Pete- Guardian Angel (Part Six)

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Patrick shook his head as he watched you and Pete cuddle on your shared couch. Elton had ordered him to keep an eye on Pete since he was banished and Patrick hated it.
He hated seeing his friend dig a deeper hole for himself with every breath he took. If Elton found out Pete was with you. Pete would be in the deepest of shit. That's why he lied to his boss. Well, lying is a strong term. Covering the truth was more appropriate, which is ironic because that's exactly what Pete was doing to you.
Just as long as no one snitched, and Pete kept his mouth shut, it would all be fine.
Except it wouldn't. Elton found out from a snotty little angel called Justin who just wanted to kiss ass. Mr John had stormed in the room and demanded to see Pete, enraged by what he saw.

Pete woke up suddenly, panting and sweating and looking around worriedly. "No." He whined, hands coming up to meet his eyes. You had woken up from falling off his chest and now sat asking what was wrong. But Pete couldn't tell you. Not because he was crying to much, which he was, but because he couldn't let you know.

There was a loud knock on the door, startling you and Pete. It took several minutes for Pete to actually get up and answer it, seemingly too scared.
The next thing you knew, Pete was on the floor, holding his nose as a man stood in the doorway, angry and panting heavily.
You screamed and quickly ran to Pete's side. "Who the fuck are you? The get the hell out of here before I call the cops!" You demanded, cradling Pete in your arms as blood streamed from his nostrils.
"It's okay, baby." Pete sat up and looked up at the man. "He Trick." He said with a melancholy tone.
"Hey." Patrick breathed out, still clearly mad.
After Pete had let Patrick in (despite your many arguments) you went out, giving the guys space.
"I'm so sorry, Patrick. Had I have known that this would happen to you-"
"You would've still done it." Patrick nodded. Pete went to protest but he stopped him. "Forget it Pete. It's my own fault. I shouldn't have lied to Elton like that. But I couldn't risk anything happening to the two of you." Pete thanked his friend with a pat on the back.
"What happens now?" Pete asked solemnly.
Patrick took a deep breath in. "You tell (Y/N) everything or she dies." He explained nonchalantly.
"What?!" Pete burst out, confusion and panic settling in.
"Elton said it's to teach you a lesson. It's also to prove to him whether he should let you two slide or not. If she still loves you after you tell her, he'll never bother you two again." Patrick shrugged.
"And what about you? Huh?" Pete asked as he paced.
"I stay here. With you. Looking over Elisa from afar." He sounded like he was going to cry. Pete did the only thing he could think of and embraced his friend.
He never wanted his friend to be dragged in to this. He never wanted to bring the same fate to Patrick as himself. He certainly didn't want to tell you the truth. You'll never want to see him again, but he couldn't be that selfish. Not again.

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