Joe- You'd do that? (Part five)

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The house seemed empty with out you in it. Although you never actually lived her, Joe knew you'd probably never visit again. It made everything seem empty.
Joe lounged on the sofa, glumly looking at the tv that was playing one of Ruby's favourite shows.
Suddenly Ruby turned to Joe with a confused expression. "When's (Y/N) coming back?" Joe's eyebrows furrowed in complete bewilderment.
"What?" He breathed.
"She hasn't been here in..." She looked at the ceiling as if she was remembering something. "18 days?" She asked, puzzled.
"Do you not remember what happened?" He sat up, trying to make sense of the situation. Ruby shook her head and then tilted it quickly to the side. "You got mad at her and she left." Ruby had a look of disbelief on her face.
"Why would I get mad at her? She's the only one who would play tea party and soldiers with me and you." Joe took a deep inhale to try and not loose his temper. He knew she'd just get upset and he didn't want that.
"So, you're okay with me having a girlfriend now?" He asked as he sat on the floor with his daughter.
Ruby shrugged and turned back to the tv. "As long as it's (Y/N)."

You tried your best to fold the sheet up, but it was winning the battle and had swallowed you whole. You lay on the floor, sheet completely covering you and Twenty One Pilots playing in the back ground.
You let out a loud groan when you heard a knock at your door. You threw the sheet off your head but couldn't throw it off the rest of you. And so you waddled to your door with the sheet acting at a dress.
As soon as you opened it, you were met with a face you were scared to see again. Not because you feared it, but because you feared the emotions you'd feel if you did.
"Joe, what are yo-" suddenly Joe reached forward and crashed your lips together, taking you by surprise. You lightly pushed him off of you and looked at him in surprise. "Wait. What?" He smiled down at you before he started to speak.
"I can't be with out you, so I'm not gonna be. The house is so empty with out you in it and-"
"Hold on, Joe. I already told you. I'm not going to the wicked stepmother." He shook his head and stepped closer to you.
"Ruby doesn't care anymore. She said that if I'm going to date anyone, she wants it to be you." You looked up at him, the emotion unreadable to Joe.
"Where is she?" You asked quietly.
"I left her with Pete. Why?" You didn't answer. At least not with words.
The second those words left Joes lips, you had grabbed his shirt and pulled him in to the apartment, joining your lips and pushing him against the door so it would close.
He quickly responded and let his hands rest on your body. You broke apart for a split second. "I've missed you so much." You whined, starting to undo his shirt.
"I can tell." He mused, laughing when you grinned. He soon reconnected your lips and joined you in discarding the clothes, even if it was hard with the tangled sheet clung to you.

You rested your head on Joe's shoulder and sighed contently. "So does this mean we're back on? Cause I know for a fact Ruby misses you as well. She counted the days you'd been gone." You giggled and looked up at him.
"Yeah. We're back on." You smiled before pecking his lips.
"I love you." He blurted our quietly, giving you a goofy grin when he realised what he had said. The way he said it sounded like the relief you feel when you come home from a long trip. It sounded like he hadn't even thought about it, he just felt that way and wanted to say it.
You bit your lip and leaned up so your faces were closer.
"I love you too." And the lips were back on each other's again. 

————-time skip to 2 years later brought to you by Andy trying to floss————-

"I now pronounce you man and wife. You may now kiss the bride." You smiled up at Joe, utterly love sick and besot-ten. He placed a quick kiss on your lips whilst playing with the wedding ring on your finger.
"Look how happy they are." Joe sighed as he looked over to Meagan and Pete. They'd decided to get married despite being against it for a while. You followed your husbands line of sight and smiled even more.
"They're beautiful." You agreed, wrapping one arm around his torso.
Ruby stood proudly at the top a long side Meagan. She'd been asked to be a flower girl. "And she looks so cute." You added. Joe chuckled and nodded.
"That she is." You bit your lip before looking at joe again.
"You know what would be cuter?" Joe looked down at you with furrowed eyebrows. "If she had a little sibling up there with her." You watched Joe's eyes squint in confusion and suspicion.
"Well of course. Babies are adorable." You nodded and sighed.
"Well." You looked towards the front again. "Good job we'll be having one, right?" After a few seconds you looked towards Joe again. His face covered in unreadable expression.
"Seriously?" He breathed. You nodded and giggled.
He yanked you in to a bone crushing hug and sniffles. "Are you crying?" You laughed.
"No." His voice cracked, squeezing you tighter.

Ruby was extremely happy to hear she was having a younger sibling in nine months, and practically burst with excitement. Though she wanted a younger sister, she still loved her little brother unconditionally, along with her father and new mother.

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