Chapter Nineteen

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Josh was sat beside Tyler's holding his hand and kissing it with each passing minute. The clock ticked in the back off his mind and he pleaded for him to wake up soon. "Josh we have been in this hospital for three days. We need clothes and desperate of a shower." Jenna said. But Josh waved his hand, "Barret can give you all a ride to the jet pad and I'll call Charlie to tell him to take you home and come back, and I'll get Clyde to take you all to your own homes."

"No, Josh, that's not what I am saying." jenna said. Josh reached into his pocket for his wallet for his credit card to give them, "Here. Rent a hotel and get some clothes and take your showers all of you." Josh said. Jenna slapped card away, "Josh we need you to snap out of it, he will be fine. Overall I'm saying you need to take a breather." Josh only shook his head.

"So stubborn." Jenna muttered. But Josh said nothing, he was just looking at his baby. His broken boy and how he had failed him. He kissed his hand once again and continued holding it. Josh looked at the scars scattered on his small body. The still red wrists, the purple and red hue that covers his left and right cheeks. The busted lip, that was once swollen has gone down but not fully healed. And that large bandage that is wrapped around his body 10 times.

"I'm so sorry, Babyboy." Josh whispered. His warm breath and tears tickled against Tyler's hand. And he felt the smaller hands thumb rub against his own. Josh watched at how the hand was starting to move and beautiful brown orbs of eyes were starting to flutter open. Josh smiled widely and started waving his free hand at Brendon and Dallon. "Brendon, get a doctor. Dallon, go down stairs and get the duffel bag."

Tyler's eyes were fully open now. He looked left at the hospital window, then right at the most beautiful face. He smiled widely and Josh reciprocated. "Joshie, is that really you?" Josh nodded and kept shaking his head. Tyler's tears started to fall down his cheeks. After weeks of picturing him near him, faintly holding his body. He was now actually here able to do that. "Joshie, please hug me." Josh slowly raised and carefully wrap his arms around Tyler's waist as Tyler wrapped his around Josh's neck in a warm hug that he thought would never happen again.

"Joshie, I thought I would never see you. I thought I would have to fight on my own. I thought I was gonna have to run again. I don't even know how I ended up in Ohio the first time. And then he started to hit me and I thought I wouldn't be able to leave. I thought I was going to die there. Then I pictured hearing your voice. And lastly I was hoping it was all a dream, because I knew I would die. You told me to sleep, and I didn't know whether it was real or not and I just missed you so much."

"Tyler baby, I am so sorry it took me so long. I am so sorry I left you for those weeks. I am so sorry I failed you okay. I am sorry." Josh repeated himself and still kept his hold on his baby. Brendon came back in with the doctor following and Dallon behind them with the Duffel. Josh removed himself from Tyler when he felt as if he was being glared at by the doctor. So he chose to glare back him, not caring for the consequences.

"Mr. Joseph," he started. "Good to see you're awake. Just want to ask a couple questions about your mental state, your injuries and what we could to help you out in the long run." Tyler nodded. "How are you feeling?" Tyler shrugged, "Uhm from one to ten, feeling pretty good of a 7. And uhm, pain wise is about a 9. But then again I just woke up so everything hurts." At this Josh's head perked up. "Oh my-, Baby did I hurt you?"

Tyler giggled, "No Joshie, you're fine. You made me feel better." Tyler smiled and Josh couldn't help but smile also. "Mr. Joseph, cause of injuries." tyler shifted, figuring out how to put his words, "During my visit back to my parents, for about a week I was locked in my room, and the first day I was hit by my mother and father, and then this was yesterday, my father had hit me and wrung my wrist and my mother stabbed me when I held a knife to my father chest out of self defence."

"Baby, that was three days ago, you've been asleep for a while." Tyler's eyebrows raised, "Really? Wow. So three days ago." The doctor nodded. "Is this the first time of abuse?" Tyler shifted in in his bed. He looked Josh in the eyes and back to the doctor. It was the first time Josh will hear about Tyler's abuse in depth. Josh knew he was abused, but didn't know how. Tyler would never tell.

"No Sir, it was not." The doctor nodded. "Are you willing to tell what happened or what must've caused the abuse to start?" Tyler nodded and took a deep breath. "In the house, there were times that we had to follow. You had the usual childhood and everything and once you hit 13. Everything changes. You start doing chores and you are expected to do more. It didn't matter to me though. But then I came out to my parents at 16 and they left for 2 weeks. I think they went to Cuba. But when they came back, the first thing my dad did was slap upside the face and asked for a glass of whiskey. I dealt with that for about 2 years."

"What happened? Did it stop?" the doctor asked. Tyler shook his head. "I ran away. And it was the best decision of my life," he said looking into Josh's eyes. A sad smile drew on Josh's lips and Tyler turned his attention back to the doctor. "Mr. Joseph, I'm proud of you for getting out of that. I will prescribe you some medication. The stitching will fall out when they are ready, so don't pick at them. Everything will heal well, and you are free to go." the doctor said handing Josh a slip with medication prescription on it.

The doctor left and so did the three when Tyler said he needed to change. "I bought you some clothes from home." Tyler excitedly clapped his hands and smiled widely. "Thank you so much. Wearing those damned skinny jeans and button ups were not my thing, Joshie." Tyler slowly got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom, Josh following the duffel in hand. "Can you help me, Joshie."

Josh smiled, "Of course." Josh turned his body and unlooped the ties of his hospital gown and it dropped around his ankles. Tyler kicked them away as Josh dug into the bag for lace panties. "One leg," Tyler lifted one, "now the other ," and Tyler obeyed. Josh slid the panties up his legs that have become prickly over the weeks. He wrapped the lace around his hips and bum. He looked up at Tyler's face and smiled gently.

He went back to the bag to pull out the long sleeve black crop top and gray skirt that matches his own sweaty, wrinkled gray shirt. Tyler raised his arm, the soft fabric wrapping around his torso. He set back down on his knees and lifted the skater skirt up his baby's legs. He took a step back and looked at his beautiful boy, as if the bruise never shifted him of his beauty. He went back to the back and pulled out black converses, setting it on his feet and tying his shoes.

"Thank you, Daddy." Tyler said, smiling up at the tall man. Josh gently kissed his plump lips, grabbed the duffel bag and Tyler's hand, and walked out of the room. They pass the trio and they stand walking behind them. Tyler happy to see everyone, but ready to go home. Once they get into the car, they go to the jet pad, board the plane and Josh yanks Tyler to the back room that held a queen sized bed.

"Joshie, what are we doing here." Tyler asked. Josh started removing his clothes down to his boxers and Tyler felt as if he should do the same down to his laces. He carefully slid inside the bed and Josh cuddled close to the smaller. "Baby, I missed you so much. And I just want to lay here and sleep with you in my arms." Tyler smiled and lifted a finger to Josh's scruffy beard that was coming in. "I'm guessing you want me to shave that off?" josh asked sleepily. Tyler giggled, "yes please." And he watched as the older slept with a smile that he adored.


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