Preference- the song they wrote for you from M A N I A

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Yooooo M A N I A is so good Idc if people don't like it they are my babies and I'm so proud it's amazing!
Anyway here's a preference.

Pete wrote The Last Of The Real Ones quite quickly because you're always on his mind. It wasn't hard for him because his love for you could make him write for days, months, even years just to express it.
It might be the way you look at him or the way you always understood him, but you made him feel like you two were the only two real people in the world and that made Pete treat you like a queen, no, a goddess.

It took Andy a while to admit his love for you, but when he did he couldn't stop. You were the best thing that had ever happened to him. He wasn't a very religious man but he thought you were heavenly. So, Church was a perfect song to describe how holy you were to him and how when he wasn't too keen on the world, he'd still love you.


The fedora lover wrote Heaven's Gate purely to describe how blissful your love is. Even after so many years he can just look at you and feel like he's in cloud 9. Patrick wants to make your dreams come true just so he can see you happy and he'd try again and again, as many times as he can just for that gorgeous smile of yours.
He wants to give him self purely to you because there isn't anyone else he'd rather be with, even after death.

Before he met you, Joe was frozen, almost. He didn't react much to anything which slightly concerned everyone. But suddenly you turn up and it's like he woke up and everything's hit him at once.
Being with you was like being high, and since he'd experienced it, he knew. But it wasn't a bad thing. He was in endless bliss and always felt fussy. He can't be without you and a distance between the two of you would kill him.
HOLD ME TIGHT OR DONT explained this and how he would comfort you if you ever failed because he loved you more than anything.
He didn't mind if you wanted to hold him or not, as long as you were happy.

Makes no sense even to me so oh well.

Fall out boy imagines and preferences- round three Where stories live. Discover now