Pete- Guardian Angel (Part seven)

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You stared at Pete, face frozen in an unemotional state, body stiff and hands crossed on your lap.
He waited for your answer but it seemed as though it wouldn't come. "I had to tell you. If I didn't, bad things would happen," He tried to grab your hand but you quickly pulled away. "I couldn't let anything happen to you." His voice broke and desperation blossomed in his tone.
You clenched your eyes shut, cursing the whole situation. Did you believe him? Of course not! And that made it worse because you'd clearly let a mad man who used to stalk you, live with you.
You stood up and put your hand on your forehead, rubbing it slightly. "I'm so fucking stupid." You whined.
"What?" Pete breathed.
"I believed your lies. I let you live with me! For fuck sake, I fell for you, you asshole!" You turned to him with fire in your eyes. "I knew you were stalking me! I just knew it!" You turned around to mask the tears in your eyes.
"No, you've got to believe me!" He stood up to try and let you hear him properly. "I'd never want to bring you harm or pain. I love you too much! I just..." You turned around and waited for him to continue. "I..." You raised your eyebrows. "I couldn't let you die." His voice cracked again.
He really was crazy.
You grabbed your coat and keys and marched to the door. "No! Please! Listen to me!" He chased after to you.
You quickly turned around, so fast that he almost fell in to you. "Fine. You want me to believe you? Show me." He froze.
"What?" He looked at you in confusion.
"Show me. Make me believe you're some ex angel and not a stalker."
He stared at you for a second and looked as though he was choking. "I can't." He whimpered.
You scoffed and shook your head.
"I can't! My powers were taken away! And so were Patrick's!" You started to walk away again and Pete knew better than to try and make you stay after all of this.
"Keep the apartment. Elisa will pick my things up. I don't ever want to see you, or be reminded of you again!" You spat before slamming the door behind you.

Elisa cradled you as you watched tv, still sulking from the events that had happened two days ago.
The movie and ended and Elisa sighed, going to stand up. You grumbled but sat up anyway. "Where are you going?" You asked as she walked away.
She stopped and turned slightly to you. "To pee?" She smiled. Your lips almost lifted but it fell quickly.
As Elisa was washing her hands, she thought on how much you seemed to hurting right now. Pete was the reason her best friend was hurt and she couldn't stand for that.
Elisa had never been a calm soul, they she seemed it at first glance. Every person who dared to look at you the wrong way would have a stern talking to, and sometimes an argument coming their way. You didn't like it very much and so you always told Elisa it wasn't a big deal so she'd leave it alone.
This time you couldn't lie to her though.
She dried her hands and walked up the kitchen, grabbing her keys before jogging towards the door.
"Elisa?" You called when you heard the door open.
"I'm just going to the store." She called back.
You stood up and walked to her.
"What for?" Your face shadowed with confusion. You had gone to the store yesterday.
"Soap." She shrugged, quickly walking out and closing the door behind her.

"There is a way, Pete! If you'd just listen." Patrick raised his voice as his friend scoffed and tried to walk away.
"Don't you think I'd know if there was a way? I would've shown her and she wouldn't have left." Pete started to tear up at the memory of you leaving. He sighed and leant against the doorway. "I just want her back."
"You will, if you just listen." Pete thought for a second before nodding.

You marched towards the bathroom and peered in through the door. Just as you expected, the soap bottle was almost full, barely used considering you had bought it yesterday.
"God dammit Elisa." You muttered before running towards the door.

Pete and Patrick's heads both whipped towards the door as a loud and harsh knock sounded from it. Pete walked towards it and opened it quickly only to be met with an angry face. "Elisa?" Pete exclaimed in confusion.
"You're a prick, you know that?" She said without giving Pete another moment to speak. "How dare you hurt my best friend like that! How dare you lear her in like that! Making her think you're not fucking insane!" She was going to continue but was stopped when her name was called by a familiar voice.
Pete froze when you came in to view. "What the fuck?" You whispered to her, grabbing her elbow crease to drag her away, but you froze when your eyes met Pete's. This is what you were scared of.
"Hi." He breathed.
You nodded, not trusting your voice, and still being quite mad at him, you didn't want to give him the satisfaction of talking to him.
"Can we please talk?" He stepped forward.
You rolled your eyes and tried to pull Elisa away. "Please! After you can leave and never talk to me again. I'll never try and talk to or see you again, I promise." He pleaded, causing you to stop and stare at him cautiously.
On one hand, this guy was for sure a psychopath. But on the other, a part of you still cared for him and you couldn't say no to him when he looked at you like that. Maybe you were crazy too for still liking him.
"Okay." You quietly agreed, letting go of your friend to walk in to the apartment.
"(Y/N)! No!" Elisa protested. You ignored her and walked inside. "I'm not leaving without you!"
"Yes, you are. Come on." Patrick suddenly appeared, directing Elisa away.
"No way!" She yelled, but Pete closed the door before you could see how the scene would play out.
It went quiet between you and you hated how demeaning it was. "So?" You viscously spat.
Pete took a deep breath. This wouldn't be easy.

Next chapter is the last of this book. Of course I'll have a good bye page but yeah, sad times.

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