Patrick-You're in love with a Psycho (Part two)

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If you had said you've forgotten the encounter with Patrick a few nights ago, you'd be lying. It played over and over in your mind like a broken record. Who could blame you? A person you had only met had kissed you and left without giving any contact with him, saying he'd see you around. That was the strangest thing you'd ever encountered.
But back to the story.
You lay peacefully in bed, your mind finally calming down as you dozed off in to sleep. Your muscles had relaxed completely and you were so close to being in the land of dreams. And then...BANG.
You jolted up in bed, your heart racing and eyes wide. That was definitely from your apartment, more specifically your living room that had the window leading to the fire escape. You froze when footsteps echoed through the complex. 'Please don't be an intruder. Just be a heavy footed cat.' You prayed, silently getting up from your bed. You tiptoed towards the door, picking up your bat you always kept near in case of emergencies. You were thankful for that right now.
You were surprised you were so quiet as you travelled towards the source of the noise. Tears were building up in your eyes from fear and you bat was positioned ready to swing. You readjusted the grip before journeying on.
You jumped when a figure stepped out in front of you a few metres away. Taking a ragged breath, you got ready to use your wooden weapon. "Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" You whimpered, trying and failing to sound brave.
A chuckle followed and the figure stepped away, flicking the lights on and coming towards you again. Oh god. You thought as you heard him nearing.
Your eyes widened and your mouth fell open. "Patrick?!" You shrieked.
"Hey." He greeted you nonchalantly, as if he hadn't given you a heart attack. You walked closer to him cautiously, ready to ask a million questions.
"What? Why? How?-" you stumbled, not sure which question to ask first.
"Do you have any tea?" He asked as he walked towards your kitchen.
"Uh-Yes. What are you doing here?" You queried as you followed him. Who did he think he is? Breaking in to your apartment in to the middle of the night.
"I told you I'd see you around. And I don't have any tea at my place." He answered casually as he searched for the tea. You huffed and grabbed the pot with the tea bags in and placed them in front of him. He smiled and thanked you, grabbing your cheek and pressing a firm kiss to your lips, pulling away and leaving you dazed and very, very confused. "Do you want any?" He started to make the beverage and got you a cup down, by waiting for your answer.
"Why did you break in to my apartment?" You raised your voice when you finally caught up to what just happened.
He laughed again and shook his head. "You see..." He closed his eyes and sighed through his nose. "For some reason, I can't stop thinking about you. And that's not normal. You're a girl and I have no interest in romance." Your lips parted ever so slightly. "I just needed to see you." He said it like it was disgusting. Like he was admitting to killing someone.
"Well, you could've knocked on my door like a normal person." You scoffed. He laughed once again.
"Yeah, but where's the fun in that?" He answered, holding a mug of tea out for you. You slowly took it and eyed him up and down. He was crazy. He had to be. His mannerisms and actions just screamed it at you. But something drew you in and you couldn't help but want to know more.
The silence had dragged on for a few minutes as you waited for the beverage to cool down. "Do-do you wanna, maybe, talk?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Talk?" He repeated like you were the one who was crazy.
"Yeah. Talk to each other. Get to know one another. I mean, you've kissed me twice and I don't even know your full name." He hesitated in his answer.
"I don't think you'd want to know a lot about me, sweet." He stepped a bit closer to you, staring down at you, waiting for you response.
You stepped closer as well, staring up in to his strangely golden eyes. "I think I do." A smirk grew on his face. And that's when you knew you were in for more than you bargained for.

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