Andy- A new light

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You and Andy were friends. Though these stories always start this way and you've probably heard this all before, but you were just friends and nothing more. Neither of you, according to Andy, had feelings for each other and you always agreed when someone said you'd be cute together that no feelings of romance were present.
The key thing here is you were just friends. You'd pass each other in the halls and smile and you'd hang out as a group sometimes with other people. But never alone.
It was a slow Wednesday afternoon and Andy was sitting on his usual table with his usual friends; Pete, Patrick and Joe. They talked of the usual things like band practice and looked their usual selves. But to you Andy looked a little different today. Maybe it was the new tattoo he wasn't allowed to have in school, or the top he hadn't worn before, but he wasn't looking his usual self. He looked...cute. And that was never a word you associated with a male friend. He looked cute and it made you blush to even think about it. So, you carried on with your homework and tried to block out your friends endless wittering of what them and their boyfriends get up to.
Boyfriends you thought. Who needs them? You certainly didn't. You were too busy. School was too important and you were too awkward to even comprehend relationships. But maybe with Andy...No! He's a friend.
Lunch passed quickly and English dragged around the corner, a lesson you shared with said person. You always sat together at the back of the class, making conversation if needed or wanted and generally got along. As you saw Andy walk towards your table, your heart jumped lightly and it only made you question yourself.
"What are we doing today?" He asked, drawing you from your thoughts.
"No clue. Something boring probably with this teacher." He smiled and sat down, taking his notebook out and placing it gently on the table. You didn't miss how his muscles tensed when he moved.
Halfway through class, the teacher left the class to talk amongst themselves and Andy instantly turned to you. You'd be lying if you said it didn't make your heart warm slightly. "Is it just me, or does miss Leon's have the biggest moustache you've ever seen?" You giggled. It wasn't often Andy made nasty remarks, but when he did, they were always humorous. He always managed to make you laugh, no matter what. Another reason why he'd be a great boyfriend. You pushed the thought down and carried on with the conversation.
What was going on with you? Did you have a crush on Andy? Was that it? Because if you did then this was a big problem. He's a mate, a pal, an acquaintance. You couldn't like him!
No. You'd tell Meagan of this strange affair and she'll tell you you were being stupid and that would be the end of that.
"Oh my god! You two should date!" She screamed, shaking with excitement.
"What? No! Meagan you're meant to tell me I'm being stupid and it's not a crush! Hell I only realised he was hot today!" Her eyebrows furrowed.
"Wait, really? Only just?" You rolled your eyes before burying your head in your hands. "Look, girl it's probably nothing. Give it a few more weeks and if you feel the same we'll do something about it." You nodded and huffed, pouting at the strange situation you had found yourself in.
You had waited weeks, months even. The feeling only grew and grew and grew. Every time you saw him your heart would pound quicker and harder. Every time you sat near him you forgot how to even function words. But you wanted to be near him all the time. You wanted attention from him. You wanted him.
Andy, of course, was completely oblivious to this. You were his mate and he rarely thought of you unless you were mentioned. He didn't like anyone in that way and didn't pick up on the habits you had started when ever he was around.
However, that all changed one cold January morning. Everyone had just come back from Christmas break and he was sat eating with his friends like he always did at lunch.
And then you walked in.
You had cut your hair into a different style and it looked good. Really good. Andy found himself staring longer than he should have. It was a small change but man you just looked so...cute. He shook his head and carried on eating, roaming into thought of all the other things that were nice about you. Your eyes, your nose, your lips. Man, he'd like to see how they felt against his. No! You wouldn't! She's just a friend. But he couldn't help but look at you again and gaze at how amazing you looked. You must've sensed his stare because you turned and smiled at him, Andy returning it without even thinking about it.
He had truly seen you in a new light.
"Oh my god! Andy's got a crush on (Y/N)!" Andy whipped round to face Pete who was shaking his hands like they were wet and he needed to dry them quickly.
"Do not!" He hissed, trying to keep Pete quiet. Joe and Patrick soon joined in on the stupid comments about how they'd be cute together. "If you don't ask her out, I will." Pete warned.
"Pete, you have a girlfriend!" Andy quipped, growing aggravated by his friends.
"Oh yeah..." his face fell. "Then Joe will." Joe nodded in agreement and Andy shrugged, stubbornly trying to hide his blossoming crush on the girl.
"Go for it." Joe agreed and stood up, Andy's heart racing as he did. He waltzed over to you and Andy watched with a horrified look as you conversed. He hated how you smiled at Joe.
Surely you'd say no, right?
Wrong. Joe came swaggering back with a wide smirk plastered on her face. "Well, looks like I've got a date..." Andy couldn't help but feel disappointed, but he shouldn't. You were just a friend.

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