Chpater Seven

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"Marriage?" Dallon asked. "What marriage?" Tyler looked down at the man and raised an eyebrow. He turned to Josh who was in the dark, and seen he had the same confused look on his head. Tyler spoke to fill the silenced air, "Ryan and Brendon."

"Ryan Ross?" he questioned. Once Tyler nodded, Dallon's confusion went to pure rage. "That stupid fucker!" he yelled. "Who does he think he is?" Tyler quickly put the knife back on the table and dropped back into the darker part to hide behind Josh. His strong and seducing demeanor was gone.

Josh was already stood his arm given to the small boy for hiding, but he stood his ground. "Please sir, or one of you. Please tell me what he said. Please." Josh lifted his chin studying Dallon's face. It was full of truth and pleading and for once, Josh and Tyler knew they had made a mistake.

"Dallon, we will tell you what we know." Josh said. And Tyler instantly pulled at Josh's arm and got his attention. "Joshua you know better. We don't negotiate with the victim." Tyler whisper yelled. Josh looked back over at Dallon and his eyes met back with brown ones. "Tyler look, this man is already helpless. We have him and his details no matter what. But I think we should tell him. For if this whole thing is a lie, then we should let the person who is causing the problem to pay for it."

Tyler opened his mouth but quickly closed it when he realized that Josh had the right points. He turned to look at Dallon who was still staring at him and nodded. Josh grabbed the chair that did not contain restraints and pulled it into the light and sitting in it. Tyler followed and sat in his lap with his hands on his knees. He looked adorable but he had a permanent scowl on his face.

"Dallon, listen carefully, because I am not repeating." Josh said and watched as Dallon quickly nodded his head. "Yesterday we got a call from Ryan Ross asking for us to take care of business. He did not tell me who you were til this morning. And three hours later you were picked up and knocked out. You are here because we help get rid of the horrible people in this world. It is what we do."

"So you're mur-" Dallon said but was interrupted by Tyler. "We are not Murderers! There are horrible people out there who are fucking up other people's life and it surely pisses me the fuck off. So instead of dropping to my knees and pleading for a better life! I take their life into my own hands and get rid of it!"

Josh looked shocked from the outburst yet still rubbed circles at the younger's back. "Baby you good?" Tyler nodded. "Okay so I'm going to continue. You were bought here because you have been claimed to have an affair with a person who is married. And i was told that Ryan Ross is married to Brendon Urie."

"Mr. Urie? My boss? No he isn't. That man isn't married to anyone. And Ryan Ross is his secretary. My relationship with Mr. Urie is that I am his new assistant. I started last week!"

"Damn, Ryan must've been really ticked by your presence." Tyler muttered and Josh lightly chuckled at really nothing. It really wasn't that funny but Tyler's slight anger and sassiness was humorous to the older. "Why would he say he was his husband?" Dallon thought out loud.

"Its called obsession, Dallon." Tyler sassed. Dallon furrowed his eyebrows and Tyler rolled his, he was really starting get right pissed of with Dallon. "Dallon it's quite obvious that Ryan is head over heels and when he sees that you are in and more communicative with the Brendon, he gets jealous and will try everything and anything as far as finding us and get rid of problems."

"Rid of problems? I'm a problem?" he nearly screeched. "Oh my gosh, Dallon how could you be so stupid." Tyler turned to Josh. "Daddy what are we doing with him?" he asked. Josh thought for a moment. He couldn't kill him, there was no valid reason to. And he wasn't very uncomfortable just setting him out. Also there was him returning to work tomorrow and then having to deal with Ryan.

"Shit, Baby. You're not gonna like it." Tyler raised an eyebrow in a questioning manner. Josh nodded his head as motivation, telling the boy to think a little harder about the choice they have right now. And really there aren't a lot of chances. Tyler looked back into Josh's eyes and he narrowed his own. "No." he said.

"Now Tyler, you know we don't have any other choice." Tyler kept shaking his head. "Josh, do you know what danger we could put ourselves in if he finds out about where our home is located." Josh nodded knowing that this was a risky move. "We can put him unconscious and make sure he is asleep before we leave to go home. Sound like a plan?"

Tyler's eyes were still narrowed at the man, "Fine, I'll do this because I love you. I will go get the chloroform. But under one condition." Josh smiled, "And that is?" Tyler smiled deviously, "You still fuck me as if there is no one else is there." Josh kissed the small boy, sending his tongue through his lips. Josh quickly squeezed at the man's plump ass and pulled away, "Baby I wasn't planning on changing those plans."

Tyler got up and went to the closet. He got a rag and a glass bottle, pouring its contents on the rag. He went to Dallon and spoke to him, "Now dallon, we are doing this for our own protection. We really don't want you to see where we live. We are going to drug you and when you wake up, most likely you will be laying in a bed. Please, stay there, because we have a lot to talk about in the morning to settle your "situation", cool?"


"Cool!" tyler set the rag over Dallon's lips and the ocean blue eyes were then covered by eyelids. Josh banged on the door and in came Clyde, Derek, and Philip. When they changed their plans, Josh called for the men to wait by the door. The three men took the restraints off of dallon and picked him up to take him to the vehicle.

Josh picked Tyler up, the smallers legs wrapping around the waist. Tyler squealed and grabbed at the blood red button up accompanying Josh's body. He brought the tall man into a kiss, and Josh walked them out the warehouse too the back seat of the car, never separating lips. Once in the car though, they couldn't continue with their session for tyler felt unease about the fact of Dallon knocked out in the back seat with them, in his underwear. So he continued sitting in the man's lap on the ride home.


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