Andy- a new light (part four)

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Andy couldn't believe it. He didn't know whether to be mad at Joe for asking you out when he knew Andy liked you, or to be embarrassed that Joe knew and had probably told you.
He needed to speak to Joe. He needed to sort things out and then maybe he'd feel better about the whole ordeal. However on his search for him, he rounded a corner in the school hallway and came face to face with Joe and Marie sucking face against the lockers.
Andy now knew he should feel angry. Rage coursed through him, growing by the second. How could Joe do this to you? You were amazing and he was throwing that away on someone like Marie? No way. Andy wasn't standing for that.
"What the fuck, Joe?" The couple broke apart and looked at Andy with wide eyes. "You're cheating on (Y/N)?" Joe didn't answer. He didn't know how. When he fell silent, Andy turned to Marie. "And you? You're really doing this to your best friend?" Marie tried to say something but it came out choked. "You're both idiots! And neither of you deserve her in your life. Jesus Joe, you get the girl I want and then ruin your chances?!" His rant fell short when he heard his name.
He turned around and saw you smiling at him.
Why were you smiling?
"You want me?" You asked hopefully. Andy didn't answer. Why weren't you upset about Joe and Marie?
"Haven't you seen what they were doing?" Andy motioned towards them but you kept your eyes on Andy. Joe had been right all along.
When you lifted your hand for Andy to take, he knew something was up. Something wasn't right and he felt dread fill his being.
He eyed your hand skeptically. "Y/N, what's going on?" Your smile faltered ever so slightly.
"Come with me and I'll tell you." He slowly took your hand and you walked out of the school together.
You were both silent until you reached the place you needed to be. The park. Somewhere quiet but public.
"Andy, me and Joe were never dating." Andy's eyes blinked a few times.
"Come again?" He tilted his head in confusion (which you found incredibly cute).
"Okay. So," you breathed out a nervous breath. "That day in the cafeteria when Joe asked me out?" Andy nodded. "He actually explained that you might've liked me and he also wanted to make Marie jealous, so we agreed to fake date." You left it there to see his reaction.
His expression was blank but you could see in his eyes that he wasn't exactly happy.
He took a few breathes before opening his mouth. "So you're saying, you used my best friend to make me jealous so, what? I'd fall in love with you? Betray Joe and ask you out?" Your hopeful smile dropped. "Are you insane?" He asked with slight disgust. His reaction shocked you slightly but you could see why he was mad.
"No! I-I didn't know what else to do. I really like you and when Joe said you might like me back-i don't know. I got over excited." You tried to reason. "This wasn't how it was meant to go but I'm happy you know now." You looked up at him.
He shook his head. "Why? You think we'll be together now? Great way to start off a relationship, don't you think? Lies, deceit and being all together crazy?" His voice rose and so did the lump in your throat.
"Save it! Christ, I thought you were amazing. I would've done anything for you. But now-" he took a moment. "Now I can't stand you. You should be ashamed of yourself." And on that painful note, he stomped away.
You were left in the old, cold park, crying to yourself. And all because you didn't think the plan through.

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