Pete- Guardian Angel (part three)

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Yo this book has gotten #17 for the 'What is life tag' and I'm living for it!

You rushed to Elisa's front door and knocked rapidly. When she had told you she'd picked up a strange guy in a field and needed your help, you were there in an instant.
She opened the door and looked at you worriedly. "Come in." She order and you did, taking your coat off and shaking the rain off of you. You followed her quickly in to the living room whilst carrying your first aid kit you had taken from the hospital you were training at.
As you lifted your head to see who was causing all the chaos, your eyes met with his and you let go of the first aid kit.
You fell against the wall and started shaking violently as a scream got caught in your throat.
Pete stood up and watched you with sorrowful eyes, knowing to keep his distance.
Elisa rushed in at the sound of something dropping and saw you in a state of frenzy, crumbling towards the floor. She was immediately by your side and stroking your hair.
"What happened?" She asked Pete harshly, knowing her best friend wouldn't have gotten like this over something minor.
"I-I don't know! She walked in and suddenly she was panicking!" Pete said with urgency in his voice. Of course he had some idea of why you were panicking, but didn't want to say.
You raised your hand and pointed at him, sobbing. You managed to choke out a quick "stalker." Before you started to hyperventilate. Elisa whipped round to look at Pete who looked extremely confused. She seemed angry for a reason that Pete didn't know, so he went in to the kitchen to leave the women in peace.
After twenty or so minutes, you finally calmed down and sat on the couch with a hot chocolate in your hands. Elisa sat next to you and processed what you had said. "So, when the fire started, he was in the house?" She recalled.
"My house! He was in my house!" You turned to her with desperation in your eyes. Elisa never believed you but you preyed she believed you this time.
"How about we ask him about it?" You scoffed and shook your head.
"I knew you wouldn't believe me." You said bitterly as you lip began to tremble.
"No! Y/N! I do! But maybe it was a coincidence? Maybe he's not a stalker!" She tried to reason and after a few minutes, you agreed to talk to him.
"When I saw your house on fire, through the windows, I wanted to make sure no one was I there. It frightened me when I saw your car so I broke in since no one answered the door, and then I checked your room..." Peter gingerly explained as he cradled a hot chocolate that matched yours.
You nodded slowly before letting out a small laugh and shaking your head. This was all so stupid. You were stupid. Elisa was right, no one was stalking you.
"I'm sorry I freaked out. I just got a little spooked I guess." You smiled at him though it didn't reach your eyes. Not even a little.
"It's alright. I'm just glad you're okay." He returned the smile that seemed to be brighter than your own.
"And thank you for saving my life! I probably wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you." Pete only shrugged, too humble to do anything else. Truthfully he felt bad for lying to you, so he didn't want you praising him. "No, really," You placed your hand on his and stared in to his eyes. "Thank you." He grinned and squeezed your hand.
Elisa watched the whole ordeal quietly but felt strange when you two wouldn't stop looking at each other. "How about," she started, earning two pairs of eyes to dart towards her. "You make it up to him by patching him up?" She motioned to the many grazes Pete had on him, most likely from the fall from your window (you assumed).
You nodded and turned to Pete again. "I'd be happy to." Pete melted at your nurturing nature you always possessed. God, he adored you, but he knew you could never be his. And that, that was worse than falling from grace.

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