Patrick- You're in love with a psycho

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It was typical. You're friend had dragged you out to a bar, somewhere you stuck out in like a sore thumb. You were the most innocent, sweetest person anyone could ever imagine. You never wore anything that showed more than your arms and face and you didn't party or drink or do anything fun. Your fun was reading books and star gazing.
But your friend, your adamant friend, insisted you had to come out and because you didn't want her to spend the night alone, or have someone take advantage of her, you agreed.
You shyly sipped at your water and peered around the place. You kept a close eye on your friend who had ran into some colleagues. And that's when you saw him.
His electrical golden eyes stuck to you like hot glue, your skin burning under his stare. You were transfixed.
He didn't do anything. Normally when men were attracted to women, they'd smile at them. Or so you'd read in books.
He didn't smile. He just stared. His short hair was messy and he furrowed his eyebrows at you. You began to grow concerned about the man casually watching you and decided to find your friend.
When you found her, she was happily making out with her so called colleague. "Kelly? I want to leave." You timidly told her. She put her finger up to you to tell you to wait as she sucked the face off the man. "Kelly..." she sighed and parted with his lips.
"Call a cab. I'll be fine." She said over the loud music. You pleaded her with your eyes, but she just dragged the man away. You felt a lump grow in your throats and even though you were surrounded by people, you never felt more isolated.
Social situations made you uncomfortable and to think a man was watching you creeped you out. You scrambled for the door and looked around for a cab. None.
You looked up and down the streets and when you turned your head again, he was there. You screamed and stumbled back. "I'm sorry." He immediately said, looking almost worried. You took a few deep breathes, and a few steps back.
"It's okay." You lied. It wasn't in your nature to be angry at people.
"No, I...I was just concerned." You looked at him in confusion. "You looked alone in there and I was a bit curious. I saw you were upset and needed to know you were okay." He explained. Your lips twitched up slightly. That was very sweet of him.
"Why were you staring at me?" You choked out.
"I was curious." He repeated. "I didn't know you saw me." He added. After a few seconds of relived silence, he put his hand out. "Patrick." You held his hand and shook it, shocked when he lifted it and pressed your knuckles against his lips.
Heat invaded your cheeks as you lowered your hand and turned to look for a cab again. "(Y/N)." You mumbled back to him. He smirked at your blush and chuckled.
"Need a ride home?" He offered. You looked at him sceptically before nodding. "Well, come on then." You followed him as he turned the corner, trying to keep up with him, but he walked fast. He stopped by a motor bike and got on, looking at you when you stared at him. "What?"
"You didn't tell me it was a bike." You timidly replied.
"And?" He queried as he put his helmet on, then holding one out for you.
"I've never gone on one before." You admitted. "They're dangerous."
"Well, you can either get on, or wait here all night." That sweet exterior was melting away and a cold rebel was replacing it. "All the cabs have stopped at this hour." He taunted. You didn't like rude people, but something about him drew you in.
You took the helmet from him and placed it on your head, getting behind him. You gingerly placed your hands on his shoulders and clenched your eyes shut.
Patrick let his bike roar before speeding off, smirking when you screamed, wrapping your arms around his middle.
When you got to your door, you were shaking and still clung to the man you only just met.
He helped you off the bike and to your door, standing behind you as you tried to open the door, your hands to shaky to do so. "It will be the adrenaline. Doesn't leave for a few hours. Especially for someone like you." Your head shot towards him as he took your keys and opened the door for you.
"What's that meant to mean?" You asked delicately. He smiled down at you and suddenly pecked your lips. After a few seconds, he pulled away and smiled even more. "See you around, Princess." You watched him walk away, shocked by what just happened, before slowly entering your apartment.

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