Andy- I know

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Third person
Andy felt a vibration from his bedside table and furrowed his eyebrows, tiredly answering it without checking who it was. "Hello?"
"It's snowing." He heard the voice as quiet as a whisper and sat up.
"(Y/N)?" He breathed. He heard a slight sniffle and waited for an answer.
"I'm so sorry, I was snowing when we first met." Andy got up from his bed and slipped his fingers between the fabric over the window. Sure enough, it was snowing.
"Are you okay? It's like, 3 am." Andy asked, making the girl on the other end regret her choices.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered, "It's the weather, it makes me think of you." Andy paused, thinking out his response. "I shouldn't have called, I'll go." She rushed.
"No! No, just...speak to me." He requested, sitting back down on his bed.
The other end fell silent with only the sounds of breathing being heard. "Do you remember the day me met?" She asked like she was adding it on to her first sentence.
"Of course, you practically attacked me." He mused.
"That was the ices fault." She countered. "Although, it meant I got to drink coffee with you, and then spill coffee down you." Andy laughed and shook his head.
"You were so nervous and cold. I couldn't help but find you adorable." (Y/N) felt her cheeks warm up. She fell quiet again.
"Remember when I was really nervous for that job interview, and you gave me that huge pep talk. What did you say? Captain America-"
"Would be proud." He finished her sentence with a dorky smile on his face. "Yeah, you seemed to perk up after that." He reminisced.
She pondered on her next words, but they seemed to naturally fall out her mouth. "We were good together, weren't we?" Andy's smile dropped.
"Yeah. We were." The two adults didn't know what to say, so they stayed in comfortable silence for a few minutes. Somehow hearing her light breathing again soothed him.
"Hey?" He came back to reality.
"Yeah?" He asked hopefully.
"I am sorry." Those three words never seized to make Andy regret everything.
"I know." Andy replied, soon adding on: "I am too. But it was for the best."
"Was it?" Her delicate voice laced his ears as uncertainty filled the phones speakers.
"Yes? I don't know." Confusion was filling his brain. "We never saw each other." (Y/N) nodded, remembering he couldn't see her.
"I suppose. But it didn't mean I didn't love you." Andy bit his lip. He didn't know how to answer. He felt so guilty, since he was the one who suggested they split up, and obviously he was hurting the both of them. "Andy?" She asked worriedly.
"I'm here." He reassured. "I just...(Y/N), I never stopped." She smiled as tears cascaded down her face.
"Neither did I." Andy sighed and closed his eyes. Neither one of them spoke for a few minutes until Andy decided he didn't care about not seeing each other enough, or the fact that no one thought they'd make it. He just wanted her.
"I'll see you soon." Andy blurted before hanging up, leaving (Y/N) confused and a little hurt that he'd hung up so quickly.
She stood up from her window sill and thought about what she could've said to make Andy upset.
What if he didn't actually feel the same and was just trying to see if she still loved him?
She started pacing and and biting her thumb in nervousness until she heard an eager knock on her door. She stared at it for a few seconds before running to it and yanking it open.
No words were shared between the girl and the man covered in snow. No words needed to be shared because as soon as they saw each other, they threw themselves at them and crashed their lips together. It was needy but passionate. Desperate, but loving. Both needed the others touch because they hadn't felt it in so long.
"I love you, I never stopped loving you." Andy panted as he pulled away for a split second before crashing his lips back on to hers.
"I love you too." She whimpered breathlessly between pressed lips. Andy smiled against her  lips and pushed her against the wall, slowing  the kiss down.

-----time skip to after the frickle frackle-----

Y/N mindlessly traced her finger over the tattoos as her naked body lay on top of Andy's. His finger copied hers on her arm as they bathed in the atmosphere.
"I missed that." He breathed, causing Y/N to giggle.
"I know. I could tell." She tilted her head to look at him, his head turning to look at her.
"I didn't here you complaining." She rolled her eyes as a smile played on her lips. "Actually it was the opposite. Very loud." She gave him a warning glare before he closed his eyes. "Oh Andy! Don't stop! Oh, oh my god!" He mimicked Y/N from before. She hit his chest before sitting up as he laughed.
"Jerk." She mumbled. Her bare back was exposed to him, so he slowly ran his fingers down her spine.
"I'm sorry, baby." He sat up and pressed a kiss to her shoulder, his beard tickling the skin. The name made Y/N's heart flutter. She'd missed that name. She turned her head ever so slightly to peer at him and he swiped his hand over her cheek. They stared at each other for a few seconds, their faces close. "I love you." She smiled at how many times that had been said that night.
"I know."

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