Patrick- Actions

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You're in love with a psycho is discontinued because I have no clue how to write it. If you want the story line to settle your mind I can private message you but I just don't think anyone would enjoy it.

This is a college AU

You had always preferred actions over words. It didn't matter what it was, as long as someone acted the way they felt towards someone or something, you approved of them. Words meant nothing. People can lie and manipulate words to please others, but not you. Actions meant something to you.
And that's mainly why you found it hard to find a boyfriend. You either couldn't trust them or they couldn't be bothered to try and keep up with you.
"Hey Y/N." Patrick tore you away from your thoughts and waved to him, going back to work on your laptop. "Um, I was wondering if you wanted to do something with me today." He asked with a hint of worry in his voice.
"Like what?" You smiled at him. His face went blank and he quietly cursed himself.
"Dammit I didn't think I'd get this far." He whispered. "Maybe...the zoo?" He questioned uncertainly.
"Isn't the zoo closed on Sundays?" You furrowed your eyebrows at him. He started to panic and tried to think of something.
"Well, um, okay. Is there something you'd like to do?" He asked hopefully. You shrugged in response.
"We could just chill here." You motioned to the small coffee table. "I've got a paper due on Wednesday."
"Sure. Sure." He nodded and sat opposite you. "Want another coffee?" You smiled and nodded.
"Please. Two sug-" he held his hand up to stop you from talking.
"I know what you get." He smiled before walking away. He remembered your order. You smiled to yourself and watched him at the counter. Maybe there was hope after all.

"I hate Monday's." You growled as you sat next to Patrick in the lecture hall. He chuckled at your moodiness.
"Okay Garfield. Here, eat up." He handed you a breakfast sandwich and smiled.
"Thank you." You mumbled. "You didn't have to." You smiled back at him.
"Eh, well. You always complain about not having enough time to get breakfast and I'm not letting you miss the most important meal of the day." He shrugged, opening his note book.
Your heart fluttered at the care he showed towards you. "Thank you, so much." You grinned before biting in to the sandwich.

When the lecture ended you stood up and waited for Patrick to finish writing. He did and picked both your bags up with him. "Patrick, I'll carry it-"
"Don't worry, I got it." He grinned, kissing your cheek before walking ahead of you. You froze and felt your cheeks heat up. He turned and saw you hadn't moved. "Do I need to carry you as well?" He mused. You smiled and ran after him, grabbing his arm to link with yours and you walked.

You tossed and turned in your bed as the hours grew late. Lately Patrick had been giving you attention that you only really wanted from him. He'd do things that would make your heart skip, like kiss your head when you hugged, and he'd always be there to show you he cared, not just tell you. That's probably the main reason you found yourself crushing on him.
Your phone suddenly lit up and you picked it up, thankful your room mate, Meagan, had her own room.

Are you awake?

You smiled at Patrick's texted and immediately started to type back.

Yeah. What's up?

You waited impatiently for his reply.

It's stupid really...

You can tell me :)

I can't sleep cause I'm too stressed out about the holidays :/

What about them?

Your eyebrows furrowed.

My family have gone away and I couldn't go with them because of school. Now I don't have anyone to spend Christmas with.

You frowned and felt your heart sink.

I'll be over in five x

You jolted out of bed and slipped on your trainers, quietly racing out of the apartment. Of course you knew where Patrick lived so finding his apartment wasn't hard. You reached his complex and climbed the stairs, knocking softly on his door.
He opened it to reveal his teenage mutant ninja turtle pyjamas. He looked you up and down, appreciating the captain America ones you had on. He held the door open so you could step inside.
"You know when I texted you I didn't expect you to run all the way down here." He smiled.
"Well I'm not letting you be upset and lonely, am I?" You smiled back, plopping down on his couch. Patrick joined you and shook his head. "Besides, I can't invite you to my house for Christmas over texts can I?" Patrick's head shot towards you.
"Y/N, I wasn't trying to get pity so you'd invite me-"
"I know." You grabbed his hand and laced it through yours. "But I cant let you be alone at Christmas. Besides my family will love you." Patrick studied you for a few moments. It all became clear to him. Maybe you did like him back. Maybe everything you did was just a way of showing him you cared instead of saying it.
"Thank you so much." He breathed out.
"Hey. It's fine. You do so much for me anyway." Patrick didn't know how to respond.
Was this a bad time to admit his feelings? Or was it the perfect time? You'd invited him to see his family! "Actions speak louder than words." He replied quietly. You felt your heart rate pick up, though you weren't entirely sure what he meant. You continued to stare at him, his eyes being the only thing you could focus on.
With in a flash, his lips were on yours and you squealed in surprise. When he heard that noise, he pulled back and looked at you with worry. "I'm sorry. Are you okay? I thought-I just, I'm so sorry!" You laughed and leaned forwards as he began to ramble on about how sorry he was. He only stopped when your lips hovered on his.
Patrick felt his confidence pick up and he cupped your cheeks in his hand. He bought your head forward delicately and felt his heart flutter when he felt your lips on his again.
Actions, especially ones like this, were definitely better than words.

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