Chapter Fifteen

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Josh lolled his head back in forth, letting out pleads of 'comeback' and 'please'. The sweat covered over his chest and over his face. "TYLER!" he shoots up from the bed and wonders how he got there. He looks around the dark room and skims his hands through the covers to try and find Tyler. Yet only satisfied with cold sheets.

He brings his knees to his face and screams more until his throat could no longer handle it. The house was quiet for the first time in 4 years, and it made him sick to his stomach. He stands from the bed and ventures down the stairs to the main office. He grabs the large address book out from hiding and scrolls through it.

Once he came across the name he was looking for, he quickly grabbed the landline and typed the number in. After a couple rings, the female voice rung through, "Josh, it is nearly 4 in the morning, what the hell?" she asked. "Dammit, shut the fuck up, I need you to be here at 12. Got it?" he told her. "Fine."

The line went dead and Josh slammed the phone back into place. He started pulling at his hair, he didn't know where to start didn't who wanted him. "Everyone wants him, he is fucking perfect." Josh muttered under his breath. He slammed his fist on the desk and grabbed at his now broken knuckle. Well that's what it felt like. He swore aloud and went to the bathroom to wrap his hand and grab an ice pack.

Josh went to living room, not even worried about sleep right now, Ryan's words just kept cutting through his head. He felt useless that he could not figure the people that wanted Tyler. He is not yours, he belongs to someone else. Josh didn't ever remember talking to Tyler about past relationships, only ones that were in highschool and those weren't the best he would say.

He needs to be brought back, he needs to be who he was before, and be where he belongs. What the hell? I am part of my own little company. That is where Josh's mind starts to fuck up The only other company he talk to is Brendon's and that is recent. What other "company" could Ryan be talking about. It was too early, yet too late to go back to sleep. He chose to get a bowl of cereal.

After sitting on the couch eating cereal as the television played static snow, Josh then got up and cleaned. He cleaned his and Tyler's room, he cleaned the kitchen though it didn't need that much of help, he brought Muso out and took him for a round of the house. Josh just felt useless, he is sitting here doing nothing trying to save Tyler, yet he is waiting for someone to come by the house for help.

It was now 10 o'clock, so Josh put Muso away, went up the stair and took a shower. As he was, he felt familiar hands wrap around his waist and engulf him in a hug. He felt the small hands skim up aand down his torso, strangely calming him. His head bowed as reality hit him.

He turned quickly to look at loveable chocolate eyes and started to cry, for he now knew he was going crazy. He was starting to see Tyler, and it broke him even more. As quick as he could, he got out of the shower and went to the room to dress.

He grabbed a black blazer and a black button up shirt. Color coordination meant nothing to him at the moment, then he traveled to his office and waited for the doorbell. It was agonizing, waiting for someone to show at your door. Those few minutes that pass, the clock ticking in your ear, and when the doorbell rings, your heart felt as if it had stopped for a second.

Josh stood and walked through the living room, and to the entrance of the house to be met with a blue-eyed, blonde haired, Jenna. The blonde walked through without being invited, her and Josh do not have the best of relationship or friendship. "Tyler Baby! I'm Here!" she yelled throughout the house. Josh's head went slack, and when Jenna heard no patter of small feet, she turned to Josh.

Her black crop top swirled when she did and stuffed her hand in her high-waisted black skinny jeans. "Where the hell is Tyler?" she asked. Josh was about to answer but nothing came out. "Got Dammit Josh! Where the hell is Tyler?" Josh picked up his head, she is the only one that talks to Josh in this manner and isn't afraid of what he will do because Tyler said so. Anyone but her, Josh thought, yet it was in Tyler's voice and Josh started to cry.

He dropped to his knees and it was the first time he was vulnerable around anyone who wasn't Tyler. Jenna was new to this, but she went to the older man and bent down to him, hugging him to her chest. She quieted him telling him to take his time, that it will be alright, and thats when he was ready and she wanted to know everything. Eventually he did, but stayed sat on the floor, he scooted his bottom to the nearby wall. His knees were propped up, elbows on the knees, head in his hands, and took slow breaths, trying to calm down.

Jenna sat across from him, he knees also propped up, her elbows on the knees, but her hands hung over her knees as she fiddled with her fingers. She waited patiently for Josh, waited for him to regain himself to be able to talk. She watched as he unbuttoned the top of his shirt and removed his blazer. She watched as he cried more yet stuck his hand up denying her help. She watched as he crumbled down to a helpless man who has lost something so amazing.

"Josh I'm sorry to push you, but I need to know where Tyler is," she spoke. It came out in tiny breaths for she herself could not handle the silence Josh is giving her when it came to someone so precious as Tyler. She waited longer, for Josh had said nothing. "Joshua, please tell me. He is my best friend, I need to know!" she started to have tears in her eyes and she took matters into her own hands.

She crawled over to Josh, sat on her heels and grabbed his hands. She was set between the man's legs and she looked into his eyes. "Speak." She said in a whisper. Josh looked up with tear filled eyes, he dropped his head a last time then picked them back up to look at the blue eyes.

"W-we," it came out so high-pitched that Josh stopped half to clear his throat. "We were out doing a job, and evidently it was part of the victims plan. He distracted me, and they got Tyler. I thought he would be safe. But whoever it was, got him. They fucking got him and I wasn't there to help him! I promised to protect him and I fucking let him slip through my got damn finger tips!" He pulled at his hair and bowed his head, his body turning limp, "I failed him Jen."

"Quiet. Josh, hun, quiet, please. You didn't fail him. Moving on and finding someone else not caring for his disappearance, and being happy of his unknown presence is known as failing him. Aren't you scared for his safety right now?" Josh nodded his head. "You see. You have not failed him. This is the beginning and we have to find out where that precious little bean is, okay?"

"Okay." he said through a strep throat. He stood and took breather, his face, heated by own sadness, started to cool once his hands fell to sides. In those few minutes he became a broken man with no will. His harsh demeanor had collapsed and now he was left as a debris of what he once was. "Fuck." he muttered under his breath.

"What? What's wrong?" Jenna asked, going to Josh's side as quick as possible. "You seen me cry dammit. I'm embarrassed." He chuckled and felt Jenna hit him on his arm. "You are quite the big baby, but we don't have time, c'mon we have to find Tyler."


🌻1425 Words🌻
Just know
Everyone does deserve love
And so do you.
It may not be now
Yet be gracious when it comes
Don't take it for granted
Love it
Cherish it
Embrace it like a motherfucker
No one can tell u otherwise.
I love yalls

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