Chapter Twenty Two

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"Joshie! When can we take them out?" Tyler whined. "Baby we just put them in. We have 10 minutes til they could be taken out, alright?" Tyler whined some more. He then put his hand into a container that held the flour, his hand now covered in white powder. He went behind Josh when he wasn't looking and slapped him on the ass.

Josh shot his head up from setting the timer and set it on the counter. His body was stiff and face flushed with embarrassment. He slowly turned to Tyler who had a smiled etched onto his face and walked towards him. "Excuse me, but Mr. Joseph, what the hell was that?" Tyler giggled, "Gave ya a little spanking yes I did." Tyler looped his body carefully to look at josh's rear end and seen the small hand print of flour on his ass.

"And it looks like I got you good." Tyler smirked. Josh's eyes furrowed. "I swear Tyler, if you weren't injured, I would have you across my lap." Josh said through gritted teeth. Tyler's eyes widened with lust and he pressed himself closer to Josh. "C'mon Josh, do it then." Josh carefully wrapped his arm around Tyler's waist and smiled widely when his own hand was covered in flour and rubbed it across Tyler's face.

Josh sent himself into a fit of laughter as Tyler sat there his face covered in powder. "Joshie! You got it in my eye!" He yelled and made Josh fall to the ground holding onto the side of his body. Tyler went to the peanut butter they used for the cookies and smeared it across Josh's face. "Ha!" he yelled and Josh licked his lips in attempt to eat the peanut butter. Tyler watched as his tongue swiveled and moved around with wide eyes.

He went to Josh and sat on his lap taking his face into his small hands and pulling his face closer to his own and sucking the peanut butter off his cheek. Josh grabbed his hips and kissed his lips, the taste of peanut butter and sweet hershey kisses, that Josh had sneaked a few minutes ago, sent them into a whole new simulation of love. Tyler has been wanting Josh since the plane ride, his need to love him was at a high rate, yet Josh pushed the younger off him and stood.

"Joshie, please. It's like you don't even love me anymore and it scares the shit of me!" Tyler yelled. Josh stopped walking and turned towards Tyler, "You take that back right now. You know better to ever think that! Of course I love you, I always have and always will but we haven't helped you yet. And I know you're going to say that you feel better and that you don't need me to wait on you to get better. But babe, we haven't even started, alright. We are talking after we are done cleaning the kitchen and taking a shower."

Tyler bowed his head down, "A shower together?" Tyler asked with raised eyebrows. Hope glimmered in them and Josh knew not to say no. Before Tyler was taken, the last time Josh had taken a shower by himself was before he got comfortable with his boy and started taking showers with him. Four years ago and it felt so much lesser when Tyler was gone and Josh had to go in on his own. "Yes, we will take a shower together. But," he pointed his finger at Tyler's nose, "no funny business." Josh stated then added a boop when his finger touched the tip of his nose.

Tyler licked the finger and Josh smiled and gave him a sweet kiss. The bell rung and Tyler rushed over to get the cookies out but was pulled back by Josh and given hand mittens. He reached for the cookies again and placed them on the clean part of the counter, grabbing 6 hershey kisses each and placing them atop the soft warm cookies. They let them cool and put them on a plate, each taking one and feeding it to each other. They smiled and Josh wrapped his arm, around Tyler kissing his cheek, "C'mon, baby we have to clean up."

Tyler chose to clean up the ingredients, putting them back in coverts and refrigerator, while Josh tended to wiping the counters and floors down from melted butter and thrown flour. The kitchen looked spotless and a plate of 4 cookies sat atop it. The couple went up the stair stripping and throwing it into the hamper and getting ready for a shower. After a few minutes of washing away the peanut butter, flour and and other sticky ingredients, and a few minutes of Tyler trying to get Josh to fuck him they were both out and drying themselves.

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