Chapter Two

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"Josh, please. I want to take the first swing." The small man pleaded, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Babyboy, you had it last time. Daddy would like to have some fun every once in awhile." Josh retorted.

Tyler set both hands on his hips and repeated Josh's words in mockery, "You are my Babyboy. And if you want it, baby I will give it to you like I give you the world."

"Tyler stop, you know how I feel when you mock me." Josh demanded. Tyler looked up at the older man as if he were testing the taller man. No he was testing the man. 100%.

Tyler picked up a knife and spinned the point on his pointer finger. A scowl prominent on the beautiful boys face. "Tyler don't you dare."

"I want first!" the boy yelled. And Josh was quick to grab the knife and slam Tyler down on the table of weaponry and lift his skirt up so his black laces showed. He quickly smacked each cheek once, and the small boy yelped out both times.

Josh picked the boy back in standing position and Josh looked the younger boy in his eye. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me." Tyler bowed his head and muttered, "Yes daddy, I'm sorry."

Josh nodded his head and picked up a hammer. He was ready to whip it at both of Frank's knees and a few fingers. Josh turned as Tyler continued figuring out what tool he wanted to use.

"Mr. Iero," Josh spoke to the man. Frank no longer had tape covering his lips, his throat was strepped after the 10 minutes of screaming when the tape was ripped off. He no longer had a voice.

"You know what the word, scandal means, right?" Frank did not respond what so ever, he just sat there and stared at the red haired man. "Scandalism means to do something illegally wrong and piss of a whole bunch of people. And you, Mr.Iero pissed off a lot of people."

"Frank." the man muttered weakly. Josh raised an eyebrow at the man, "Excuse me?" Frank narrowed his eyes at Josh, "Call me Frank. Mr.Iero was an ass of a man, and I hate the last name I've been given."

Josh smirked at the man, "Okay. Frank." Josh stood up and grasped tightly at the hammer. Quickly he slung in at Frank's right knee, and he let out a guttural screech. Josh lifted his head at his screeching, mentally begging to hear it again.

He then struck at his left knee and in the corner of his eye he could see Tyler grasp tightly on the table and his knees wiggle and bob at the screeching sound escaping Frank's lips.

"Babyboy, you feel that?" Josh asked. And he could hear Tyler grunt as he looked over his shoulder and nodded, "Yes Daddy." Josh smirked and looked down at Frank. His cheeks were glistened with wet tears, black hair matted down to his forehead.

Josh bent down to his level and whispered in the man's ear, "Frank, what you did was pretty fucked up. And we gotta do our job. I hope you'll understand that this is what we do, we get rid of bad people."

Frank then cried harder and Josh sat up to speak with his Babyboy. "Tyler baby, have your fun."

Tyler smiled and picked up his favorite knife, a ball gag and a dark red shade of lipstick. He locked the lipstick between his teeth, the ball gag in one hand, the knife in the other.

He went over to Frank who was still sobbing. And spread his legs to sit on the man's lap. He rested the knife between him and Frank and strapped the gag on. He leaned closely the man's ear and spoke around the lipstick still between his teeth, "Oh baby, we are going to have so much fun."

Frank lifted his head to look at Tyler, and Tyler wrapped his lips around the lipstick container and sucked on it seducingly while rolling his hips on the man. Tyler was quickly starting to get riled up.

He removed the lipstick and popped it open, he watched it as it rose and started to write words on Frank's chest and stomach. The whole time still moving his hips, and stopping every once in awhile to let out a quiet moan.

After finished, Tyler dropped the lipstick. He smiled at the sexy red covering Frank's chest, Daddy's Monster Was Here. He picked up the knife. "Here's where the fun begins." he said as he licked the blade.  


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