with tweets and instagrams from fans.


Brendon threw too many parties for your liking, but he was your brother and you lived with him so you had to put up with it.
Sulking in the corner with a cup of water, you huffed and surveyed the room.
Joe noticed your upset form and broke away from the group conversation. "You okay?" He sat next to you.
"Bored out of my mind." You grumbled. Suddenly your eyes lit up and you turned to Joe. "Hey, lets go make out in my room." You lowered your voice so only Joe could hear. He laughed but nodded, helping you stand up.
He followed you upstairs, not knowing your brother was watching the whole thing.
As soon as the door closed, your lips were on Joes, joining in a slow and sensual kiss.
It had been a few months since you had started dating but he never seized to make you dizzy with his kisses.
But it was broken apart when your door flew open the reveal a pissed Brendon. "What the fuck is happening here?" He yelled, seething with anger.
You and joe let go of each other. You looked to joe then to your brother, unable to form words.
Knowing you wouldn't know what to say, Brendon turned to Joe. "What the fuck? That's my little sister your sucking face with!" Brendon seemed to be growing angrier the longer no one spoke.
"Look, Brendon, I'm sorry-" Joe began.
"Oh, you're sorry? I can't believe you! You're meant to be my friend! And friends don't take advantage of each other's sisters."  Joe furrowed his eyebrows at his comment.
"Woah, I'm not taking advantage of her." He held his hands up as he explained.
"Sure doesn't look that way." He argued back.
"I'm not! I really like Y/N and I'd never intentionally hurt her." Brendon blinked a few times before looking to you.
"Well? Do you not have anything to say?" He spat. You rolled your eyes and got closer to Joe.
"Yeah. I really like Joe. And I think you're being a baby about this. I'm 18, Bren. I can look out for myself. And even if me and Joe weren't dating-"
"Hold on, Dating?" His voice rose an octave.
"Yes! Dating! Even if we weren't, it's my life, my body, and my choice on who I'm with. Can you just cut the overprotective brother shit and be happy that me and Joe are together?" You asked him hopefully.
His face softened as he looked between the two of you again. He took a deep breath through his nose and nodded. You thanked him before he went back down to the party.
Joe turned to you and smiled. "So, we can finally be public?" You nodded.
"Now, where were we?" You both giggled before joining your lips again.

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