Joe- You'd do that?

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This is still in the 'you' set out but some parts are from Ruby's view. She'll also be older in this.

She didn't understand it. Her dad had hardly ever left her at Pete's house before, especially not for this long. Ruby stared at the clock, ignoring the two boys running wildly around her.
Bronx stopped and stood next to the six year old. "Don't you want to play tag with us, Ruby?" He panted, Saint still running around like a lunatic.
"No thank you." She simply said, not taking her eyes off the clock. Pete studied the children and sighed.
Ruby never got to meet her mom, meaning Joe was her only parent and did a brilliant job of it. The only problem is, she was really attached to her father, and didn't have much of a female influence in her life.
Pete was worried that, now that Joe could potentially start dating again, he might not be able to do that.


"Joe, I'm having such a great time." The woman across from the brunette chimed. If only Joe felt the same. He sat with his hand holding his head up and an unamused expression plastered on his face.
"Uh-huh." He groaned, letting his eyes wonder off into the sea of people in the restaurant. Joe ignored his date go on about their obsession with him and started thinking about the curly haired girl waiting for him at his friends house.
He missed his daughter and would rather be with her than the bimbo who wouldn't stop talking.
But his mind froze when his eyes met yours. It's like the both of you dropped everything to gaze at each other, both ignoring your company. He was shocked by your beauty and you were shocked that someone so handsome was looking right at you.
You smiled, which he gladly returned, still looking dazed by your appearance. The smile on both your faces dropped when his date hit his arm and started yelling at him. You turned back to your date and saw he was texting someone.
"I have to go." He muttered. "There's been an avalanche at work." You rolled your eyes and mumbled a goodbye, disagreeing to do this again.
When he left, you looked for the brunette from before, but him and his date had gone. You frowned and turned back around, nearly falling off your chair. He stood in front of you, catching you when you fell.
"Are you okay?" He asked worriedly.
"I'm fine, thank you." You breathed, staring at his blue eyes. "I'm brilliant, actually." Mesmerised, your eyes connected, the man still holding on to you.
"Do you, maybe, want to get a drink?" He offered and you agreed a little too quickly. "I'm Joe, by the way." He stated as you walked out together, the breeze immediately hitting you.
"(Y/N)." You greeted and excitedly walked beside him.
What a brilliant start to August.
When Joe arrived at Pete's later on, Ruby was asleep on the couch, her thumb in her mouth. Joe cooed at her to wake up, getting a small whine in return. He chuckled and picked her up, saying a quick 'thank you' to Pete before leaving.

-three months later-

"(Y/N)? Baby? Are you ready?" Joe called into your apartment, walking into the lounge. You had made things official pretty much straight away, but didn't want to go too fast, or too slow. So, today, you were meeting his daughter.
You walked out and hugged him, pecking his lips afterwards. "Are you sure you want to do this? We've been dating for three months." You rambled, clearly becoming nervous.
"Yes. I'm sure." He smiled before placing a small kiss to your lips. "Come on." He took your hand and led you out the door as you grabbed your keys.
The drive was you mainly nervously jigging and asking Joe about Ruby.
When you arrived at Joe's house, you saw Andy chasing Ruby around the living room, soon stopping and clearing his throat when he realised you were there.
Ruby stopped in her tracks when she saw her dad and ran up to him, being picked up and hugged by the curly haired man. "Daddy!" She squealed, smiling goofily.
Then she caught sight of the lady behind her dad and unwrapped her arms from around his neck. "Ruby, this is (Y/N)." He simply stated, the lady waving and smiling. Ruby looked at her and then her dad a few times but never said anything. "Are you going to say hi?" He asked worriedly.
"Girlfriend?" The child queried, Joe looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You saw how disappointed the child looked, so before Joe could answer, you interjected.
"No sweetie. I'm your dads friend." Joe looked at you confused, as well did Andy. Joe realised what you were doing and nodded.
Ruby's face turned from a frown to a smile and Joe put her back down on the floor. "Do you want to play dolls with me?" She smiled. You nodded and she took your hand, dragging you to her playroom.

-one month later-

You walked in to the kitchen, acknowledging Joe with a nod before getting three glasses out. "You okay?" He asked as he prepared Ruby's lunch.
"Yeah. Ruby said she wanted a drink, so here I am." You smiled at your boyfriend. He smiled back and walked over to you.
"I love how good you are with her. She really likes you." Your smile grew and you wrapped your arms around Joes neck.
"Really?" He nodded and placed his hands on your waist.
"Really. And I guess I really like you as well." He smirked, pulling you closer to him.
"Oh, well, I guess I return those feelings." Joe chuckled and swooped down to press a long loving kiss to your lips.
Or, it would be.
"I knew it!" A child's voice shrieked from the door. You and Joe quickly pulled apart. "You're not friends! You lied to me!" Joe opened his mouth to speak whilst walking over to her, but she ran off before he could.
The door to her bedroom slammed shut and you sighed with regret.

Part two coming soon...

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