Preference- Forbidden Relationships

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You tapped your pencil on your book as you glared at the homework in front of you. This would be the death of you. You hadn't even gone over it in class and yet the teacher expected you to know it enough to do homework on it, alone. Also, it was due tomorrow, so you had to do it tonight.
Suddenly a knock was heard from your window. Your head shot up and you stared at it from your bed.
Your parents weren't home so an intruder wasn't ideal.
You got up and slowly walked towards it, peering behind the curtain to see who was there. You couldn't see anyone at first but after a few seconds, your boyfriends head shot up.
You breathed a sigh of relief, opening the window and helping him in.
"Hey Baby." He smiled before kissing your temple.
"Hi. What are you doing here?" You asked as you say back on your bed.
He shrugged and looked around your room. "I missed you." His eyes eventually met yours and he smiled. "Your parents out?"
"You think I'd let you talk this loudly if they wouldn't. If they found out I was dating anyone they'd kill me." You smirked. Pete smiled and shook his head, walking towards you.
"I'm alright with them not knowing, as long as I have you." You raised an eyebrow and he crawled over your bed towards you.
"Yeah?" You breathed as his face got closer to yours.
"Yeah." He punctuated his statement by kissing you.
It was a good thing your parents weren't home, because you definitely weren't quiet.


"Okay. I'm going now." Your husband grumbled as he got up from the dinner table. "I'll be home late." You rolled your eyes and sulked in your chair. You hated him.
You hadn't even been married for a year and things were awful. Borderline abusive some nights and you couldn't take it anymore. You failed an annulment because he was rude to the lawyer and it wasn't long enough of a relationship to get a divorce yet.
But there was one great constant in your life...
You opened your door in your dressing gown, noticing how it was now dark outside.
"Hi beautiful." Andy came towards you, kissing your head. "How much time have we got?" Of course Andy knew about the whole situation and though he hated how you weren't all his, he was fine with waiting until you could be.
"I'm not sure. He said he'd be out late tonight." You stared up at him as he looked down at you.
After a few minutes of just gazing at each other, a switch flipped and you both stopped looking at each other.
You led Andy in to the kitchen to grab him some water but as you were pouring he came up behind you and let his hands roam your body. "I love you." He whispered to you before he planted a kiss on your shoulder.
You hadn't heard those words from him before. You spun in his arms, having already put down the water. You didn't know what to say for a while so settled on kissing him.
At some point he picked you up, he must've because you were now in your bedroom. He placed you on the ground and smiled down at you.
You pushed him on the bed and started undoing your robe. "Truth is, I love you too. And I can't wait until I can divorce that bastard of a husband so I can be all yours." You breathed heavily and finally let the robe fall, revealing nothing underneath.


"I know this is the only place we can escape paparazzi, but I'd love to able to go on a proper date with you again." You hummed in agreement and snuggled further in to Patrick.
"At least we're together." You yawned. "I'm so happy we are." Patrick agreed and kissed your head.
"Then why can't we publicly be together?" He grumbled, pulling the bed covers over your body more.
"You're the one who wanted to keep our lives private." You looked up at him whilst playing with his pyjama top. He shrugged and grabbed your hand, bringing it to his lips.
"Whatever. I love you." You giggled and pushed yourself so your faces were inches apart.
"And I love you." You smiled before kissing him.


You sat on your balcony chair, happily reading the book you had recently bought, when you heard a rustling beneath you in your garden.
You gingerly looked over the edge but retreated when you saw nothing.
You went back to reading your book when someone suddenly jumped up on to the railing of your balcony, causing you to scream.
Joes head popped up and you relaxed, smiling shortly after. "Joe! You scared me!" You laughed. "What are you doing here? Especially climbing up my balcony." Your eyebrows furrowed. He was good friends with your brother, he could've just walked through the front door.
"I had to see you again after last night. I can't get what happened out of my head." He truthfully told you, coming to a stand in front of you.
You blushed at the memory of kissing him at your brothers party. "Me neither." You looked up at him and smiled. He returned it and swiftly put some hair behind your ear.
You leant in to his touch and peered down at his lips, slowly joining them with yours. It was soft and sweet but it was rudely interrupted by a banging on your door.
You pulled away from Joe and stared at him wide eyed. "If he finds you here, he'll kill you." You whispered. Joe smiled at that and rolled his eyes.
"(Y/N), I heard you scream. Everything okay?" You looked at Joe desperately and shoved him on the wall next to where the balcony ended. Your brother wouldn't be able to see him when he came in. "(Y/N)?." His voice became more worried. He opened the door and saw you sitting down with your nose in your book, ear phones in. He sighed and pulled them out.
You looked up at Brendon and smiled. But inside you were stressing he'd turn around and see Joe. "You screamed?" You laughed and shook your head.
"Th-there was a wasp." You smiled and fluttered your eyelashes. He'd buy it. He knew how much you hated wasps.
He laughed and shook his head. "Okay. Me and Sarah are going out. You gonna be okay?" He raised an eyebrow.
"I'm 23! I'll be fine Brendon." He smiled and walked out, somehow missing Joe. "Wear protection!" He flipped you off before closing your door.
Joe laughed and walked towards you, helping you stand up. "Why'd do think he'd hate us dating? I'm a delight." He mused, wrapping his arms around your waist.
"Because he's a protective brother...besides, we never said anything about dating." You smiled as he began to stutter.
"Well, I just, you know, we've kissed and-" You shut him up by kissing.
"If you're okay with keeping it on the down low, I'll be happy to call you mine." You whispered as you softly grabbed his jacket in both hands.
He smiled down at you and nodded. "Okay." He whispered, the secret beginning with another kiss.

Fall out boy imagines and preferences- round three Where stories live. Discover now