Andy- A New Light (Part Five)

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Andy ignored yet another phone call. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Especially you.
Joe had tried to make peace over the weekend but only got slammed doors in his face and ignored texts.
"Andy, sweetheart?" His mother asked from the doorway. Andy didn't reply. He only looked up at her from his bed. "Tell me what's wrong. Please?" She looked upset and it made Andy feel bad.
He sighed and decided he'd finally talk to his mother about his problems. However, when he went to speak, the only thing that came out was a broken sob.
His mother rushed to his side and immediately cradled his head. All the emotions he'd been bottling up the last few days just burst out in an unknowing moment.
"I hate them all, mom." His mother pouted and stroked his hair. "They all suck and I never want to see them again." He clenched his eyes shut to try and stop the tears.
"Honey. You're just angry. You don't mean that." His mom told him sympathetically. Andy knew she was right, but he still felt betrayed. He still felt that sickening feeling in his stomach when he thought about you and Joe.
As Joe was hugged back in to a medium mood, you sat wallowing in self pity.
"You brought it on yourself." Marie growled from across the room.
"Excuse you bitch! She's the reason you and Joe are together." Meagan was quick to defend you.
Elisa only stroked your hair as Meagan and Marie went back and forth.
You were currently curled up on your bed, head on Elisa's lap and blankets up to your nose.
You clenched your eyes shut to try and block the argument out. You couldn't take it anymore. You hated yourself for being so stupid and now you'd hurt two people in the process.
"So you're just going to stand by and support someone who's a manipulative bitch?" Marie yelled.
You quickly sat up and threw the blankets off of you, stomping out the room and running down the stairs.
The three girls heard your front door slam and all looked at each other with regret. But they knew you needed some space and so they stayed in your room and waited for you to come home.

Patrick's door flew open to have a body slump on to his own. "I can't do it anymore. I'm moving school." You whaled dramatically as tears fell from your eyes.
Patrick's hands immediately went to comfort you. "Shut up and go and sit down." He said sternly. You did as you were told, throwing yourself on his couch and watching as he went in to the kitchen.
He came back with a cup of water and face still stern. You thanked him for the drink and waited for him to speak.
"You're acting like a fucking victim and it's pissing me off." You let out a breath and nodded. "So what? You did something stupid. Make up for it. Stop acting like you killed someone. Go tell Andy your sorry and if he doesn't except your apology, move on. Don't let him make you feel more shitty for this." You let his words sink in before thanking him.
Finally, someone's opinion that made you feel...okay.
You got up and walked towards the door. "I'll see you tomorrow at school." You breathed.
"Going to Andy's?" You shook your head and smiled.
"I'm going to spend a nice night with my girls." Patrick shook his head and sighed. "And I'll apologise tomorrow." And with that you left.

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