Chapter Eighteen

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T/W: Abuse, Blood and Homophobic Slurs

Also, sorry for this chapter. Nothing nad happens in the story, it's just that I feel like it's so horribly written. But what can I say, when I wrote this, it was like in the beginning of the year and nowadays, I feel my writing is so much better. I would change the whole story but I just don't have the time anymore. RIV

"Get over here you ungrateful son of a bitch." he heard as his father took long strides towards him. He didn't know what else to do, or what was to come. But he felt confident towards the man, as if her had the higher hand. "N-no dad, get away from me." he yell. He turned back to the phone, "I love you Josh." The phone was then yanked out of his hand and set it on the dialer harshly.

"Get Up!" he yelled as spit flew to his face. Tyler stood slowly and started to make a run for it, yet felt his father's hand wrapped around his small wrist. He yelped at the harshness that began to burn at the area and tears burned at his eyes. "Get off of me." Instead if responding, his father landed a hard slap to his cheek sending him to the ground.

"Who the fuck did you call?" his father bellowed. Tyler still felt he had the higher hand. "The only person who where seemed to love me in this forsaken world." He then stood up and pushed at his father's chest, "You know the person that loves me for who I am. The person who can kiss me whenever the fuck he wants. The person who I belong with. My fucking boyfriend that's who I called."

"You fucking fag. You disgrace!" he yelled landing a fist to his left jaw. Tyler fell to the ground, he right wrist falling badly causing it to seem as if it were fractured now. "Shit," he muttered, but he stood back up. And stomped his foot down. "You can't keep fucking treating me like this dammit. I am not a teenager anymore. I'm fucking 23 you dumb drunk fuck. And i want to leave right now!" He quickly turned and ran for the door.

He ran down the stairs and to the kitchen when he realized his father was right behind him. He went to grab at a knife and held it outward pointing now at his father's chest. His father stopped and raised his hands up in surrender. "You know, yo'reall ar'fucking stupid. You'll never be a'man. You'll just be som'dumb fairy boy." his father slurred. Tyler started to add pressure to the knife, "Keep talking dad, it's motivating for me to actually kill your ass right here right now."

His father grew a cheeky smile, then a blade sliced into Tyler's side, he let out a heartbreaking scream, he fell to the floor holding onto his side. "Tyler!" was screamed throughout the house. His father and mother looked at each other worriedly. "Tyler, baby where are you?" Josh said.

He walked more into the house and was greeted by a drunk man in a suit and his wife in the kitchen. "Who the hell are you, and what are you doing in my house?" said the drunk. Josh looked at them both, able to see the stern yet fearing looks the two held. He watched as the lady fidgeted with her fingers and the man shuffle from foot to foot. In the 6 years of abusing Tyler, they've never been caught and don't know how to deal with it.

"Where is Tyler Joseph?" Josh asked. The small man whimpered from behind the counter yet his father coughed and pressed his food against the wound, a sign for him to stay silent. "What was that?" he asked. They both shrugged and Josh took a step forward into the kitchen. He was able to see the island and on the side the two people weren't on, Josh could see Tyler's bloodied fingers tapping on the tiled floor. His breath was caught on his throat.

Josh walked slowly towards the counter watching the two monsters who stood on the other side. "Let him go." The father looked at his wife and had the expression of 'what now' but Josh didn't care anymore. He wrapped around the counter punching the man to the ground and just pushing the lady to the ground to come beside Tyler who was now in a puddle of blood. Josh slowly and carefully picked up the small boy and held him close.

"I swear on my right hand, if either of you come near Tyler again, or even think about him. I will take care of you my damned self. You both might want to watch each other's backs. You're gonna need it." Josh spatted and carefully walked out of the house. He had already hit the man so he shook his head when Brendon came to take Tyler. He opened the door and Josh carefully slid in.

Jenna, Brendon, and dallon sat on one side as Josh had Tyler's stomach rest against his lap so he could inspect the injury. And it was too bad, they had to go to the hospital. "Jen, I know you could fix him, but he needs the hospital. Look at the other bruises," he said and watched as Jenna nodded. "Barret. Hospital. Now." he ordered and the car sped off. Josh looked down at the chocolate locks he missed and skimmed his hands through them. "Joshie, I smell you. Is that really you?" Tyler asked through tired lips. He wanted to sleep, he felt so weak at the moment.

"Quiet, baby. It's alright. Don't worry, I will see you tomorrow. Alright?" Josh told the younger. Tyler nodded and said, "Alright, goodnight Joshie. I hope you come and save me, like you always promised." Josh didn't know how to feel at Tyler's statement. Was he also picturing Josh at night? Josh was so shocked that he didn't even realize Tyler had fell asleep. His breathing was regular so he didn't panic.

The vehicle stopped and Josh carefully pulled the younger out of the car and took him inside. "Can you please help him? He's unconscious and bruised and has a wound on his side and I need help." Josh pleaded the nurse. He watched as the nurse yelled, "Help! Code White!" and seen the hospital bed come in his direction. He laid Tyler on it, kissing his head and watched as he went in the back.

The four of them then sat in the sitting room, and waited.


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